blob: bb7f2a38f7140688371ca308a61767549bcc0cba [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.ipojo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.ComponentDescription;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.PropertyDescription;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.metadata.Element;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.Logger;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
* The component factory manages component instance objects. This management
* consist in creating and managing component instance build with the component
* factory. This class could export Factory and ManagedServiceFactory services.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class ComponentFactory implements Factory, ManagedServiceFactory {
* List of the managed instance managers. The key of this hashmap is the
* name (i.e. pid) of the created instance
private HashMap m_componentInstances = new HashMap();
* List of the managed instance name. This list is shared by all factories.
private static List m_instancesName = new ArrayList();
* Ture if the component is a composition.
private boolean m_isComposite = false;
* The bundle context reference.
private BundleContext m_context = null;
* Component Implementation class.
private byte[] m_clazz = null;
* Component Implementation Class Name.
private String m_componentClassName = null;
* Composition Name.
private String m_typeName = null;
* Classloader to delegate loading.
private FactoryClassloader m_classLoader = null;
* Component Type provided by this factory. //TODO Should be keep this
* reference ?
private Element m_componentMetadata;
* Factory Name (i.e. Factory PID). Could be the component class name if the
* factory name is not set.
private String m_factoryName;
* Service Registration of this factory (Factory & ManagedServiceFactory).
private ServiceRegistration m_sr;
* Component-Type description exposed by the factory service.
private ComponentDescription m_componentDesc;
* Logger for the factory (and all component instance).
private Logger m_logger;
* Index used to generate instance name if not set.
private long m_index = 0;
* FactoryClassloader.
private class FactoryClassloader extends ClassLoader {
* Map of defined classes [Name, Class Object].
private HashMap m_definedClasses = new HashMap();
* load the class.
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean)
* @param name : the name of the class
* @param resolve : should be the class resolve now ?
* @return : the loaded class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException : the class to load is not found
protected synchronized Class loadClass(final String name, final boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return m_context.getBundle().loadClass(name);
* Return the URL of the asked ressource.
* @param arg : the name of the resource to find.
* @return the URL of the resource.
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResource(java.lang.String)
public URL getResource(String arg) {
return m_context.getBundle().getResource(arg);
* .
* @param arg : resource to find
* @return : the enumeration found
* @throws IOException : if the lookup failed.
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResources(java.lang.String)
public Enumeration getRessources(String arg) throws IOException {
return m_context.getBundle().getResources(arg);
* The defineClass method.
* @param name : name of the class
* @param b : the byte array of the class
* @param domain : the protection domain
* @return : the defined class.
* @throws Exception : if a problem is detected during the loading
public Class defineClass(String name, byte[] b, ProtectionDomain domain) throws Exception {
if (m_definedClasses.containsKey(name)) {
return (Class) m_definedClasses.get(name);
Class c = super.defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length, domain);
m_definedClasses.put(name, c);
return c;
* Return the bundle context.
* @return the Bundle Context.
protected BundleContext getBundleContext() {
return m_context;
protected String getComponentTypeName() {
return m_typeName;
* Get the implementation class of the component type.
* @return the name of the component-type implementation class.
protected String getComponentClassName() {
return m_componentClassName;
* Get the logger used by instances of he current factory.
* @return the factory logger.
public Logger getLogger() {
return m_logger;
* Create a instance manager factory.
* @param bc : bundle context
* @param cm : metadata of the component to create
public ComponentFactory(BundleContext bc, Element cm) {
m_context = bc;
m_componentMetadata = cm;
if (cm.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("composite")) {
m_componentClassName = null;
m_isComposite = true;
// Get the name
if (cm.containsAttribute("name")) {
m_typeName = cm.getAttribute("name");
} else {
System.err.println("A composite needs a name");
} else {
if (cm.containsAttribute("className")) {
m_componentClassName = cm.getAttribute("className");
} else {
System.err.println("A component needs a class name");
// Get the name
if (cm.containsAttribute("name")) {
m_typeName = cm.getAttribute("name");
if (m_typeName != null) {
m_logger = new Logger(m_context, m_typeName, Logger.WARNING);
} else {
m_logger = new Logger(m_context, m_componentClassName, Logger.WARNING);
* Compute the factory name.
private void computeFactoryName() {
if (m_componentMetadata.containsAttribute("factory")) {
if (m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("factory").equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
m_logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "'factory=no' is deprecated, Please use 'factory=false' instead of 'factory='no'");
m_factoryName = null;
if (m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("factory").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
m_factoryName = null;
if (m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("factory").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
if (m_typeName == null) { //m_typeName is necessary set for composite.
m_factoryName = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("className");
} else {
m_factoryName = m_typeName;
// factory is set with the factory name
m_factoryName = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("factory");
} else {
if (m_typeName == null) { //m_typeName is necessary set for composite.
m_factoryName = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("className");
} else {
m_factoryName = m_typeName;
* Create a instance manager factory. The class is given in parameter. The
* component type is not a composite.
