blob: d3206f8e4885c0091088c4279b521a28f201f68b [file] [log] [blame]
* $Header: /cvshome/build/,v 1.11 2006/06/16 16:31:28 hargrave Exp $
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2001, 2006). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Dictionary;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
* A service interface for processing configuration dictionary before the
* update.
* <p>
* A bundle registers a <code>ConfigurationPlugin</code> object in order to
* process configuration updates before they reach the Managed Service or
* Managed Service Factory. The Configuration Admin service will detect
* registrations of Configuration Plugin services and must call these services
* every time before it calls the <code>ManagedService</code> or
* <code>ManagedServiceFactory</code>
* <code>updated</code> method. The
* Configuration Plugin service thus has the opportunity to view and modify the
* properties before they are passed to the ManagedS ervice or Managed Service
* Factory.
* <p>
* Configuration Plugin (plugin) services have full read/write access to all
* configuration information. Therefore, bundles using this facility should be
* trusted. Access to this facility should be limited with
* <code>ServicePermission[ConfigurationPlugin,REGISTER]</code>.
* Implementations of a Configuration Plugin service should assure that they
* only act on appropriate configurations.
* <p>
* The <code>Integer</code> <code>service.cmRanking</code> registration
* property may be specified. Not specifying this registration property, or
* setting it to something other than an <code>Integer</code>, is the same as
* setting it to the <code>Integer</code> zero. The
* <code>service.cmRanking</code> property determines the order in which
* plugins are invoked. Lower ranked plugins are called before higher ranked
* ones. In the event of more than one plugin having the same value of
* <code>service.cmRanking</code>, then the Configuration Admin service
* arbitrarily chooses the order in which they are called.
* <p>
* By convention, plugins with <code>service.cmRanking&lt; 0</code> or
* <code>service.cmRanking &gt; 1000</code> should not make modifications to
* the properties.
* <p>
* The Configuration Admin service has the right to hide properties from
* plugins, or to ignore some or all the changes that they make. This might be
* done for security reasons. Any such behavior is entirely implementation
* defined.
* <p>
* A plugin may optionally specify a <code></code> registration
* property whose value is the PID of the Managed Service or Managed Service
* Factory whose configuration updates the plugin is intended to intercept. The
* plugin will then only be called with configuration updates that are targetted
* at the Managed Service or Managed Service Factory with the specified PID.
* Omitting the <code></code> registration property means that the
* plugin is called for all configuration updates.
* @version $Revision: 1.11 $
public interface ConfigurationPlugin {
* A service property to limit the Managed Service or Managed Service
* Factory configuration dictionaries a Configuration Plugin service
* receives.
* This property contains a <code>String[]</code> of PIDs. A Configuration
* Admin service must call a Configuration Plugin service only when this
* property is not set, or the target service's PID is listed in this
* property.
public static final String CM_TARGET = "";
* A service property to specify the order in which plugins are invoked.
* This property contains an <code>Integer</code> ranking of the plugin.
* Not specifying this registration property, or setting it to something
* other than an <code>Integer</code>, is the same as setting it to the
* <code>Integer</code> zero. This property determines the order in which
* plugins are invoked. Lower ranked plugins are called before higher ranked
* ones.
* @since 1.2
public static final String CM_RANKING = "service.cmRanking";
* View and possibly modify the a set of configuration properties before
* they are sent to the Managed Service or the Managed Service Factory. The
* Configuration Plugin services are called in increasing order of their
* <code>service.cmRanking</code> property. If this property is undefined
* or is a non- <code>Integer</code> type, 0 is used.
* <p>
* This method should not modify the properties unless the
* <code>service.cmRanking</code> of this plugin is in the range
* <code>0 &lt;= service.cmRanking &lt;= 1000</code>.
* <p>
* If this method throws any <code>Exception</code>, the Configuration
* Admin service must catch it and should log it.
* @param reference reference to the Managed Service or Managed Service
* Factory
* @param properties The configuration properties. This argument must not
* contain the "service.bundleLocation" property. The value of this
* property may be obtained from the
* <code>Configuration.getBundleLocation</code> method.
public void modifyConfiguration(ServiceReference reference,
Dictionary properties);