blob: 5ac413f4b4e8cf6a450bee938caec5bfad71debf [file] [log] [blame]
adminbae64d82013-08-01 10:50:15 -07001CASE 1
2 NAME "Verifying SSH protocol based slicing"
4 STEP "Deleting the flowspace by using 'removeFlowSpace'"
5 STORE ON FlowVisor DO removeFlowSpace USING "all" IN removeflowspace_result
6 ASSERT removeflowspace_result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Removed FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to remove FlowSpace"
8 STEP "Showing the connected devices by USING 'listDevices'"
9 STORE ON FlowVisor DO listDevices IN listdevices_result
10 ASSERT listdevices_result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Listed devices Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to list the devices"
12 STEP "Adding FlowSpace"
13 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x806,dl_src=9e:f5:8b:78:c3:93,nw_dst= Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_1
14 ASSERT addflowspace_result_1 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
16 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x806,dl_src=d2:df:f1:53:d4:49,nw_dst= Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_2
17 ASSERT addflowspace_result_2 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
19 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x800,nw_proto=6,nw_src=,tp_dst=22 Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_3
20 ASSERT addflowspace_result_3 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
22 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x800,nw_proto=6,nw_src=,tp_dst=22 Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_4
23 ASSERT addflowspace_result_4 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
25 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x800,nw_proto=6,nw_src=,tp_src=22 Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_5
26 ASSERT addflowspace_result_5 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
28 STORE ON FlowVisor DO addFlowSpace USING "any 100 dl_type=0x800,nw_proto=6,nw_src=,tp_src=22 Slice:SSH=4" IN addflowspace_result_6
29 ASSERT addflowspace_result_6 EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Added FlowSpace Successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to add FlowSpace"
31 STEP "Showing the flowSpace USING 'listFlowSpace'"
32 STORE ON FlowVisor DO listFlowSpace IN listflowspace_result
33 ASSERT listflowspace_result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "FlowSpace Listed successfully" ONFAIL "Failed to listthe FlowSpace"
35 STEP "Verifying the Slice, by checking SSH is happening to the destination or not"
36 STORE ON Pax_DPVM1 DO SSH USING user_name AS CASE['destination_username'],ip_address AS CASE['destination_host'], pwd AS CASE['destination_password'], port AS CASE['destination_port'], options AS TOPO['Pax_DPVM1']['COMPONENTS'] IN ssh_result
37 ASSERT ssh_result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Remote host connected throgh SSH " ONFAIL "Failed to connect remote host throgh SSH"
39 STEP " Showcasing the Parsing the response in required format"
40 STORE "<ipaddress></ipaddress><username>paxterra</username><password>paxterra</password><port>22</port><location>Bangalore</location>" IN myOutput
41 PARSE myOutput AS table INTO myVar
42 INFO <myVar>