blob: a120738d2e038290fdf8abca12d6587e54f8217a [file] [log] [blame]
* Builds a Dependency Manager bundle adapter. The adapter created by this builder will be applied to any bundle that matches the specified
* bundle state mask and filter condition. For each matching bundle an adapter service will be created based on the adapter implementation class.
* The adapter will be registered with the specified interface and existing properties from the original bundle plus any extra properties
* you supply here. The bundle is injected by reflection in adapter class fields having a Bundle type, or using a callback method that you can
* specify.
* You can specify reflection based (using method names), or java8 method references for callbacks.
* <p> Example which creates a BundleAdapter service for each started bundle (the bundle is added by reflection on
* a class field that has a "Bundle" type):
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* bundleAdapter(adapt -> adapt
* .impl(BundleAdapterImpl.class)
* .provides(BundleAdapter.class)
* .mask(Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.RESOLVED | Bundle.ACTIVE));
* }
* }
* } </pre>
* Example that creates a BundleAdapter service for each started bundle (the bundle is added using a method reference):
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* bundleAdapter(adapt -> adapt
* .impl(BundleAdapterImpl.class)
* .provides(BundleAdapter.class)
* .mask(Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.RESOLVED | Bundle.ACTIVE)
* .add(BundleAdapterImpl::setBundle));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* Example that creates a BundleAdapter service for each started bundle (the bundle is added using a method name):
* <pre> {@code
* public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
* public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws Exception {
* bundleAdapter(adapt -> adapt
* .impl(BundleAdapterImpl.class)
* .provides(BundleAdapter.class)
* .mask(Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.RESOLVED | Bundle.ACTIVE)
* .add("setBundle"));
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public interface BundleAdapterBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<BundleAdapterBuilder> {
* Sets the bundle state mask to depend on. The OSGi BundleTracker explains this mask in more detail, but
* it is basically a mask with flags for each potential state a bundle can be in.
* @param mask the mask to use
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder mask(int mask);
* Sets the filter condition to depend on. Filters are matched against the full manifest of a bundle.
* @param filter the filter condition
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder filter(String filter);
* Sets property propagation. If set to <code>true</code> any bundle manifest properties will be added
* to the service properties of the component that has this dependency (if it registers as a service).
* @param propagate <code>true</code> to propagate the bundle manifest properties
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder propagate(boolean propagate);
* Enables property propagation. Any bundle manifest properties will be added
* to the service properties of the component that has this dependency (if it registers as a service).
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder propagate();
* Sets a "add" callback name invoked on the component implementation instance(s).
* The callback can be used as hooks whenever the dependency is added. When you specify a callback,
* the auto configuration feature is automatically turned off, because we're assuming you don't need it in this case.
* @param callback the method to call when a bundle was added
* The following method signature are supported:
* <pre>{@code
* callback(Bundle b)
* callback(Component c, Bundle b)
* }</pre>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
BundleAdapterBuilder add(String callback);
* Sets a "change" callback name invoked on the component implementation instance(s).
* The callback can be used as hooks whenever the dependency is changed. When you specify a callback,
* the auto configuration feature is automatically turned off, because we're assuming you don't need it in this case.
* @param callback the method to call when a bundle was changed
* The following method signature are supported:
* <pre>{@code
* callback(Bundle b)
* callback(Component c, Bundle b)
* }</pre>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
BundleAdapterBuilder change(String callback);
* Sets a "remove" callback name invoked on the component implementation instance(s).
* The callback can be used as hooks whenever the dependency is removed. When you specify a callback,
* the auto configuration feature is automatically turned off, because we're assuming you don't need it in this case.
* @param callback the method to call when a bundle was removed
* The following method signature are supported:
* <pre>{@code
* callback(Bundle b)
* callback(Component c, Bundle b)
* }</pre>
* @param callback the callback name
* @return this builder.
BundleAdapterBuilder remove(String callback);
* Sets a callback instance to use when invoking reflection based callbacks.
* @param callbackInstance the instance to call the reflection based callbacks on
* @return this builder.
* @see #add(String)
* @see #change(String)
* @see #remove(String)
BundleAdapterBuilder callbackInstance(Object callbackInstance);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is added
* and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param add the method reference invoked when a bundle is added.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder add(CbBundle<T> add);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is changed
* and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param change the method reference invoked when a bundle has changed.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder change(CbBundle<T> change);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is removed
* and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param remove the method reference invoked when a bundle is removed.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder remove(CbBundle<T> remove);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is added
* and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param add the method reference invoked when a bundle is added.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder add(CbBundleComponent<T> add);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is changed
* and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param change the method reference invoked when a bundle has changed.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder change(CbBundleComponent<T> change);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on one of the component implementation classes.
* The method reference must point to a Component implementation class method, it is called when the bundle is removed
* and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param <T> the type of the component instance class on which the callback is invoked.
* @param remove the method reference invoked when a bundle is removed.
* @return this builder
<T> BundleAdapterBuilder remove(CbBundleComponent<T> remove);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle is added and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param add the method reference invoked when a bundle is added.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder add(InstanceCbBundle add);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle has changed and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param change the method reference invoked when a bundle has changed.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder change(InstanceCbBundle change);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle is removed and takes as argument a Bundle.
* @param remove the method reference invoked when a bundle is removed.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder remove(InstanceCbBundle remove);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle is added and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param add the method reference invoked when a bundle is added.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder add(InstanceCbBundleComponent add);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle has changed and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param change the method reference invoked when a bundle has changed.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder change(InstanceCbBundleComponent change);
* Sets a reference to a callback method invoked on a given Object instance.
* The method reference is invoked when the bundle is removed and takes as argument a Bundle and a Component.
* @param remove the method reference invoked when a bundle is removed.
* @return this builder
BundleAdapterBuilder remove(InstanceCbBundleComponent remove);