blob: df28d97be1e748bb81f74e33379ac065062f74b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Header: /cvshome/build/,v 1.6 2006/03/14 01:20:26 hargrave Exp $
* (C) Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2001, 2005). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package java.util;
public final class Locale implements java.lang.Cloneable, {
public Locale(java.lang.String var0, java.lang.String var1) { }
public Locale(java.lang.String var0, java.lang.String var1, java.lang.String var2) { }
public java.lang.Object clone() { return null; }
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object var0) { return false; }
public static java.util.Locale[] getAvailableLocales() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getCountry() { return null; }
public static java.util.Locale getDefault() { return null; }
public final java.lang.String getDisplayCountry() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getDisplayCountry(java.util.Locale var0) { return null; }
public final java.lang.String getDisplayLanguage() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getDisplayLanguage(java.util.Locale var0) { return null; }
public final java.lang.String getDisplayName() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.util.Locale var0) { return null; }
public final java.lang.String getDisplayVariant() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getDisplayVariant(java.util.Locale var0) { return null; }
public java.lang.String getISO3Country() throws java.util.MissingResourceException { return null; }
public java.lang.String getISO3Language() throws java.util.MissingResourceException { return null; }
public static java.lang.String[] getISOCountries() { return null; }
public static java.lang.String[] getISOLanguages() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getLanguage() { return null; }
public java.lang.String getVariant() { return null; }
public int hashCode() { return 0; }
public static void setDefault(java.util.Locale var0) { }
public final java.lang.String toString() { return null; }
public final static java.util.Locale CANADA; static { CANADA = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale CANADA_FRENCH; static { CANADA_FRENCH = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale CHINA; static { CHINA = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale CHINESE; static { CHINESE = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale ENGLISH; static { ENGLISH = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale FRANCE; static { FRANCE = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale FRENCH; static { FRENCH = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale GERMAN; static { GERMAN = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale GERMANY; static { GERMANY = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale ITALIAN; static { ITALIAN = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale ITALY; static { ITALY = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale JAPAN; static { JAPAN = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale JAPANESE; static { JAPANESE = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale KOREA; static { KOREA = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale KOREAN; static { KOREAN = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale PRC; static { PRC = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE; static { SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale TAIWAN; static { TAIWAN = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale TRADITIONAL_CHINESE; static { TRADITIONAL_CHINESE = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale UK; static { UK = null; }
public final static java.util.Locale US; static { US = null; }