blob: 1b086d1f05f00c4acb0b1f6d55289e09e0087861 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ComponentHolder;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ScrConfiguration;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.helper.Logger;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.AbstractComponentManager;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ComponentMetadata;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.XmlHandler;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.parser.KXml2SAXParser;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
* The BundleComponentActivator is helper class to load and unload Components of
* a single bundle. It will read information from the metadata.xml file
* descriptors and create the corresponding managers.
public class BundleComponentActivator implements Logger
// global component registration
private ComponentRegistry m_componentRegistry;
// The bundle context owning the registered component
private BundleContext m_context = null;
// This is a list of component instance managers that belong to a particular bundle
private List<ComponentHolder> m_managers = new ArrayList<ComponentHolder>();
// The Configuration Admin tracker providing configuration for components
private ServiceTracker m_logService;
// thread acting upon configurations
private ComponentActorThread m_componentActor;
// true as long as the dispose method is not called
private boolean m_active;
// the configuration
private ScrConfiguration m_configuration;
* Called upon starting of the bundle. This method invokes initialize() which
* parses the metadata and creates the instance managers
* @param componentRegistry The <code>ComponentRegistry</code> used to
* register components with to ensure uniqueness of component names
* and to ensure configuration updates.
* @param context The bundle context owning the components
* @throws ComponentException if any error occurrs initializing this class
BundleComponentActivator( ComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
ComponentActorThread componentActor, BundleContext context, ScrConfiguration configuration ) throws ComponentException
// keep the parameters for later
m_componentRegistry = componentRegistry;
m_componentActor = componentActor;
m_context = context;
// mark this instance active
m_active = true;
// have the LogService handy (if available)
m_logService = new ServiceTracker( context, Activator.LOGSERVICE_CLASS, null );;
m_configuration = configuration;
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] active",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId()}, null, null, null );
// Get the Metadata-Location value from the manifest
String descriptorLocations = ( String ) m_context.getBundle().getHeaders().get( "Service-Component" );
if ( descriptorLocations == null )
throw new ComponentException( "Service-Component entry not found in the manifest" );
initialize( descriptorLocations );
* Gets the MetaData location, parses the meta data and requests the processing
* of binder instances
* @param descriptorLocations A comma separated list of locations of
* component descriptors. This must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the bundle has already been uninstalled.
private void initialize( String descriptorLocations )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] descriptor locations {1}",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), descriptorLocations}, null, null, null );
// 112.4.1: The value of the the header is a comma separated list of XML entries within the Bundle
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( descriptorLocations, ", " );
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
String descriptorLocation = st.nextToken();
URL[] descriptorURLs = findDescriptors( m_context.getBundle(), descriptorLocation );
if ( descriptorURLs.length == 0 )
// 112.4.1 If an XML document specified by the header cannot be located in the bundle and its attached
// fragments, SCR must log an error message with the Log Service, if present, and continue.
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Component descriptor entry ''{0}'' not found", new Object[]
{ descriptorLocation }, null, null, null );
// load from the descriptors
for ( URL descriptorURL : descriptorURLs )
loadDescriptor( descriptorURL );
//enable all the enabled components
for ( ComponentHolder componentHolder : m_managers )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] May enable component holder {1}",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().getName()}, null, null, null );
if ( componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().isEnabled() )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] Enabling component holder {1}",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().getName()}, null, null, null );
componentHolder.enableComponents( false );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] Will not enable component holder {1}",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), componentHolder.getComponentMetadata().getName()}, null, null, null );
* Finds component descriptors based on descriptor location.
