blob: 73847f7d0e53b954d0d837b6efa7b25339073f93 [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.service;
import java.util.*;
import aQute.bnd.version.*;
public interface RepositoryPlugin {
public enum Strategy {
* Options used to steer the put operation
public class PutOptions {
* The <b>SHA1</b> digest of the artifact to put into the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* When specified the digest of the <b>fetched</b> artifact will be
* calculated and verified against this digest, <b>before</b> putting
* the artifact into the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* An exception is thrown if the specified digest and the calculated
* digest do not match.
public byte[] digest = null;
* Allow the implementation to change the artifact.<br/>
* <br/>
* When set to true the implementation is allowed to change the artifact
* when putting it into the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* An exception is thrown when set to false and the implementation can't
* put the artifact into the repository without changing it.
public boolean allowArtifactChange = false;
* Generate a <b>SHA1</b> digest.<br/>
* <br/>
* When set to true the implementation generates a digest of the
* artifact as it is put into the repository and returns that digest in
* the result.
public boolean generateDigest = false;
* Create a 'latest' artifact when it did not exist.<br/>
* <br/>
* When set to true the implementation is requested to create a 'latest'
* artifact.
public boolean createLatest = false;
* Results returned by the put operation
public class PutResult {
* The artifact as it was put in the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* This can be a URI to the artifact (when it was put into the
* repository), or null when the artifact was not put into the
* repository (for example because it was already in the repository).
public URI artifact = null;
* The 'latest' artifact as it was put in the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* Only set when {@link PutOptions#createLatest} was set to true and the
* 'latest' artifact did not exist, or when the 'latest' artifact did
* exists and was older than the artifact being put in the repository.
public URI latest = null;
* The <b>SHA1</b> digest of the artifact as it was put into the
* repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* This will be null when {@link PutOptions#generateDigest} was null, or
* when {@link #artifact} is null.
public byte[] digest = null;
* Return a URL to a matching version of the given bundle.
* @param bsn
* Bundle-SymbolicName of the searched bundle
* @param range
* Version range for this bundle,"latest" if you only want the
* latest, or null when you want all.
* @param strategy
* Get the highest or the lowest
* @return A list of URLs sorted on version, lowest version is at index 0.
* null is returned when no files with the given bsn ould be found.
* @throws Exception
* when anything goes wrong
File get(String bsn, String range, Strategy strategy, Map<String,String> properties) throws Exception;
* Answer if this repository can be used to store files.
* @return true if writable
boolean canWrite();
* Put an artifact (from the InputStream) into the repository.<br/>
* <br/>
* There is NO guarantee that the artifact on the input stream has not been
* modified after it's been put in the repository since that is dependent on
* the implementation of the repository (see
* {@link RepositoryPlugin.PutOptions#allowArtifactChange}).
* @param stream
* The input stream with the artifact
* @param options
* The put options. See {@link RepositoryPlugin.PutOptions}
* @return The result of the put, never null. See
* {@link RepositoryPlugin.PutResult}
* @throws Exception
* When the repository root directory doesn't exist, when the
* repository is read-only, when the specified checksum doesn't
* match the checksum of the fetched artifact (see
* {@link RepositoryPlugin.PutOptions#digest}), when the
* implementation wants to modify the artifact but isn't allowed
* (see {@link RepositoryPlugin.PutOptions#allowArtifactChange}
* ), or when another error has occurred.
PutResult put(InputStream stream, PutOptions options) throws Exception;
* Return a list of bsns that are present in the repository.
* @param regex
* if not null, match against the bsn and if matches, return
* otherwise skip
* @return A list of bsns that match the regex parameter or all if regex is
* null
* @throws Exception
List<String> list(String regex) throws Exception;
* Return a list of versions.
* @throws Exception
List<Version> versions(String bsn) throws Exception;
* @return The name of the repository
String getName();
* Return a location identifier of this repository
String getLocation();