* @param bc : bundle context
* @param clazz : the component class
* @param cm : metadata of the component
public ComponentFactory(BundleContext bc, byte[] clazz, Element cm) {
m_context = bc;
m_clazz = clazz;
m_componentClassName = cm.getAttribute("className");
m_componentMetadata = cm;
// Get the name
if (cm.containsAttribute("name")) {
m_typeName = cm.getAttribute("name");
m_logger = new Logger(m_context, m_typeName, Logger.WARNING);
} else {
m_logger = new Logger(m_context, m_componentClassName, Logger.WARNING);
* Stop all the instance managers.
public synchronized void stop() {
Collection col = m_componentInstances.values();
Iterator it = col.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ComponentInstance ci = (ComponentInstance);
if (ci.isStarted()) {
if (ci instanceof CompositeManager) {
((CompositeManager) ci).kill();
} else {
((InstanceManager) ci).kill();
if (m_sr != null) {
m_sr = null;
m_componentDesc = null;
* Start all the instance managers.
public synchronized void start() {
if (m_componentDesc != null) { // Already started.
Properties props = new Properties();
// create a ghost component
if (!m_isComposite) {
InstanceManager ghost = new InstanceManager(this, m_context);
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("name", "ghost");
ghost.configure(m_componentMetadata, p);
m_componentDesc = ghost.getComponentDescription();
} else {
CompositeManager ghost = new CompositeManager(this, m_context);
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("name", "ghost");
ghost.configure(m_componentMetadata, p);
m_componentDesc = ghost.getComponentDescription();
// Check if the factory should be exposed
if (m_factoryName == null) {
if (!m_isComposite) {
props.put("component.class", m_componentClassName);
} else {
props.put("component.class", "no implementation class");
props.put("", m_factoryName);
if (m_typeName != null) {
props.put("component.type", m_typeName);
props.put("component.providedServiceSpecifications", m_componentDesc.getprovidedServiceSpecification());
props.put("", m_componentDesc.getProperties());
props.put("component.description", m_componentDesc);
props.put("component.desc", m_componentDesc.toString());
// Add Factory PID to the component properties
props.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, m_factoryName);
// Exposition of the factory service
m_sr = m_context.registerService(new String[] { Factory.class.getName(), ManagedServiceFactory.class.getName() }, this, props);
* Callback called by instance when disposed.
* @param ci : the destroyed instance
protected synchronized void disposed(ComponentInstance ci) {
* Get the component type description attached to this factory.
* @return : the component type description
* @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.Factory#getComponentDescription()
public ComponentDescription getComponentDescription() {
return m_componentDesc;
* Load a class.
* @param className : name of the class to load
* @return the resulting Class object
* @throws ClassNotFoundException : happen when the class is not found
public Class loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (m_clazz != null && className.equals(m_componentClassName)) {
// Used the factory classloader to load the component implementation
// class
if (m_classLoader == null) {
m_classLoader = new FactoryClassloader();
try {
return m_classLoader.defineClass(m_componentClassName, m_clazz, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("[Bundle " + m_context.getBundle().getBundleId() + "] Cannot define the class : " + className, e);
return m_context.getBundle().loadClass(className);
* Define a class.
* @param name : qualified name of the class
* @param b : byte array of the class
* @param domain : protection domain of the class
* @return the defined class object
* @throws Exception : an exception occur during the definition
public Class defineClass(String name, byte[] b, ProtectionDomain domain) throws Exception {
if (m_classLoader == null) {
m_classLoader = new FactoryClassloader();
return m_classLoader.defineClass(name, b, domain);
* Return the URL of a resource.
* @param resName : resource name
* @return the URL of the resource
public URL getResource(String resName) {
return m_context.getBundle().getResource(resName);
* Create an instance. The given configuration needs to contain the 'name'
* property.
* @param configuration : configuration of the created instance.
* @return the created component instance.
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration : occurs if the given configuration is
* not consistent with the component type of this factory.
* @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.Factory#createComponentInstance(java.util.Dictionary)
public synchronized ComponentInstance createComponentInstance(Dictionary configuration) throws UnacceptableConfiguration {
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Properties();
try {
} catch (UnacceptableConfiguration e) {
m_logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "The configuration is not acceptable : " + e.getMessage());
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("The configuration " + configuration + " is not acceptable for " + m_factoryName + ": " + e);
String pid = null;
if (configuration.get("name") != null) {
pid = (String) configuration.get("name");
} else {
pid = generateName();
configuration.put("name", pid);
if (m_instancesName.contains(pid)) {
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("Name already used : " + pid);
} else {
IPojoContext context = new IPojoContext(m_context);
ComponentInstance instance = null;
if (!m_isComposite) {
InstanceManager inst = new InstanceManager(this, context);
inst.configure(m_componentMetadata, configuration);
instance = inst;
} else {
CompositeManager inst = new CompositeManager(this, context);
inst.configure(m_componentMetadata, configuration);
instance = inst;
m_componentInstances.put(pid, instance);
return instance;
* Create an instance. The given configuration needs to contain the 'name'
* property.
