blob: 6c5307c63a257f922c06de8ab88fde9a7d4cefa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Header: /cvshome/build/org.osgi.service.packageadmin/src/org/osgi/service/packageadmin/,v 1.10 2005/05/13 20:32:34 hargrave Exp $
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2001, 2005). All Rights Reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
package org.osgi.service.packageadmin;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
* Framework service which allows bundle programmers to inspect the packages
* exported in the Framework and eagerly update or uninstall bundles.
* If present, there will only be a single instance of this service registered
* with the Framework.
* <p>
* The term <i>exported package </i> (and the corresponding interface
* {@link ExportedPackage})refers to a package that has actually been exported
* (as opposed to one that is available for export).
* <p>
* The information about exported packages returned by this service is valid
* only until the next time {@link #refreshPackages}is called. If an
* <code>ExportedPackage</code> object becomes stale, (that is, the package it
* references has been updated or removed as a result of calling
* <code>PackageAdmin.refreshPackages()</code>), its <code>getName()</code> and
* <code>getSpecificationVersion()</code> continue to return their old values,
* <code>isRemovalPending()</code> returns <code>true</code>, and
* <code>getExportingBundle()</code> and <code>getImportingBundles()</code> return
* <code>null</code>.
* @version $Revision: 1.10 $
public interface PackageAdmin {
* Gets the packages exported by the specified bundle.
* @param bundle The bundle whose exported packages are to be returned, or
* <code>null</code> if all the packages currently exported in the
* Framework are to be returned. If the specified bundle is the
* system bundle (that is, the bundle with id zero), this method
* returns all the packages on the system classpath whose name does
* not start with "java.". In an environment where the exhaustive
* list of packages on the system classpath is not known in advance,
* this method will return all currently known packages on the system
* classpath, that is, all packages on the system classpath that
* contains one or more classes that have been loaded.
* @return The array of packages exported by the specified bundle, or
* <code>null</code> if the specified bundle has not exported any
* packages.
public ExportedPackage[] getExportedPackages(Bundle bundle);
* Gets the <code>ExportedPackage</code> object with the specified package
* name. All exported packages will be checked for the specified name. The
* exported package with the highest version will be returned.
* <p>
* In an environment where the exhaustive list of packages on the system
* classpath is not known in advance, this method attempts to see if the
* named package is on the system classpath. This means that this method may
* discover an <code>ExportedPackage</code> object that was not present in the
* list returned by a prior call to <code>getExportedPackages()</code>.
* @param name The name of the exported package to be returned.
* @return The exported package with the specified name, or <code>null</code>
* if no exported packages with that name exists.
public ExportedPackage getExportedPackage(String name);
* Forces the update (replacement) or removal of packages exported by the
* specified bundles.
* <p>
* If no bundles are specified, this method will update or remove any
* packages exported by any bundles that were previously updated or
* uninstalled since the last call to this method. The technique by which
* this is accomplished may vary among different Framework implementations.
* One permissible implementation is to stop and restart the Framework.
* <p>
* This method returns to the caller immediately and then performs the
* following steps in its own thread:
* <ol>
* <li>Compute a graph of bundles starting with the specified bundles. If
* no bundles are specified, compute a graph of bundles starting with
* previously updated or uninstalled ones. Add to the graph any bundle that
* imports a package that is currently exported by a bundle in the graph.
* The graph is fully constructed when there is no bundle outside the graph
* that imports a package from a bundle in the graph. The graph may contain
* <code>UNINSTALLED</code> bundles that are currently still exporting
* packages.
* <li>Each bundle in the graph that is in the <code>ACTIVE</code> state will
* be stopped as described in the <code>Bundle.stop</code> method.
* <li>Each bundle in the graph that is in the <code>RESOLVED</code> state is
* moved to the <code>INSTALLED</code> state. The effect of this step is that
* bundles in the graph are no longer <code>RESOLVED</code>.
* <li>Each bundle in the graph that is in the <code>UNINSTALLED</code> state
* is removed from the graph and is now completely removed from the
* Framework.
* <li>Each bundle in the graph that was in the <code>ACTIVE</code> state
* prior to Step 2 is started as described in the <code>Bundle.start</code>
* method, causing all bundles required for the restart to be resolved. It
* is possible that, as a result of the previous steps, packages that were
* previously exported no longer are. Therefore, some bundles may be
* unresolvable until another bundle offering a compatible package for
* export has been installed in the Framework.
* <li>A framework event of type <code>FrameworkEvent.PACKAGES_REFRESHED</code>
* is broadcast.
* </ol>
* <p>
* For any exceptions that are thrown during any of these steps, a
* <code>FrameworkEvent</code> of type <code>ERROR</code> is broadcast,
* containing the exception. The source bundle for these events should be
* the specific bundle to which the exception is related. If no specific
* bundle can be associated with the exception then the System Bundle must
* be used as the source bundle for the event.
