blob: d3ae6ef3bf114708993f8c76145aa728148be534 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Felix UserAdmin MongoDB-based store
Copyright 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
This project provides a MongoDB-based store for use with the Felix UserAdmin
service. It uses MongoDB to persist the role information.
The MongoDB-based store service this bundle provides can be configured at
runtime by using the service PID "org.apache.felix.useradmin.mongodb". The
configuration options recognized by this service are:
A space separated string containing the MongoDB servers. The format for
this string is: "<host1:port1> <host2:port2>". This value is optional and
defaults to "localhost:27017";
A string value containing the name of the database to use for this store.
This value is optional and defaults to "ua_repo";
The name of the database collection to use for this store. This value is
optional and defaults to "useradmin";
A string value representing the name of the user to authenticate against
MongoDB. This value is optional and defaults to "" (empty string);
A string value representing the password to authenticate against MongoDB.
This value is optional and defaults to "" (empty string).
Alternatively, one can also supply the above mentioned configuration keys
prefixed with "org.apache.felix.useradmin.mongodb." as system properties. For
example by adding the following to your JVM arguments:
will let this service use the MongoDB server at "my.mongo.server".
However, using system properties will imply that only a single store can be
configured on a system (which could be a sensible default for some