blob: 24981ca209da2145d46dc6d140e2eeba03faa89b [file] [log] [blame]
package aQute.bnd.maven;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
import aQute.bnd.service.*;
import aQute.lib.osgi.*;
import aQute.libg.command.*;
import aQute.libg.reporter.*;
public class MavenDeploy implements Deploy, Plugin {
String repository;
String url;
String homedir;
String keyname;
String passphrase;
Reporter reporter;
public void setProperties(Map<String, String> map) {
repository = map.get("repository");
url = map.get("url");
passphrase = map.get("passphrase");
homedir = map.get("homedir");
keyname = map.get("keyname");
if (url == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MavenDeploy plugin must get a repository URL");
if (repository == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MavenDeploy plugin must get a repository name");
public void setReporter(Reporter processor) {
this.reporter = processor;
public boolean deploy(Project project, Jar original) throws Exception {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> deploy = project.parseHeader(project
Map<String, String> maven = deploy.get(repository);
if (maven == null)
return false; // we're not playing for this bundle
project.progress("deploying %s to Maven repo: %s", original, repository);
File target = project.getTarget();
File tmp = Processor.getFile(target, repository);
Manifest manifest = original.getManifest();
if (manifest == null)
project.error("Jar has no manifest: %s", original);
else {
project.progress("Writing pom.xml");
PomResource pom = new PomResource(manifest);
File pomFile = write(tmp, pom, "pom.xml");
Jar main = new Jar("main");
Jar src = new Jar("src");
try {
split(original, main, src);
Map<String, Map<String, String>> exports = project.parseHeader(manifest
File jdoc = new File(tmp, "jdoc");
project.progress("Generating Javadoc for: " + exports.keySet());
Jar javadoc = javadoc(jdoc, project, exports.keySet());
project.progress("Writing javadoc jar");
File javadocFile = write(tmp, new JarResource(javadoc), "javadoc.jar");
project.progress("Writing main file");
File mainFile = write(tmp, new JarResource(main), "main.jar");
project.progress("Writing sources file");
File srcFile = write(tmp, new JarResource(main), "src.jar");
project.progress("Deploying main file");
maven_gpg_sign_and_deploy(project, mainFile, null, pomFile);
project.progress("Deploying main sources file");
maven_gpg_sign_and_deploy(project, srcFile, "sources", null);
project.progress("Deploying main javadoc file");
maven_gpg_sign_and_deploy(project, javadocFile, "javadoc", null);
} finally {
return true;
private void split(Jar original, Jar main, Jar src) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Resource> e : original.getResources().entrySet()) {
String path = e.getKey();
if (path.startsWith("OSGI-OPT/src/")) {
src.putResource(path.substring("OSGI-OPT/src/".length()), e.getValue());
} else {
main.putResource(path, e.getValue());
// gpg:sign-and-deploy-file \
// -Durl=
// \
// -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging \
// -DupdateReleaseInfo=true \
// -DpomFile=pom.xml \
// -Dfile=/Ws/bnd/biz.aQute.bndlib/tmp/biz.aQute.bndlib.jar \
// -Dpassphrase=a1k3v3t5x3
private void maven_gpg_sign_and_deploy(Project b, File file, String classifier, File pomFile)
throws Exception {
Command command = new Command();
command.add(b.getProperty("mvn", "mvn"));
command.add("gpg:sign-and-deploy-file", "-DreleaseInfo=true", "-DpomFile=pom.xml");
command.add("-Dfile=" + file.getAbsolutePath());
command.add("-DrepositoryId=" + repository);
command.add("-Durl=" + url);
optional(command, "passphrase", passphrase);
optional(command, "keyname", keyname);
optional(command, "homedir", homedir);
optional(command, "classifier", classifier);
optional(command, "pomFile", pomFile == null ? null : pomFile.getAbsolutePath());
StringBuffer stdout = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer stderr = new StringBuffer();
int result = command.execute(stdout, stderr);
if (result != 0) {
b.error("Maven deploy to %s failed to sign and transfer %s because %s", repository,
file, "" + stdout + stderr);
private void optional(Command command, String key, String value) {
if (value == null)
command.add("-D=" + value);
private Jar javadoc(File tmp, Project b, Set<String> exports) throws Exception {
Command command = new Command();
command.add(b.getProperty("javadoc", "javadoc"));
command.add( Processor.join(b.getSourcePath(),File.pathSeparator));
for (String packageName : exports) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer();
Command c = new Command();
int result = c.execute(out, err);
if (result == 0) {
Jar jar = new Jar(tmp);
return jar;
b.error("Error during execution of javadoc command: %s / %s", out, err);
return null;
private File write(File base, Resource r, String fileName) throws Exception {
File f = Processor.getFile(base, fileName);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
try {
} finally {
return f;