blob: 3ec4a569e24fc1496631351e3cd4e84fd960d488 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2004, 2008). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package info.dmtree.spi;
import info.dmtree.DmtData;
import info.dmtree.DmtException;
import info.dmtree.DmtSession;
import info.dmtree.MetaNode;
* Provides non-atomic read-write access to the part of the tree handled by the
* plugin that created this session.
* <p>
* The <code>nodePath</code> parameters appearing in this interface always
* contain an array of path segments identifying a node in the subtree of this
* plugin. This parameter contains an absolute path, so the first segment is
* always &quot;.&quot;. Special characters appear escaped in the segments.
* <p>
* <strong>Error handling</strong>
* <p>
* When a tree manipulation command is called on the DmtAdmin service, it must
* perform an extensive set of checks on the parameters and the authority of the
* caller before delegating the call to a plugin. Therefore plugins can take
* certain circumstances for granted: that the path is valid and is within the
* subtree of the plugin and the session, the command can be applied to the
* given node (e.g. the target of <code>setNodeValue</code> is a leaf node),
* etc. All errors described by the error codes {@link DmtException#INVALID_URI}, {@link DmtException#URI_TOO_LONG}, {@link DmtException#PERMISSION_DENIED},
* {@link DmtException#COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED} and
* {@link DmtException#TRANSACTION_ERROR} are fully filtered out before control
* reaches the plugin.
* <p>
* If the plugin provides meta-data for a node, the DmtAdmin service must also
* check the constraints specified by it, as described in {@link MetaNode}. If
* the plugin does not provide meta-data, it must perform the necessary checks
* for itself and use the {@link DmtException#METADATA_MISMATCH} error code to
* indicate such discrepancies.
* <p>
* The DmtAdmin also ensures that the targeted nodes exist before calling the
* plugin (or that they do not exist, in case of node creation). However, some
* small amount of time elapses between the check and the call, so in case of
* plugins where the node structure can change independantly from the DMT, the
* target node might appear/disappear in that time. For example, a whole subtree
* can disappear when a Monitorable application is unregistered, which might
* happen in the middle of a DMT session accessing it. Plugins managing such
* nodes always need to check the existance or non-existance of nodes and throw
* {@link DmtException#NODE_NOT_FOUND} or
* {@link DmtException#NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS} as necessary, but for more static
* subtrees there is no need for the plugin to use these error codes.
* <p>
* The plugin can use the remaining error codes as needed. If an error does not
* fit into any other category, the {@link DmtException#COMMAND_FAILED} code
* should be used.
* @version $Revision: 5673 $
public interface ReadWriteDataSession extends ReadableDataSession {
* Create a copy of a node or a whole subtree. Beside the structure and
* values of the nodes, most properties managed by the plugin must also be
* copied, with the exception of the Timestamp and Version properties.
* @param nodePath an absolute path specifying the node or the root of a
* subtree to be copied
* @param newNodePath the absolute path of the new node or root of a subtree
* @param recursive <code>false</code> if only a single node is copied,
* <code>true</code> if the whole subtree is copied
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node, or if <code>newNodePath</code>
* points to a node that cannot exist in the tree
* <li><code>NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS</code> if
* <code>newNodePath</code> points to a node that already exists
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the node could not be
* copied because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED</code> if the copy operation
* is not supported by the plugin
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#copy(String, String, boolean)
void copy(String[] nodePath, String[] newNodePath, boolean recursive)
throws DmtException;
* Create an interior node with a given type. The type of interior node, if
* specified, is a URI identifying a DDF document.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node to create
* @param type the type URI of the interior node, can be <code>null</code>
* if no node type is defined
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a node that cannot exist in the tree
* <li><code>NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS</code> if <code>nodeUri</code>
* points to a node that already exists
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the node could not be
* created because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#createInteriorNode(String)
* @see DmtSession#createInteriorNode(String, String)
void createInteriorNode(String[] nodePath, String type) throws DmtException;
* Create a leaf node with a given value and MIME type. If the specified
* value or MIME type is <code>null</code>, their default values must be
* taken.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node to create
* @param value the value to be given to the new node, can be
* <code>null</code>
* @param mimeType the MIME type to be given to the new node, can be
* <code>null</code>
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a node that cannot exist in the tree
* <li><code>NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a node that already exists
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the node could not be
* created because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#createLeafNode(String)
* @see DmtSession#createLeafNode(String, DmtData)
* @see DmtSession#createLeafNode(String, DmtData, String)
void createLeafNode(String[] nodePath, DmtData value, String mimeType)
throws DmtException;
* Delete the given node. Deleting interior nodes is recursive, the whole
* subtree under the given node is deleted.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node to delete
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the node could not be
* deleted because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#deleteNode(String)
void deleteNode(String[] nodePath) throws DmtException;
* Rename a node. This operation only changes the name of the node (updating
* the timestamp and version properties if they are supported), the value
* and the other properties are not changed. The new name of the node must
* be provided, the new path is constructed from the base of the old path
* and the given name.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node to rename
* @param newName the new name property of the node
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node, or if the new node is not defined
* in the tree
* <li><code>NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS</code> if there already exists a
* sibling of <code>nodePath</code> with the name
* <code>newName</code>
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the node could not be
* renamed because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#renameNode(String, String)
void renameNode(String[] nodePath, String newName) throws DmtException;
* Set the title property of a node. The length of the title is guaranteed
* not to exceed the limit of 255 bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node
* @param title the title text of the node, can be <code>null</code>
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the title could not be
* set because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED</code> if the Title property
* is not supported by the plugin
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#setNodeTitle(String, String)
void setNodeTitle(String[] nodePath, String title) throws DmtException;
* Set the type of a node. The type of leaf node is the MIME type of the
* data it contains. The type of an interior node is a URI identifying a DDF
* document.
* <p>
* For interior nodes, the <code>null</code> type should remove the
* reference (if any) to a DDF document overriding the tree structure
* defined by the ancestors. For leaf nodes, it requests that the default
* MIME type is used for the given node.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node
* @param type the type of the node, can be <code>null</code>
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the type could not be
* set because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#setNodeType(String, String)
void setNodeType(String[] nodePath, String type) throws DmtException;
* Set the value of a leaf or interior node. The format of the node is
* contained in the <code>DmtData</code> object. For interior nodes, the
* format is <code>FORMAT_NODE</code>, while for leaf nodes this format is
* never used.
* <p>
* If the specified value is <code>null</code>, the default value must be
* taken; if there is no default value, a <code>DmtException</code> with
* error code <code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> must be thrown.
* @param nodePath the absolute path of the node
* @param data the data to be set, can be <code>null</code>
* @throws DmtException with the following possible error codes:
* <ul>
* <li><code>NODE_NOT_FOUND</code> if <code>nodePath</code>
* points to a non-existing node
* <li><code>METADATA_MISMATCH</code> if the value could not be
* set because of meta-data restrictions
* <li><code>FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED</code> if the specified node is
* an interior node and does not support Java object values
* <li><code>DATA_STORE_FAILURE</code> if an error occurred while
* accessing the data store
* <li><code>COMMAND_FAILED</code> if some unspecified error is
* encountered while attempting to complete the command
* </ul>
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the necessary
* permissions to execute the underlying management operation
* @see DmtSession#setNodeValue(String, DmtData)
void setNodeValue(String[] nodePath, DmtData data) throws DmtException;