blob: 3b2106adc6b643d5e49a9928e6393f8e50fee3d4 [file] [log] [blame]
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
function renderData(/* Object[] */ files) {
$("#plugin_table > tbody > tr").remove();
var tbody = $("#plugin_table > tbody");
for ( var idx in files ) {
var dumpFile = files[idx];
var trElement = tr( null, { id: "entry" + } );
entryInternal( trElement, dumpFile );
function entryInternal( /* Element */ parent, /* Object */ dumpFile ) {
var name =;
var date = new Date(;
var size = dumpFile.size.toLocaleString();
var titleElement = createElement ("a", null, {
href: window.location.pathname + "/" + name
var zipDL = createElement ("a", null, {
href: window.location.pathname + "/" + name + ".zip"
var liElement = createElement( "li", "dynhover ui-state-default ui-corner-all", {
title: "${dump.remove}"
var ulElement = createElement( "ul", "icons ui-widget", null, [
parent.appendChild( td( null, null, [ titleElement, text(" "), zipDL ] ) );
parent.appendChild( td( null, null, [ text( date ) ] ) );
parent.appendChild( td( null, null, [ text( size ) ] ) );
parent.appendChild( td( null, null, [ ulElement ] ) );
.html('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash"></span>')
.click(function() {
$.post(window.location.pathname + "/" + name,
{ "X-Request-Method": "DELETE" },
function(data) {
Xalert( data, "${dump.remove}" );
window.location = window.location;
function renderOverall(/* Object */ overall) {
var tbody = $("#overview > tbody");
for ( var idx in overall ) {
var trElement = tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [ text( idx ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( overall[idx] ) ] )
function renderPools(/* Object[] */ pools) {
var tbody = $("#pools > tbody").empty();
for ( var idx = 0; idx < pools.length; idx++ ) {
var pool = pools[idx];
var trElement = tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [ text( ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.score ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.used ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.committed ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.max ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.init ) ] ),
td( null, null, [ text( pool.type ) ] ),
// append to body (unless last row append to tfoot)
if (idx < pools.length - 1) {
} else {
$("#pools > tfoot").empty().append(trElement);
var __files__ = ${__files__};
var __status__ = ${__status__};
var __overall__ = ${__overall__};
var __pools__ = ${__pools__};
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".statline").html("${dump.statline}".msgFormat(__status__[0].toLocaleString(), __status__[1].toLocaleString()));
// check for cookie
var cv = $.cookies.get("webconsole.memusage");
var lo = (cv ? cv.split(",") : [1,0]);
var poolsTable = $("#pools").tablesorter({
headers: {
1: { sorter:"digit" },
2: { sorter:"digit" },
3: { sorter:"digit" },
4: { sorter:"digit" },
5: { sorter:"digit" },
// textExtraction:mixedLinksExtraction,
sortList: cv ? [lo] : false
}).bind("sortEnd", function() {
$.cookies.set("webconsole.memusage", poolsTable.sortList.toString());
.click(function() {
{ "command": "dump" },
function(data) {
Xalert( data, "${dump.dump}" );
window.location = window.location;
.click(function() {
{ "command": "gc" },
function(data) {
Xalert( data, "${dump.gc}" );
window.location = window.location;
// ]]>
<!-- status line -->
<p class="statline">&nbsp;</p>
<!-- top header -->
<div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-top buttonGroup">
<button type="button" id="dumpButton">${dump.dump}</button>
<button type="button" id="gcButton">${dump.gc}</button>
<table id="overview" class="nicetable">
<th colspan="2">${dump.overview}</th>
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="threshold" />
<input type="text" name="threshold" value="${__threshold__}" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="${dump.threshold.set}" />
<table id="pools" class="tablesorter nicetable noauto">
<th class="col_pool_name">${}</th>
<th class="col_pool_score">${dump.pools.score}</th>
<th class="col_pool_used">${dump.pools.used}</th>
<th class="col_pool_committed">${dump.pools.committed}</th>
<th class="col_pool_max">${dump.pools.max}</th>
<th class="col_pool_init">${dump.pools.init}</th>
<th class="col_pool_type">${dump.pools.type}</th>
<tr><td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tfoot class="ui-widget-header">
<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<table id="plugin_table" class="nicetable">
<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>