| Changes from the 1.6.0 to 1.8.0
| -------------------------------
| * [FELIX-2758] - Add post-registration and post-unregistration callbacks to the iPOJO API
| * [FELIX-2759] - The iPOJO API do not support constructor injection
| Changes from the 1.4.0 to 1.6.0
| -------------------------------
| * [FELIX-1427] - Service injection with Smart Proxies
| * [FELIX-1906] - Allow calling a method when service properties of an already injected service are modified
| * [FELIX-2268] - Simplify setting of properties.
| * [FELIX-2132] - Provides a way to control service exposition from the implementation class
| * [FELIX-965] - Avoid classloading issue if an already manipulated class is used by the API