* @param configuration : configuration of the created instance.
* @param serviceContext : the service context to push for this instance.
* @return the created component instance.
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration : occurs if the given configuration is
* not consistent with the component type of this factory.
* @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.Factory#createComponentInstance(java.util.Dictionary)
public ComponentInstance createComponentInstance(Dictionary configuration, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws UnacceptableConfiguration {
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Properties();
try {
} catch (UnacceptableConfiguration e) {
m_logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "The configuration is not acceptable : " + e.getMessage());
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("The configuration " + configuration + " is not acceptable for " + m_factoryName + ": " + e.getMessage());
String pid = null;
if (configuration.get("name") != null) {
pid = (String) configuration.get("name");
} else {
pid = generateName();
configuration.put("name", pid);
if (m_instancesName.contains(pid)) {
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("Name already used : " + pid);
} else {
IPojoContext context = new IPojoContext(m_context, serviceContext);
ComponentInstance instance = null;
if (!m_isComposite) {
InstanceManager inst = new InstanceManager(this, context);
inst.configure(m_componentMetadata, configuration);
instance = inst;
} else {
CompositeManager inst = new CompositeManager(this, context);
inst.configure(m_componentMetadata, configuration);
instance = inst;
m_componentInstances.put(pid, instance);
return instance;
* Delete an instance.
* @param pid : name of the instance to delete
* @see
public synchronized void deleted(String pid) {
InstanceManager cm = (InstanceManager) m_componentInstances.remove(pid);
if (cm == null) {
return; // do nothing, the component does not exist !
} else {
* Get the name of this factory.
* @return the name of this factory
* @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.Factory#getName()
public String getName() {
if (m_factoryName != null) {
return m_factoryName;
} else if (m_typeName != null) {
return m_typeName;
} else {
return m_componentClassName;
* Create of update an instance.
* @param pid : name of the instance
* @param properties : configuration of the instance
* @throws ConfigurationException : if the configuration is not consistent
* for this component type
* @see,
* java.util.Dictionary)
public synchronized void updated(String pid, Dictionary properties) throws ConfigurationException {
InstanceManager cm = (InstanceManager) m_componentInstances.get(pid);
if (cm == null) {
try {
properties.put("name", pid); // Add the name in the configuration
} catch (UnacceptableConfiguration e) {
m_logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "The configuration is not acceptable : " + e.getMessage());
throw new ConfigurationException(properties.toString(), e.getMessage());
} else {
try {
properties.put("name", pid); // Add the name in the configuration
checkAcceptability(properties); // Test if the configuration is acceptable
} catch (UnacceptableConfiguration e) {
m_logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "The configuration is not acceptable : " + e.getMessage());
throw new ConfigurationException(properties.toString(), e.getMessage());
cm.reconfigure(properties); // re-configure the component
* Check if the given configuration is acceptable as a component instance
* configuration. This method checks that if all the configurable properties
* have a value.
* @param conf : the configuration to check
* @return true when the configuration seems to be acceptable
public boolean isAcceptable(Dictionary conf) {
PropertyDescription[] props = m_componentDesc.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
PropertyDescription pd = props[i];
// Failed if the props has no default value and the configuration
// does not push a value
if (pd.getValue() == null && conf.get(pd.getName()) == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Test is a configuration is acceptable for the factory.
* @param conf : the configuration to test.
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration : the configuration is not acceptable.
private void checkAcceptability(Dictionary conf) throws UnacceptableConfiguration {
PropertyDescription[] props = m_componentDesc.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
PropertyDescription pd = props[i];
// Failed if the props has no default value and the configuration
// does not push a value
if (pd.getValue() == null && conf.get(pd.getName()) == null) {
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("The configuration does not contains the \"" + pd.getName() + "\" property");
* Reconfigure an existing instance.
* @param properties : the new configuration to push.
* @throws UnacceptableConfiguration : occurs if the new configuration is
* not consistent with the component type.
* @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.Factory#reconfigure(java.util.Dictionary)
public void reconfigure(Dictionary properties) throws UnacceptableConfiguration {
if (properties == null || properties.get("name") == null) {
throw new UnacceptableConfiguration("The configuration does not contains the \"name\" property");
String name = (String) properties.get("name");
ComponentInstance cm = null;
if (m_isComposite) {
cm = (CompositeManager) m_componentInstances.get(name);
} else {
cm = (InstanceManager) m_componentInstances.get(name);
if (cm == null) {
return; // The instance does not exist.
} else {
checkAcceptability(properties); // Test if the configuration is acceptable
cm.reconfigure(properties); // re-configure the component
* Generate an instance name.
* @return an non already used name
private synchronized String generateName() {
String name = getName() + "-" + m_index;
while (m_instancesName.contains(name)) {
m_index = m_index + 1;
name = getName() + "-" + m_index;
return name;