* @param bundles the bundles whose exported packages are to be updated or
* removed, or <code>null</code> for all previously updated or
* uninstalled bundles.
* @exception SecurityException if the caller does not have the
* <code>AdminPermission</code> and the Java runtime environment
* supports permissions.
public void refreshPackages(Bundle[] bundles);
* Get the <code>ExportedPackage</code> objects with the specified
* package name. All exported packages will be checked for the specified
* name.
* <p>
* In an environment where the exhaustive list of packages on the system
* classpath is not known in advance, this method attempts to see if the
* named package is on the system classpath. This means that this method may
* discover an <code>ExportedPackage</code> object that was not present in the
* list returned by a prior call to <code>getExportedPackages()</code>.
* @param name The name of the exported packages to be returned.
* @return An array of the exported packages with the specified name, or
* <code>null</code> if no exported packages with that name exists.
* @since 1.2
public ExportedPackage[] getExportedPackages(String name);
* Resolve the specified bundles. The Framework must attempt to resolve the
* specified bundles that are unresolved. Additional bundles that are not
* included in the specified bundles may be resolved as a result of calling
* this method. A permissible implementation of this method is to attempt to
* resolve all unresolved bundles installed in the framework.
* <p>
* If <code>null</code> is specified then the Framework will attempt to
* resolve all unresolved bundles. This method must not cause any bundle to
* be refreshed, stopped, or started. This method will not return until the
* operation has completed.
* @param bundles The bundles to resolve or <code>null</code> to resolve all
* unresolved bundles installed in the Framework.
* @return <code>true</code> if all specified bundles are resolved;
* @since 1.2
public boolean resolveBundles(Bundle[] bundles);
* Returns an array of RequiredBundles with the specified symbolic name. If
* the symbolic name argument is <code>null</code> then all RequiredBundles
* are returned.
* @param symbolicName The symbolic name of the RequiredBundle or
* <code>null</code> for all RequiredBundles in the Framework.
* @return An array of RequiredBundles with the specified symbolic name or
* <code>null</code> if no RequiredBundles exist with that symbolic
* name.
* @since 1.2
public RequiredBundle[] getRequiredBundles(String symbolicName);
* Returns the bundles with the specified symbolic name within the specified
* version range. If no bundles are installed that have the specified
* symbolic name, then <code>null</code> is returned. If a version range is
* specified, then only the bundles that have the specified symbolic name
* and belong to the specified version range are returned. The returned
* bundles are ordered by version in descending version order so that the
* first element of the array contains the bundle with the highest version.
* @see org.osgi.framework.Constants#BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE
* @param symbolicName The symbolic name of the desired bundles.
* @param versionRange The version range of the desired bundles, or
* <code>null</code> if all versions are desired.
* @return An array of bundles with the specified name belonging to the
* specified version range ordered in descending version order, or
* <code>null</code> if no bundles are found.
* @since 1.2
public Bundle[] getBundles(String symbolicName, String versionRange);
* Returns an array of attached fragment bundles for the specified bundle.
* If the specified bundle is a fragment then <code>null</code> is returned.
* If no fragments are attached to the specified bundle then <code>null</code>
* is returned.
* <p>
* This method does not attempt to resolve the specified bundle. If the
* specified bundle is not resolved then <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param bundle The bundle whose attached fragment bundles are to be
* returned.
* @return An array of fragment bundles or <code>null</code> if the bundle
* does not have any attached fragment bundles or the bundle is not
* resolved.
* @since 1.2
public Bundle[] getFragments(Bundle bundle);
* Returns an array of host bundles to which the specified fragment bundle
* is attached or <code>null</code> if the specified bundle is not attached to
* a host or is not a fragment bundle.
* @param bundle The bundle whose host bundles are to be returned.
* @return An array of host bundles or <code>null</code> if the bundle does
* not have any host bundles.
* @since 1.2
public Bundle[] getHosts(Bundle bundle);
* Returns the bundle for which the specified class is loaded from. The
* classloader of the bundle returned must have been used to load the
* specified class. If the class was not loaded by a bundle classloader then
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param clazz the class object to get a bundle for
* @return the bundle from which the specified class is loaded or
* <code>null</code> if the class was not loaded by a bundle
* classloader
* @since 1.2
public Bundle getBundle(Class clazz);
* The bundle is a fragment bundle.
* <p>
* The value of <code>BUNDLE_TYPE_FRAGMENT</code> is 0x00000001.
* @since 1.2
public static final int BUNDLE_TYPE_FRAGMENT = 0x00000001;
* Returns the special type of the specified bundle. The bundle type values
* are:
* <ul>
* </ul>
* A bundle may be more than one type at a time. A type code is used to
* identify the bundle type for future extendability.
* <p>
* If a bundle is not one or more of the defined types then 0x00000000 is
* returned.
* @return The special type of the bundle.
* @since 1.2
public int getBundleType(Bundle bundle);