| Changes from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| * [FELIX-2943] - Component generated by @SlingServlet does not match default settings of @Component |
| * [FELIX-2939] - Maven SCR Plugin is not (marked as) thread-safe for parallel builds |
| Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| * [FELIX-2704] - @Property(cardinality=Integer.MAX_Int, ...) causes java.lang.NumberFormatException |
| * [FELIX-2753] - Support array of classes for @Service annotation |
| * [FELIX-2874] - Add new scopes to SlingFilter annotation and use new property names |
| * [FELIX-2838] - Allow classes to be specifed as values for the @Property annotation |
| * [FELIX-2863] - Warnings and error messages contain @scr.* if annotations are used |
| * [FELIX-2690] - Add changelog.txt to SCR/Metatype generation modules |