blob: 7fad6e5f1e7af9a838185e17a1910caf89594700 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scr.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ConfigurationComponentRegistry;
import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ScrConfiguration;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleEvent;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.SynchronousBundleListener;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
* This activator is used to cover requirement described in section 112.8.1 @@ -27,14
* 37,202 @@ in active bundles.
public class Activator implements BundleActivator, SynchronousBundleListener
// name of the LogService class (this is a string to not create a reference to the class)
static final String LOGSERVICE_CLASS = "org.osgi.service.log.LogService";
// name of the PackageAdmin class (this is a string to not create a reference to the class)
static final String PACKAGEADMIN_CLASS = "org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin";
// Our configuration from bundle context properties and Config Admin
private ScrConfiguration m_configuration;
// Flag that sets error messages
private static int m_logLevel = LogService.LOG_ERROR;
// this bundle's context
private static BundleContext m_context;
// the log service to log messages to
private static ServiceTracker m_logService;
// the package admin service (see BindMethod.getParameterClass)
private static ServiceTracker m_packageAdmin;
// map of BundleComponentActivator instances per Bundle indexed by Bundle id
private Map m_componentBundles;
// registry of managed component
private ComponentRegistry m_componentRegistry;
// thread acting upon configurations
private ComponentActorThread m_componentActor;
* Registers this instance as a (synchronous) bundle listener and loads the
* components of already registered bundles.
* @param context The <code>BundleContext</code> of the SCR implementation
* bundle.
public void start( BundleContext context ) throws Exception
m_context = context;
m_componentBundles = new HashMap();
m_componentRegistry = createComponentRegistry( context);
// require the log service
m_logService = new ServiceTracker( context, LOGSERVICE_CLASS, null );;
// get the configuration
m_configuration = new ScrConfiguration( context );
// configure logging from context properties
m_logLevel = m_configuration.getLogLevel();
// log SCR startup
log( LogService.LOG_INFO, context.getBundle(), " Version = "
+ context.getBundle().getHeaders().get( Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION ), null );
// create and start the component actor
m_componentActor = new ComponentActorThread();
Thread t = new Thread(m_componentActor, "SCR Component Actor");
t.setDaemon( true );
// register for bundle updates
context.addBundleListener( this );
// 112.8.2 load all components of active bundles
loadAllComponents( context );
// We dynamically import the impl service API, so it
// might not actually be available, so be ready to catch
// the exception when we try to register the command service.
// Register "scr" impl command service as a
// wrapper for the bundle repository service.
context.registerService(, new ScrCommand( m_context,
m_componentRegistry, m_configuration ), null );
catch ( Throwable th )
// Ignore.
* Unregisters this instance as a bundle listener and unloads all components
* which have been registered during the active life time of the SCR
* implementation bundle.
* @param context The <code>BundleContext</code> of the SCR implementation
* bundle.
public void stop( BundleContext context ) throws Exception
// unregister as bundle listener
context.removeBundleListener( this );
// 112.8.2 dispose off all active components
// dispose component registry
// terminate the actor thread
if ( m_componentActor != null )
m_componentActor = null;
// close the LogService tracker now
if ( m_logService != null )
m_logService = null;
// close the PackageAdmin tracker now
if ( m_packageAdmin != null )
m_packageAdmin = null;
// remove the reference to the component context
m_context = null;
// ---------- BundleListener Interface -------------------------------------
* Loads and unloads any components provided by the bundle whose state
* changed. If the bundle has been started, the components are loaded. If
* the bundle is about to stop, the components are unloaded.
* @param event The <code>BundleEvent</code> representing the bundle state
* change.
public void bundleChanged( BundleEvent event )
if ( event.getType() == BundleEvent.LAZY_ACTIVATION || event.getType() == BundleEvent.STARTED )
// FELIX-1666 LAZY_ACTIVATION event is sent if the bundle has lazy
// activation policy and is waiting for class loader access to
// actually load it; STARTED event is sent if bundle has regular
// activation policy or if the lazily activated bundle finally is
// really started. In both cases just try to load the components
loadComponents( event.getBundle() );
else if ( event.getType() == BundleEvent.STOPPING )
disposeComponents( event.getBundle() );
//---------- Component Management -----------------------------------------
// Loads the components of all bundles currently active.
private void loadAllComponents( BundleContext context )
Bundle[] bundles = context.getBundles();
for ( int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++ )
Bundle bundle = bundles[i];
if ( ComponentRegistry.isBundleActive( bundle ) )
loadComponents( bundle );
* Loads the components of the given bundle. If the bundle has no
* <i>Service-Component</i> header, this method has no effect. The
* fragments of a bundle are not checked for the header (112.4.1).
