blob: 95dd012705789e62d9603956736ed94adc4346e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Builds a Dependency Manager Service Adapter Component.
* The adapter will be applied to any service that matches the specified interface and filter. For each matching service an adapter will be created
* based on the adapter implementation class. The adapter will be registered with the specified interface and existing properties from the original
* service plus any extra properties you supply here.<p>
* Code example that adapts a "Device" service to an HttpServlet service. The adapter is created using a ServiceAdapterBuilder that is passed to the lambda.
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* adapter(Device.class, adapt -> adapt.impl(DeviceServlet.class).provides(HttpServlet.class).properties(alias -> "/device");
* }
* }}</pre>
* @param <T> the adaptee service
public interface ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> extends ComponentBuilder<ServiceAdapterBuilder<T>>, ServiceCallbacksBuilder<T, ServiceAdapterBuilder<T>> {
* Specifies the filter used to match a given adapted service.
* @param adapteeFilter the filter used to match a given adapted service
* @return this builder
ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> filter(String adapteeFilter);
* Specifies whether or not the adapted service properties must be propagated to the adapter service (true by default).
* @param propagate true if the adapted service properties must be propagated to the adapter service (true by default).
* @return this builder
ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> propagate(boolean propagate);
* Injects this adapted service in all fields matching the adapted service type.
* @return this builder
ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> autoConfig();
* Configures whether or not the adapted service can be injected in all fields matching the adapted service type.
* @param autoConfig true if the adapted service can be injected in all fields matching the adapted service type
* @return this builder
ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> autoConfig(boolean autoConfig);
* Injects this adapted service on the field matching the given name
* @param field the field name where the adapted service must be injected to.
* @return this builder
ServiceAdapterBuilder<T> autoConfig(String field);