blob: 82ab35a8146840c9ec293b06cba460a73c1a0215 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.metatype.internal;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.MetaTypeProvider;
* The <code>ServiceMetaTypeInformation</code> extends the
* {@link MetaTypeInformationImpl} adding support to register and unregister
* <code>ManagedService</code>s and <code>ManagedServiceFactory</code>s
* also implementing the <code>MetaTypeProvider</code> interface.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class ServiceMetaTypeInformation extends MetaTypeInformationImpl implements ServiceListener
private static final String MANAGED_SERVICE = "";
private static final String MANAGED_SERVICE_FACTORY = "";
* The filter specification to find <code>ManagedService</code>s and
* <code>ManagedServiceFactory</code>s as well as to register a service
* listener for those services (value is
* "(|(").
* We use the hard coded class name here to not create a dependency on the
* ConfigurationAdmin service, which may not be available.
private static final String FILTER = "(|(objectClass=" + MANAGED_SERVICE + ")(objectClass="
* The <code>BundleContext</code> used to get and unget services which
* have to be registered and unregistered with the base class.
private final BundleContext bundleContext;
* Creates an instance of this class handling services of the given
* <code>bundle</code>.
* @param bundleContext The <code>BundleContext</code> used to get and
* unget services.
* @param bundle The <code>Bundle</code> whose services are handled by
* this class.
public ServiceMetaTypeInformation( BundleContext bundleContext, Bundle bundle )
super( bundle );
this.bundleContext = bundleContext;
// register for service events for the bundle
bundleContext.addServiceListener( this, FILTER );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "ServiceMetaTypeInformation: Cannot register for service events", ise );
// prepare the filter to select existing services
Filter filter;
filter = bundleContext.createFilter( FILTER );
catch ( InvalidSyntaxException ise )
Activator.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "ServiceMetaTypeInformation: Cannot create filter '" + FILTER + "'",
ise );
// add current services of the bundle
ServiceReference[] sr = bundle.getRegisteredServices();
if ( sr != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < sr.length; i++ )
if ( filter.match( sr[i] ) )
addService( sr[i] );
void dispose()
this.bundleContext.removeServiceListener( this );
// ---------- ServiceListener ----------------------------------------------
* Handles service registration and unregistration events ignoring all
* services not belonging to the <code>Bundle</code> which is handled by
* this instance.
* @param event The <code>ServiceEvent</code>
public void serviceChanged( ServiceEvent event )
// only care for services of our bundle
if ( !getBundle().equals( event.getServiceReference().getBundle() ) )
if ( event.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED )
addService( event.getServiceReference() );
else if ( event.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING )
removeService( event.getServiceReference() );
* Registers the service described by the <code>serviceRef</code> with
* this instance if the service is a <code>MetaTypeProvider</code>
* instance and either a <code>service.factoryPid</code> or
* <code></code> property is set in the service registration
* properties.
* <p>
* If the service is registered, this bundle keeps a reference, which is
* ungot when the service is unregistered or this bundle is stopped.
* @param serviceRef The <code>ServiceReference</code> describing the
* service to be checked and handled.
protected void addService( ServiceReference serviceRef )
Object srv = bundleContext.getService( serviceRef );
boolean ungetService = true;
if ( srv instanceof MetaTypeProvider )
MetaTypeProvider mtp = ( MetaTypeProvider ) srv;
// 1. check for a service factory PID
String factoryPid = ( String ) serviceRef.getProperty( SERVICE_FACTORYPID );
if ( factoryPid != null )
addFactoryMetaTypeProvider( new String[]
{ factoryPid }, mtp );
ungetService = false;
// 2. check for a service PID
String[] pids = getServicePids( serviceRef );
if ( pids != null )
if ( isService( serviceRef, MANAGED_SERVICE ) )
addSingletonMetaTypeProvider( pids, mtp );
ungetService = false;
if ( isService( serviceRef, MANAGED_SERVICE_FACTORY ) )
addFactoryMetaTypeProvider( pids, mtp );
ungetService = false;
if ( ungetService )
bundleContext.ungetService( serviceRef );
* Unregisters the service described by the <code>serviceRef</code> from
* this instance. Unregistration just checks for the
* <code>service.factoryPid</code> and <code></code> service
* properties but does not care whether the service implements the
* <code>MetaTypeProvider</code> interface. If the service is registered
* it is simply unregistered.
* <p>
* If the service is actually unregistered the reference retrieved by the
* registration method is ungotten.
* @param serviceRef The <code>ServiceReference</code> describing the
* service to be unregistered.
protected void removeService( ServiceReference serviceRef )
boolean ungetService = false;
// 1. check for a service factory PID
String factoryPid = ( String ) serviceRef.getProperty( SERVICE_FACTORYPID );
if ( factoryPid != null )
ungetService = removeFactoryMetaTypeProvider( new String[]
{ factoryPid } );
// 2. check for a service PID
String[] pids = getServicePids( serviceRef );
if ( pids != null )
if ( isService( serviceRef, MANAGED_SERVICE ) )
ungetService |= removeSingletonMetaTypeProvider( pids );
if ( isService( serviceRef, MANAGED_SERVICE_FACTORY ) )
ungetService |= removeFactoryMetaTypeProvider( pids );
// 3. drop the service reference
if ( ungetService )
bundleContext.ungetService( serviceRef );
static String[] getServicePids( final ServiceReference ref )
return getStringPlus( ref, Constants.SERVICE_PID );
static String[] getStringPlus( final ServiceReference ref, final String propertyName )
final String[] res;
Object prop = ref.getProperty( propertyName );
if ( prop == null )
res = null;
else if ( prop instanceof String )
res = new String[]
{ ( String ) prop };
else if ( prop instanceof Collection )
final Object[] col = ( ( Collection ) prop ).toArray();
res = new String[col.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ )
res[i] = String.valueOf( col[i] );
else if ( prop.getClass().isArray() && String.class.equals( prop.getClass().getComponentType() ) )
res = ( String[] ) prop;
// unsupported type of property
res = null;
return res;
static boolean isService( final ServiceReference ref, final String type )
String[] oc = ( String[] ) ref.getProperty( Constants.OBJECTCLASS );
if ( oc != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < oc.length; i++ )
if ( oc[i].equals( type ) )
return true;
return false;