blob: 1feaea3c69023063eca094fecaa21bcfc0dca7d4 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Objects;
* Represents a callback(Configuration, Component) that is invoked on a Component implementation class.
* The type of the class on which the callback is invoked on is represented by the T generic parameter.
* For more informations about configuration type, please refer to {@link CbConfiguration}.
* <p> The T generic parameter represents the type of the configuration class passed to the callback argument.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public interface InstanceCbConfigurationComponent<T> extends SerializableLambda {
* Handles the given arguments
* @param instance the Component implementation instance on which the callback is invoked on.
* @param component the callback Component
void accept(T instance, Component component);
default InstanceCbConfigurationComponent<T> andThen(InstanceCbConfigurationComponent<T> after) {
return (T instance, Component component) -> {
accept(instance, component);
after.accept(instance, component);