* @param bundle bundle to search for descriptor files
* @param descriptorLocation descriptor location
* @return array of descriptors or empty array if none found
static URL[] findDescriptors( final Bundle bundle, final String descriptorLocation )
if ( bundle == null || descriptorLocation == null || descriptorLocation.trim().length() == 0 )
return new URL[0];
// split pattern and path
final int lios = descriptorLocation.lastIndexOf( "/" );
final String path;
final String filePattern;
if ( lios > 0 )
path = descriptorLocation.substring( 0, lios );
filePattern = descriptorLocation.substring( lios + 1 );
path = "/";
filePattern = descriptorLocation;
// find the entries
final Enumeration<URL> entries = bundle.findEntries( path, filePattern, false );
if ( entries == null || !entries.hasMoreElements() )
return new URL[0];
// create the result list
List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
while ( entries.hasMoreElements() )
urls.add( entries.nextElement() );
return urls.toArray( new URL[urls.size()] );
private void loadDescriptor( final URL descriptorURL )
// simple path for log messages
final String descriptorLocation = descriptorURL.getPath();
InputStream stream = null;
stream = descriptorURL.openStream();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( stream, "UTF-8" ) );
XmlHandler handler = new XmlHandler( m_context.getBundle(), this );
KXml2SAXParser parser;
parser = new KXml2SAXParser( in );
parser.parseXML( handler );
// 112.4.2 Component descriptors may contain a single, root component element
// or one or more component elements embedded in a larger document
for ( Object o : handler.getComponentMetadataList() )
ComponentMetadata metadata = ( ComponentMetadata ) o;
ComponentRegistryKey key = null;
// check and reserve the component name (if not null)
if ( metadata.getName() != null )
key = m_componentRegistry.checkComponentName( m_context.getBundle(), metadata.getName() );
// validate the component metadata
metadata.validate( this );
// Request creation of the component manager
ComponentHolder holder = m_componentRegistry.createComponentHolder( this, metadata );
// register the component after validation
m_componentRegistry.registerComponentHolder( key, holder );
m_managers.add( holder );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] ComponentHolder created for {1}",
new Object[] {m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), metadata.getName()}, null, null, null );
catch ( Throwable t )
// There is a problem with this particular component, we'll log the error
// and proceed to the next one
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot register Component", metadata, null, t );
// make sure the name is not reserved any more
if ( key != null )
m_componentRegistry.unregisterComponentHolder( key );
catch ( IOException ex )
// 112.4.1 If an XML document specified by the header cannot be located in the bundle and its attached
// fragments, SCR must log an error message with the Log Service, if present, and continue.
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Problem reading descriptor entry ''{0}''", new Object[]
{ descriptorLocation }, null, null, ex );
catch ( Exception ex )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "General problem with descriptor entry ''{0}''", new Object[]
{ descriptorLocation }, null, null, ex );
if ( stream != null )
catch ( IOException ignore )
* Dispose of this component activator instance and all the component
* managers.
void dispose( int reason )
if ( m_context == null )
// mark instance inactive (no more component activations)
m_active = false;
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] will destroy {1} instances", new Object[]
{ m_context.getBundle().getBundleId(), m_managers.size() }, null, null, null );
while ( m_managers.size() != 0 )
ComponentHolder holder = m_managers.get( 0 );
m_managers.remove( holder );
holder.disposeComponents( reason );
catch ( Exception e )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "BundleComponentActivator : Exception invalidating", holder
.getComponentMetadata(), null, e );
m_componentRegistry.unregisterComponentHolder( m_context.getBundle(), holder.getComponentMetadata()
.getName() );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BundleComponentActivator : Bundle [{0}] STOPPED", new Object[]
{m_context.getBundle().getBundleId()}, null, null, null );
if (m_logService != null) {
m_logService = null;
m_componentActor = null;
m_componentRegistry = null;
m_context = null;
* Returns <true> if this instance is active, that is if components
* may be activated for this component. The active flag is set early
* in the constructor indicating the activator is basically active
* (not fully setup, though) and reset early in the process of
* {@link #dispose(int) disposing} this instance.
public boolean isActive()
return m_active;
* Returns the BundleContext
* @return the BundleContext
public BundleContext getBundleContext()
return m_context;
public ScrConfiguration getConfiguration()
return m_configuration;
* Implements the <code>ComponentContext.enableComponent(String)</code>
* method by first finding the component(s) for the <code>name</code> and
* enabling them. The enable method will schedule activation.
* <p>
* @param name The name of the component to enable or <code>null</code> to
* enable all components.
public void enableComponent( final String name )
final ComponentHolder[] holder = getSelectedComponents( name );
if ( holder == null )
for ( ComponentHolder aHolder : holder )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Enabling Component", aHolder.getComponentMetadata(), null, null );
aHolder.enableComponents( true );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot enable component", aHolder.getComponentMetadata(), null, t );
* Implements the <code>ComponentContext.disableComponent(String)</code>
* method by first finding the component(s) for the <code>name</code> and
* disabling them. The disable method will schedule deactivation
* <p>
* @param name The name of the component to disable or <code>null</code> to
* disable all components.
