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* $Header: /cvshome/build/org.osgi.service.http/src/org/osgi/service/http/,v 1.13 2006/07/12 21:22:13 hargrave Exp $
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2000, 2006). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.osgi.service.http;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
* The Http Service allows other bundles in the OSGi environment to dynamically
* register resources and servlets into the URI namespace of Http Service. A
* bundle may later unregister its resources or servlets.
* @version $Revision: 1.13 $
* @see HttpContext
public interface HttpService {
* Registers a servlet into the URI namespace.
* <p>
* The alias is the name in the URI namespace of the Http Service at which
* the registration will be mapped.
* <p>
* An alias must begin with slash ('/') and must not end with slash ('/'),
* with the exception that an alias of the form &quot;/&quot; is used to
* denote the root alias. See the specification text for details on how HTTP
* requests are mapped to servlet and resource registrations.
* <p>
* The Http Service will call the servlet's <code>init</code> method before
* returning.
* <pre>
* httpService.registerServlet(&quot;/myservlet&quot;, servlet, initparams, context);
* </pre>
* <p>
* Servlets registered with the same <code>HttpContext</code> object will
* share the same <code>ServletContext</code>. The Http Service will call the
* <code>context</code> argument to support the <code>ServletContext</code>
* methods <code>getResource</code>,<code>getResourceAsStream</code> and
* <code>getMimeType</code>, and to handle security for requests. If the
* <code>context</code> argument is <code>null</code>, a default
* <code>HttpContext</code> object is used (see
* {@link #createDefaultHttpContext}).
* @param alias name in the URI namespace at which the servlet is registered
* @param servlet the servlet object to register
* @param initparams initialization arguments for the servlet or
* <code>null</code> if there are none. This argument is used by the
* servlet's <code>ServletConfig</code> object.
* @param context the <code>HttpContext</code> object for the registered
* servlet, or <code>null</code> if a default <code>HttpContext</code> is
* to be created and used.
* @throws NamespaceException if the registration fails because the alias
* is already in use.
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException if the servlet's <code>init</code>
* method throws an exception, or the given servlet object has
* already been registered at a different alias.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if any of the arguments are
* invalid
public void registerServlet(String alias, Servlet servlet,
Dictionary initparams, HttpContext context)
throws ServletException, NamespaceException;
* Registers resources into the URI namespace.
* <p>
* The alias is the name in the URI namespace of the Http Service at which
* the registration will be mapped. An alias must begin with slash ('/') and
* must not end with slash ('/'), with the exception that an alias of the
* form &quot;/&quot; is used to denote the root alias. The name parameter
* must also not end with slash ('/'). See the specification text for
* details on how HTTP requests are mapped to servlet and resource
* registrations.
* <p>
* For example, suppose the resource name /tmp is registered to the alias
* /files. A request for /files/foo.txt will map to the resource name
* /tmp/foo.txt.
* <pre>
* httpservice.registerResources(&quot;/files&quot;, &quot;/tmp&quot;, context);
* </pre>
* The Http Service will call the <code>HttpContext</code> argument to map
* resource names to URLs and MIME types and to handle security for
* requests. If the <code>HttpContext</code> argument is <code>null</code>, a
* default <code>HttpContext</code> is used (see
* {@link #createDefaultHttpContext}).
* @param alias name in the URI namespace at which the resources are
* registered
* @param name the base name of the resources that will be registered
* @param context the <code>HttpContext</code> object for the registered
* resources, or <code>null</code> if a default <code>HttpContext</code>
* is to be created and used.
* @throws NamespaceException if the registration fails because the alias
* is already in use.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if any of the parameters
* are invalid
public void registerResources(String alias, String name,
HttpContext context) throws NamespaceException;
* Unregisters a previous registration done by <code>registerServlet</code> or
* <code>registerResources</code> methods.
* <p>
* After this call, the registered alias in the URI name-space will no
* longer be available. If the registration was for a servlet, the Http
* Service must call the <code>destroy</code> method of the servlet before
* returning.
* <p>
* If the bundle which performed the registration is stopped or otherwise
* "unget"s the Http Service without calling {@link #unregister} then Http
* Service must automatically unregister the registration. However, if the
* registration was for a servlet, the <code>destroy</code> method of the
* servlet will not be called in this case since the bundle may be stopped.
* {@link #unregister} must be explicitly called to cause the
* <code>destroy</code> method of the servlet to be called. This can be done
* in the <code>BundleActivator.stop</code> method of the
* bundle registering the servlet.
* @param alias name in the URI name-space of the registration to unregister
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there is no registration
* for the alias or the calling bundle was not the bundle which
* registered the alias.
public void unregister(String alias);
* Creates a default <code>HttpContext</code> for registering servlets or
* resources with the HttpService, a new <code>HttpContext</code> object is
* created each time this method is called.
* <p>
* The behavior of the methods on the default <code>HttpContext</code> is
* defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li><code>getMimeType</code>- Does not define any customized MIME types
* for the Content-Type header in the response, and always returns
* <code>null</code>.
* <li><code>handleSecurity</code>- Performs implementation-defined
* authentication on the request.
* <li><code>getResource</code>- Assumes the named resource is in the
* context bundle; this method calls the context bundle's
* <code>Bundle.getResource</code> method, and returns the appropriate URL to
* access the resource. On a Java runtime environment that supports
* permissions, the Http Service needs to be granted
* <code>org.osgi.framework.AdminPermission[*,RESOURCE]</code>.
* </ul>
* @return a default <code>HttpContext</code> object.
* @since 1.1
public HttpContext createDefaultHttpContext();