blob: 4d225782b522d5be09d9058ec194ef881b6a713f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.Activator;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.AbstractComponentManager;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.ExportedPackage;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin;
* Component method to be invoked on service (un)binding.
public class BindMethod extends BaseMethod
private static final Class OBJECT_CLASS = Object.class;
private final String m_referenceClassName;
public BindMethod( final AbstractComponentManager componentManager, final String methodName,
final Class componentClass, final String referenceClassName )
super( componentManager, methodName, componentClass );
m_referenceClassName = referenceClassName;
* Finds the method named in the {@link #m_methodName} field in the given
* <code>targetClass</code>. If the target class has no acceptable method
* the class hierarchy is traversed until a method is found or the root
* of the class hierarchy is reached without finding a method.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class or any super class.
* @throws InvocationTargetException If an unexpected Throwable is caught
* trying to find the requested method.
protected Method doFindMethod( Class targetClass, boolean acceptPrivate, boolean acceptPackage )
throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException, InvocationTargetException
// 112.3.1 The method is searched for using the following priority
// 1 - Service reference parameter
// 2 - Service object parameter
// 3 - Service interface assignement compatible methods
// 4 - same as 2, but with Map param (DS 1.1 only)
// 5 - same as 3, but with Map param (DS 1.1 only)
// flag indicating a suitable but inaccessible method has been found
boolean suitableMethodNotAccessible = false;
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"doFindMethod: Looking for method " + targetClass.getName() + "." + getMethodName(), null );
// Case 1 - Service reference parameter
Method method;
method = getServiceReferenceMethod( targetClass, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
if ( method != null )
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "doFindMethod: Found Method " + method, null );
return method;
catch ( SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException ex )
suitableMethodNotAccessible = true;
// for further methods we need the class of the service object
final Class parameterClass = getParameterClass( targetClass );
if ( parameterClass != null )
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"doFindMethod: No method taking ServiceReference found, checking method taking "
+ parameterClass.getName(), null );
// Case 2 - Service object parameter
method = getServiceObjectMethod( targetClass, parameterClass, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
if ( method != null )
return method;
catch ( SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException ex )
suitableMethodNotAccessible = true;
// Case 3 - Service interface assignement compatible methods
method = getServiceObjectAssignableMethod( targetClass, parameterClass, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
if ( method != null )
return method;
catch ( SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException ex )
suitableMethodNotAccessible = true;
// signatures taking a map are only supported starting with DS 1.1
if ( isDS11() )
// Case 4 - same as case 2, but + Map param (DS 1.1 only)
method = getServiceObjectWithMapMethod( targetClass, parameterClass, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
if ( method != null )
return method;
catch ( SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException ex )
suitableMethodNotAccessible = true;
// Case 5 - same as case 3, but + Map param (DS 1.1 only)
method = getServiceObjectAssignableWithMapMethod( targetClass, parameterClass, acceptPrivate,
acceptPackage );
if ( method != null )
return method;
catch ( SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException ex )
suitableMethodNotAccessible = true;
else if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_WARNING ) )
"doFindMethod: Cannot check for methods taking parameter class " + m_referenceClassName + ": "
+ targetClass.getName() + " does not see it", null );
// if at least one suitable method could be found but none of
// the suitable methods are accessible, we have to terminate
if ( suitableMethodNotAccessible )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_ERROR,
"doFindMethod: Suitable but non-accessible method found in class {0}", new Object[]
{ targetClass.getName() }, null );
throw new SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException();
// no method found
return null;
* Returns the class object representing the class of the service reference
* named by the {@link #m_referenceClassName} field. The class loader of
* the <code>targetClass</code> is used to load the service class.
* <p>
* It may well be possible, that the classloader of the target class cannot
* see the service object class, for example if the service reference is
* inherited from a component class of another bundle.
* @return The class object for the referred to service or <code>null</code>
* if the class loader of the <code>targetClass</code> cannot see that
* class.
private Class getParameterClass( final Class targetClass )
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"getParameterClass: Looking for interface class " + m_referenceClassName + "through loader of "
+ targetClass.getName(), null );
// need the class loader of the target class, which may be the
// system classloader, which case getClassLoader may retur null
ClassLoader loader = targetClass.getClassLoader();
if ( loader == null )
loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
final Class referenceClass = loader.loadClass( m_referenceClassName );
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: Found class " + referenceClass.getName(), null );
return referenceClass;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
// if we can't load the class, perhaps the method is declared in a
// super class so we try this class next
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: Not found through component class, using PackageAdmin service", null );
// try to load the class with the help of the PackageAdmin service
PackageAdmin pa = ( PackageAdmin ) Activator.getPackageAdmin();
if ( pa != null )
final String referenceClassPackage = m_referenceClassName.substring( 0, m_referenceClassName
.lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
ExportedPackage[] pkg = pa.getExportedPackages( referenceClassPackage );
if ( pkg != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < pkg.length; i++ )
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"getParameterClass: Checking Bundle " + pkg[i].getExportingBundle().getSymbolicName()
+ "/" + pkg[i].getExportingBundle().getBundleId(), null );
Class referenceClass = pkg[i].getExportingBundle().loadClass( m_referenceClassName );
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: Found class " + referenceClass.getName(), null );
return referenceClass;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
// exported package does not provide the interface !!!!
else if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: No bundles exporting package " + referenceClassPackage + " found ", null );
else if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: PackageAdmin service not available, cannot find class", null );
// class cannot be found, neither through the component nor from an
// export, so we fall back to assuming Object
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
"getParameterClass: No class found, falling back to class Object", null );
* Returns a method taking a single <code>ServiceReference</code> object
* as a parameter or <code>null</code> if no such method exists.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method. Only this
* class is searched for the method.
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class.