* <p>
* This method calls the {@link #getBundleContext(Bundle)} method to find
* the <code>BundleContext</code> of the bundle. If the context cannot be
* found, this method does not load components for the bundle.
private void loadComponents( Bundle bundle )
if ( bundle.getHeaders().get( "Service-Component" ) == null )
// no components in the bundle, abandon
// there should be components, load them with a bundle context
BundleContext context = bundle.getBundleContext();
if ( context == null )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, m_context.getBundle(), "Cannot get BundleContext of bundle "
+ bundle.getSymbolicName() + "/" + bundle.getBundleId(), null );
// FELIX-1666 method is called for the LAZY_ACTIVATION event and
// the started event. Both events cause this method to be called;
// so we have to make sure to not load components twice
// FELIX-2231 Mark bundle loaded early to prevent concurrent loading
// if LAZY_ACTIVATION and STARTED event are fired at the same time
final boolean loaded;
final Long bundleId = new Long( bundle.getBundleId() );
synchronized ( m_componentBundles )
if ( m_componentBundles.containsKey( bundleId ) )
loaded = true;
m_componentBundles.put( bundleId, bundleId );
loaded = false;
// terminate if already loaded (or currently being loaded)
if ( loaded )
log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, m_context.getBundle(), "Components for bundle " + bundle.getSymbolicName()
+ "/" + bundle.getBundleId() + " already loaded. Nothing to do.", null );
BundleComponentActivator ga = new BundleComponentActivator( m_componentRegistry, m_componentActor, context,
m_configuration );
// replace bundle activator in the map
synchronized ( m_componentBundles )
m_componentBundles.put( bundleId, ga );
catch ( Exception e )
// remove the bundle id from the bundles map to ensure it is
// not marked as being loaded
synchronized ( m_componentBundles )
m_componentBundles.remove( bundleId );
if ( e instanceof IllegalStateException && bundle.getState() != Bundle.ACTIVE )
"Bundle "
+ bundle.getSymbolicName()
+ "/"
+ bundle.getBundleId()
+ " has been stopped while trying to activate its components. Trying again when the bundles gets startet again.",
e );
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, m_context.getBundle(), "Error while loading components of bundle "
+ bundle.getSymbolicName() + "/" + bundle.getBundleId(), e );
* Unloads components of the given bundle. If no components have been loaded
* for the bundle, this method has no effect.
private void disposeComponents( Bundle bundle )
final Object ga;
synchronized ( m_componentBundles )
ga = m_componentBundles.remove( new Long( bundle.getBundleId() ) );
if ( ga instanceof BundleComponentActivator )
( ( BundleComponentActivator ) ga ).dispose( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_BUNDLE_STOPPED );
catch ( Exception e )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, m_context.getBundle(), "Error while disposing components of bundle "
+ bundle.getSymbolicName() + "/" + bundle.getBundleId(), e );
// Unloads all components registered with the SCR
private void disposeAllComponents()
final Object[] activators;
synchronized ( m_componentBundles )
activators = m_componentBundles.values().toArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < activators.length; i++ )
if ( activators[i] instanceof BundleComponentActivator )
final BundleComponentActivator ga = ( BundleComponentActivator ) activators[i];
final Bundle bundle = ga.getBundleContext().getBundle();
ga.dispose( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_DISPOSED );
catch ( Exception e )
log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, m_context.getBundle(), "Error while disposing components of bundle "
+ bundle.getSymbolicName() + "/" + bundle.getBundleId(), e );
public static ComponentRegistry createComponentRegistry( BundleContext bundleContext )
return new ConfigurationComponentRegistry( bundleContext );
catch ( Throwable t )
log( LogService.LOG_INFO, bundleContext.getBundle(),
"ConfigurationAdmin supporting ComponentRegistry not available, not using ConfigurationAdmin", t );
return new ComponentRegistry( bundleContext );
* Method to actually emit the log message. If the LogService is available,
* the message will be logged through the LogService. Otherwise the message
* is logged to stdout (or stderr in case of LOG_ERROR level messages),
* @param level The log level to log the message at
* @param message The message to log
* @param ex An optional <code>Throwable</code> whose stack trace is written,
* or <code>null</code> to not log a stack trace.
public static void log( int level, Bundle bundle, String message, Throwable ex )
if ( m_logLevel >= level )
Object logger = ( m_logService != null ) ? m_logService.getService() : null;
if ( logger == null )
// output depending on level
PrintStream out = ( level == LogService.LOG_ERROR ) ? System.err : System.out;
// level as a string
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
switch ( level )
case ( LogService.LOG_DEBUG ):
buf.append( "DEBUG: " );
case ( LogService.LOG_INFO ):
buf.append( "INFO : " );
case ( LogService.LOG_WARNING ):
buf.append( "WARN : " );
case ( LogService.LOG_ERROR ):
buf.append( "ERROR: " );
buf.append( "UNK : " );
// bundle information
if ( bundle != null )
buf.append( bundle.getSymbolicName() );
buf.append( " (" );
buf.append( bundle.getBundleId() );
buf.append( "): " );
// the message
buf.append( message );
// keep the message and the stacktrace together
synchronized ( out)
out.println( buf );
if ( ex != null )
ex.printStackTrace( out );
( ( LogService ) logger ).log( level, message, ex );
public static Object getPackageAdmin()
if ( m_packageAdmin == null )
synchronized ( Activator.class )
if ( m_packageAdmin == null )
m_packageAdmin = new ServiceTracker( m_context, PACKAGEADMIN_CLASS, null );;
return m_packageAdmin.getService();