public void disableComponent( final String name )
final ComponentHolder[] holder = getSelectedComponents( name );
if ( holder == null )
for ( ComponentHolder aHolder : holder )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Disabling Component", aHolder.getComponentMetadata(), null, null );
aHolder.disableComponents( true );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Cannot disable component", aHolder.getComponentMetadata(), null, t );
* Returns an array of {@link ComponentHolder} instances which match the
* <code>name</code>. If the <code>name</code> is <code>null</code> an
* array of all currently known component managers is returned. Otherwise
* an array containing a single component manager matching the name is
* returned if one is registered. Finally, if no component manager with the
* given name is registered, <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param name The name of the component manager to return or
* <code>null</code> to return an array of all component managers.
* @return An array containing one or more component managers according
* to the <code>name</code> parameter or <code>null</code> if no
* component manager with the given name is currently registered.
private ComponentHolder[] getSelectedComponents( String name )
// if all components are selected
if ( name == null )
return m_managers.toArray( new ComponentHolder[m_managers.size()] );
ComponentHolder componentHolder = m_componentRegistry.getComponentHolder( m_context.getBundle(), name );
if (componentHolder != null)
return new ComponentHolder[] { componentHolder };
// if the component is not known
return null;
//---------- Component ID support
public long registerComponentId(AbstractComponentManager componentManager) {
return m_componentRegistry.registerComponentId(componentManager);
public void unregisterComponentId(AbstractComponentManager componentManager) {
//---------- Asynchronous Component Handling ------------------------------
* Schedules the given <code>task</code> for asynchrounous execution or
* synchronously runs the task if the thread is not running. If this instance
* is {@link #isActive() not active}, the task is not executed.
* @param task The component task to execute
public void schedule( Runnable task )
if ( isActive() )
ComponentActorThread cat = m_componentActor;
if ( cat != null )
cat.schedule( task );
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component Actor Thread not running, calling synchronously", null, null, null );
synchronized ( this )
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Unexpected problem executing task", null, null, t );
log( LogService.LOG_WARNING, "BundleComponentActivator is not active; not scheduling {0}", new Object[]
{ task }, null, null, null );
* Returns <code>true</code> if logging for the given level is enabled.
public boolean isLogEnabled( int level )
return m_configuration.getLogLevel() >= level;
* Method to actually emit the log message. If the LogService is available,
* the message will be logged through the LogService. Otherwise the message
* is logged to stdout (or stderr in case of LOG_ERROR level messages),
* @param level The log level to log the message at
* @param pattern The <code>java.text.MessageFormat</code> message format
* string for preparing the message
* @param arguments The format arguments for the <code>pattern</code>
* string.
* @param componentId
* @param ex An optional <code>Throwable</code> whose stack trace is written,
public void log( int level, String pattern, Object[] arguments, ComponentMetadata metadata, Long componentId, Throwable ex )
if ( isLogEnabled( level ) )
final String message = MessageFormat.format( pattern, arguments );
log( level, message, metadata, componentId, ex );
* Method to actually emit the log message. If the LogService is available,
* the message will be logged through the LogService. Otherwise the message
* is logged to stdout (or stderr in case of LOG_ERROR level messages),
* @param level The log level to log the message at
* @param message The message to log
* @param componentId
* @param ex An optional <code>Throwable</code> whose stack trace is written,
public void log( int level, String message, ComponentMetadata metadata, Long componentId, Throwable ex )
if ( isLogEnabled( level ) )
// prepend the metadata name to the message
if ( metadata != null )
if ( componentId != null )
message = "[" + metadata.getName() + "(" + componentId + ")] " + message;
message = "[" + metadata.getName() + "] " + message;
ServiceTracker logService = m_logService;
if ( logService != null )
Object logger = logService.getService();
if ( logger == null )
Activator.log( level, getBundleContext().getBundle(), message, ex );
( ( LogService ) logger ).log( level, message, ex );
// BCA has been disposed off, bundle context is probably invalid. Try to log something.
Activator.log( level, null, message, ex );
public void missingServicePresent( ServiceReference serviceReference )
m_componentRegistry.missingServicePresent( serviceReference, m_componentActor );
public void registerMissingDependency( DependencyManager dependencyManager, ServiceReference serviceReference, int trackingCount )
m_componentRegistry.registerMissingDependency(dependencyManager, serviceReference, trackingCount );