blob: d611a317cfd51607e2422721e664c266bb076ccd [file] [log] [blame]
* Builds a Dependency Manager Aspect Component.
* The aspect will be applied to any service that matches the specified interface and filter (if any). For each matching service an aspect will be created based
* on the aspect implementation class.
* The aspect will be registered with the same interface and properties as the original service, plus any extra properties you supply here.
* Multiple Aspects of the same service are chained and ordered using aspect ranks.
* <p> Code example that provides a "LogService" aspect that performs spell-checking of each log message.
* The aspect decorates a LogService. The aspect also depends on an Dictionary service that is internally used to perform log spell checking.
* The LogService and Dictionary services are injected in the aspect implementation using reflection on class fields:
* <pre>{@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* aspect(LogService.class, asp -> asp.impl(SpellCheckLogAspect.class).rank(10).withSvc(Dictionary.class));
* }
* }} </pre>
* Same example, but using callbacks for injecting LogService and Dictionary services in the aspect implementation class:
* <pre>{@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* aspect(LogService.class, asp -> asp
* .impl(SpellCheckLogAspect.class).rank(10)
* .add(SpellCheckLogAspect::setLogService)
* .withSvc(Dictionary.class, svc -> svc.add(SpellCheckLogAspect::setDictionary)));
* }
* }} </pre>
* @param <T> the aspect service
public interface ServiceAspectBuilder<T> extends ComponentBuilder<ServiceAspectBuilder<T>>, ServiceCallbacksBuilder<T, ServiceAspectBuilder<T>> {
* Specifies the aspect service filter.
* @param filter the filter condition to use with the service interface the aspect will apply on
* @return this builder
ServiceAspectBuilder<T> filter(String filter);
* Specifies the aspect ranking. Aspects of a given service are ordered by their ranking property.
* @param ranking the aspect ranking
* @return this builder
ServiceAspectBuilder<T> rank(int ranking);
* Injects the aspect in all fields matching the aspect type.
* @return this builder
ServiceAspectBuilder<T> autoConfig();
* Configures whether or not the aspect service can be injected in all fields matching the aspect type.
* @param autoConfig true if the aspect service can be injected in all fields matching the dependency type
* @return this builder
ServiceAspectBuilder<T> autoConfig(boolean autoConfig);
* Injects the aspect service on the field with the given name.
* @param field the field name where the aspect service must be injected
* @return this builder
ServiceAspectBuilder<T> autoConfig(String field);