| #!/bin/bash -i |
| #set -u # Exit on unset variables |
| shopt -s expand_aliases # expand alias in non-interactive mode |
| source ~/.bash_profile |
| |
| |
| |
| echo "${USER} is the current user." |
| echo "Test date: " |
| date |
| |
| cd ~ |
| source ~/onos/tools/dev/bash_profile |
| cell borrow 190 7+0 jhall hotel |
| export OCN=localhost |
| cell |
| |
| #o |
| # TODO make this a build option |
| #git pull --ff-only |
| |
| rm -rf ~/TestON/logs/HA* |
| stc teardown |
| |
| cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin |
| ./copy-key-to-cells.sh |
| ./cleanup.sh -f |
| sudo pkill python |
| ./cli.py run ${TEST_NAME} |
| taillog |
| |
| echo ${JOB_NAME##*/} |
| echo ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| |
| # remove any leftover files from previous tests |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*Wiki.txt |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*Summary.txt |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*.csv |
| |
| #copy files to workspace |
| cd `ls -t ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs/*/ | head -1 | sed 's/://'` |
| sudo cp *.txt ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| sudo cp *.csv ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| ls -al ${WORKSPACE} |
| cd ${WORKSPACE} |
| mv ${TEST_NAME}.csv results.csv |
| ls -al ${WORKSPACE} |
| cd |
| |
| cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs |
| echo "Job Name is: ${JOB_NAME}" |
| TestONlogDir=$(ls -t | grep ${TEST_NAME}_ |head -1) |
| echo "########################################################################################" |
| echo "/n##### copying ONOS logs from all nodes to TestON/logs directory: ${TestONlogDir}#####" |
| echo "########################################################################################" |
| cd $TestONlogDir |
| if [ $? -eq 1 ] |
| then |
| echo "Job name does not match any test suite name to move log!" |
| else |
| pwd |
| for i in $OC{1..7}; do onos-fetch-logs $i; done |
| fi |