* @throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException If a suitable method was
* found which is not accessible
* @throws InvocationTargetException If an unexpected Throwable is caught
* trying to find the requested method.
private Method getServiceReferenceMethod( final Class targetClass, boolean acceptPrivate, boolean acceptPackage )
throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException, InvocationTargetException
return getMethod( targetClass, getMethodName(), new Class[]
{ SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS }, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
* Returns a method taking a single parameter of the exact type declared
* for the service reference or <code>null</code> if no such method exists.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method. Only this
* class is searched for the method.
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class.
* @throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException If a suitable method was
* found which is not accessible
* @throws InvocationTargetException If an unexpected Throwable is caught
* trying to find the requested method.
private Method getServiceObjectMethod( final Class targetClass, final Class parameterClass, boolean acceptPrivate,
boolean acceptPackage ) throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException, InvocationTargetException
return getMethod( targetClass, getMethodName(), new Class[]
{ parameterClass }, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
* Returns a method taking a single object whose type is assignment
* compatible with the declared service type or <code>null</code> if no
* such method exists.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method. Only this
* class is searched for the method.
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class.
* @throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException If a suitable method was
* found which is not accessible
private Method getServiceObjectAssignableMethod( final Class targetClass, final Class parameterClass,
boolean acceptPrivate, boolean acceptPackage ) throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException
// Get all potential bind methods
Method candidateBindMethods[] = targetClass.getDeclaredMethods();
boolean suitableNotAccessible = false;
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"getServiceObjectAssignableMethod: Checking " + candidateBindMethods.length
+ " declared method in class " + targetClass.getName(), null );
// Iterate over them
for ( int i = 0; i < candidateBindMethods.length; i++ )
Method method = candidateBindMethods[i];
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "getServiceObjectAssignableMethod: Checking " + method, null );
// Get the parameters for the current method
Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();
// Select only the methods that receive a single
// parameter
// and a matching name
if ( parameters.length == 1 && method.getName().equals( getMethodName() ) )
if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
getComponentManager().log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "getServiceObjectAssignableMethod: Considering " + method, null );
// Get the parameter type
final Class theParameter = parameters[0];
// Check if the parameter type is ServiceReference
// or is assignable from the type specified by the
// reference's interface attribute
if ( theParameter.isAssignableFrom( parameterClass ) )
if ( accept( method, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage, false ) )
return method;
// suitable method is not accessible, flag for exception
suitableNotAccessible = true;
else if ( getComponentManager().isLogEnabled( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ) )
"getServiceObjectAssignableMethod: Parameter failure: Required " + theParameter + "; actual "
+ parameterClass.getName(), null );
// if one or more suitable methods which are not accessible is/are
// found an exception is thrown
if ( suitableNotAccessible )
throw new SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException();
// no method with assignment compatible argument found
return null;
* Returns a method taking two parameters, the first being of the exact
* type declared for the service reference and the second being a
* <code>Map</code> or <code>null</code> if no such method exists.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method. Only this
* class is searched for the method.
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class.
* @throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException If a suitable method was
* found which is not accessible
* @throws InvocationTargetException If an unexpected Throwable is caught
* trying to find the requested method.
private Method getServiceObjectWithMapMethod( final Class targetClass, final Class parameterClass,
boolean acceptPrivate, boolean acceptPackage ) throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException,
return getMethod( targetClass, getMethodName(), new Class[]
{ parameterClass, MAP_CLASS }, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage );
* Returns a method taking two parameters, the first being an object
* whose type is assignment compatible with the declared service type and
* the second being a <code>Map</code> or <code>null</code> if no such
* method exists.
* @param targetClass The class in which to look for the method. Only this
* class is searched for the method.
* @param acceptPrivate <code>true</code> if private methods should be
* considered.
* @param acceptPackage <code>true</code> if package private methods should
* be considered.
* @return The requested method or <code>null</code> if no acceptable method
* can be found in the target class.
* @throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException If a suitable method was
* found which is not accessible
private Method getServiceObjectAssignableWithMapMethod( final Class targetClass, final Class parameterClass,
boolean acceptPrivate, boolean acceptPackage ) throws SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException
// Get all potential bind methods
Method candidateBindMethods[] = targetClass.getDeclaredMethods();
boolean suitableNotAccessible = false;
// Iterate over them
for ( int i = 0; i < candidateBindMethods.length; i++ )
final Method method = candidateBindMethods[i];
final Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();
if ( parameters.length == 2 && method.getName().equals( getMethodName() ) )
// parameters must be refclass,map
if ( parameters[0].isAssignableFrom( parameterClass ) && parameters[1] == MAP_CLASS )
if ( accept( method, acceptPrivate, acceptPackage, false ) )
return method;
// suitable method is not accessible, flag for exception
suitableNotAccessible = true;
// if one or more suitable methods which are not accessible is/are
// found an exception is thrown
if ( suitableNotAccessible )
throw new SuitableMethodNotAccessibleException();
// no method with assignment compatible argument found
return null;
protected Object[] getParameters( Method method, Object rawParameter )
final Service service = ( Service ) rawParameter;
final Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
final Object[] params = new Object[paramTypes.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ )
if ( paramTypes[i] == SERVICE_REFERENCE_CLASS )
params[i] = service.getReference();
else if ( paramTypes[i] == MAP_CLASS )
params[i] = new ReadOnlyDictionary( service.getReference() );
params[i] = service.getInstance();
if ( params[i] == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Dependency Manager: Service " + service.getReference()
+ " has already gone, will not " + getMethodNamePrefix() );
return params;
protected String getMethodNamePrefix()
return "bind";
//---------- Service abstraction ------------------------------------
public static interface Service
ServiceReference getReference();
Object getInstance();