blob: 361277a95b9522d0cb940a0bccb5f53acbd96d85 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from the 1.4.0 to 1.6.0
** Bug
* [FELIX-1557] - Cosmetic change of the Bundle-Name and Bundle-SymbolicName in iPOJO annotations.
** Improvement
* [FELIX-1426] - Service injection with Dynamic Proxies
* [FELIX-1427] - Service injection with Smart Proxies
* [FELIX-1906] - Allow calling a method when service properties of an already injected service are modified
** New Feature
* [FELIX-2132] - Provides a way to control service exposition from the implementation class
** Wish
* [FELIX-1940] - Add @Instance annotation to declare instances without metadata.xml
Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.4.0
** Bug
* [FELIX-1319] - Issue in the metadata overriding analysis in iPOJO annotations
** Improvement
* Update parent pom
Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0
** Improvement
* [FELIX-825] - Provide annotation for iPojo JMX Handler
* [FELIX-834] - Provide Annotations for the extender, whiteboard and event admin handlers
** Bug
* [FELIX-867] - iPOJO @ServiceProperty can target method
* [FELIX-868] - iPOJO @Component don't support factory methods
Changes from 0.8.0 to 1.0.0
** Improvement
* [FELIX-627] - Temporal dependency annotation
Version 0.8.0
* Initial release