blob: 084286d59b5fae69e1b226e01b039d515726b9af [file] [log] [blame]
adminbae64d82013-08-01 10:50:15 -07001import inspect
2import sys
3import os
4import re
6from core import xmldict
8@author: Raghav Kashyap (
10 TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
13 (at your option) any later version.
15 TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 along with TestON. If not, see <>.
27class UpdateDriver:
28 def __init__(self):
29 self.default = ''
30 self.configFile = "/home/openflow/TestON/config/ofadriver.cfg"
31 self.methodDict = {}
32 self.fileDict = {}
35 def getmethods(self,modulePath,Class) :
36 '''
37 This will get the list of methods in given module or class.
38 It accepts the module path and class name. If there is no
39 class name then it has be mentioned as None.
40 '''
41 methodList = []
42 moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
43 newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
44 print "Message : Method list is being obatined , Please wait ..."
45 try :
46 if Class :
47 Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [Class], -1)
48 ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
49 self.ClassList = ClassList
50 Class = vars(Module)[Class]
51 methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Class.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
52 else :
53 Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(),[moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2]], -1)
54 methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
55 ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
56 self.ClassList = ClassList
57 except :
58 print "Error : " +str(sys.exc_info()[1])
61 self.method = methodList
62 return self.method
64 def echo(self) :
65 print "Echoing !!!!!!"
67 def getargs(self,moduleName,className,method) :
68 '''
69 This will return the list of arguments in a method of python module of class.
70 It accepts method list as an argument.
71 '''
72 print "Message : Argument list is being obtained for each method"
73 methodArgsDict = {}
74 if className == None:
75 moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
76 for index,name in enumerate(method) :
77 Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) -1], globals(), locals(), [moduleList[len(moduleList) -2]], -1)
78 try :
79 names = vars(Module)[name]
80 except KeyError:
81 print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with including it. "
82 return False
83 argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
84 methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
85 else :
86 moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
87 for index,name in enumerate(method) :
88 Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [className], -1)
89 Class = getattr(Module, className)
90 try :
91 names = vars(Class)[name]
92 except KeyError :
93 print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with include it."
94 return False
96 argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
97 methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
99 return methodArgsDict
101 def configparser(self,fileName):
102 '''
103 It will parse the config file (ofa.cfg) and return as dictionary
104 '''
106 matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.cfg', fileName, re.M | re.I)
107 if matchFileName:
108 self.configFile = fileName
109 try :
110 xml = open(fileName).read()
111 self.configDict = xmldict.xml_to_dict(xml)
112 return self.configDict
113 except :
114 print "Error : Config file " + self.configFile + " not defined properly or file path error"
117 def getList(self):
118 '''
119 This method will maintain the hash with module->class->methodList or
120 module -> methodList .It will return the same Hash.
121 '''
122 classList = []
123 try :
124 moduleList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'].keys()
125 except KeyError,e:
126 print "Error : Module Does not Exists"
127 print e
128 return False
130 for index,value in enumerate(moduleList):
131 modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['path']
132 moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['name']
134 try :
135 pathList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['set-path'].split(",")
136 sys.path.extend(pathList)
137 except KeyError :
138 print "Error : No System Path is given "
139 pass
140 try :
141 Class = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes']
142 except :
143 Class = None
144 if Class == None :
145 methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,None)
146 self.methodDict[moduleName] = methodList
147 self.method_ignoreList(value,None)
148 self.getMethodArgsHash(moduleName,value,None)
149 else :
150 classList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes'].keys()
151 for indx,className in enumerate(classList):
152 if className == 'ignore-list' :
153 pass
154 else :
155 methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,className)
156 self.methodDict[moduleName] = {className : methodList}
157 self.method_ignoreList(value,className)
158 self.class_ignoreList(value)
159 self.getMethodArgsHash(moduleName,value,className)
161 def class_ignoreList(self,module) :
162 '''
163 It removes the ignored classes for each module mention in ofadriver.cfg
164 '''
165 class_ignoreList = []
166 if self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'] == None :
167 pass
168 else :
169 try :
170 class_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes']['ignore-list']).split(",")
171 except KeyError :
172 print "Message : No Class Ignore List present"
173 return True
174 moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
175 try :
176 for index,className in enumerate(class_ignoreList):
177 if className in self.methodDict[moduleName].keys():
178 del self.methodDict[moduleName][className]
179 except AttributeError:
180 pass
181 return self.methodDict
183 def method_ignoreList(self,module,className):
184 '''
185 It removes the ignored methods of each module or class mentioned in ofadriver.cfg.
186 '''
187 method_ignoreList = []
189 try :
190 if className == None :
191 try :
192 method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
193 except TypeError :
194 pass
195 else :
196 try :
197 method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
198 except TypeError :
199 pass
200 except KeyError :
201 print "Message : No Ignore-List Exists , proceeding for looking add method"
202 self.add_method(module,className)
203 return True
205 moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
206 #import pprint
207 #pprint.pprint(self.methodDict[moduleName])
208 for index, method in enumerate(method_ignoreList) :
209 if className == None :
210 try :
211 self.methodDict[moduleName].remove(method)
212 #pprint.pprint(self.methodDict)
213 except ValueError:
214 print "Message : Method " + method + "Does not exist in module " + moduleName + ", Continue to rest execution"
215 pass
217 else :
218 if method in self.methodDict[moduleName][className] :
219 self.methodDict[moduleName][className].remove(method)
220 self.add_method(module,className)
221 return self.methodDict
223 def add_method(self,module,className) :
224 '''
225 This will add the methods(mentioned in ofadriver.cfg file) into method list if it doesnot exists in list.
226 '''
227 method_List = []
228 try :
229 if className == None :
230 try :
231 method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
232 except TypeError :
233 pass
234 else :
235 try :
236 method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
237 except TypeError :
238 pass
240 except KeyError :
241 print "Message : No Add-List Exists , Proceeding with all available methods"
242 return True
243 moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
244 for index, method in enumerate(method_List) :
245 if className == None :
246 self.methodDict[moduleName] = []
247 self.methodDict[moduleName].append(method)
248 else :
249 self.methodDict[moduleName][className] = []
250 self.methodDict[moduleName][className].append(method)
252 def getMethodArgsHash(self,moduleName,module,className):
253 '''
254 This will maintain a Hash of class->method->argumentsList
255 '''
256 modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['path']
257 moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
258 newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
259 if className == None :
260 methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,None,self.methodDict[moduleName])
261 self.fileDict[moduleName] = methodArgs
262 else :
263 methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,className,self.methodDict[moduleName][className])
264 self.fileDict[className] = methodArgs
265 return self.fileDict
267 def appendDriver(self,fileName):
268 '''
269 This will append the given driver file with methods along with arguments.
270 '''
271 matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.py', fileName, re.M | re.I)
273 if matchFileName:
274 fileHandle = None
275 try :
276 print "Message : Writing Driver file at " + fileName
277 fileHandle = open(fileName,"a")
278 content = ''
280 for index, key in enumerate(self.fileDict.keys()):
281 try :
282 for ind, method in enumerate(self.fileDict[key].keys()):
283 if not method == "__init__" :
284 args = ''
285 args = ",".join(self.fileDict[key][method])
286 content = content + "\n" + " " * 4 + "def " + method + "(self," + args + ") :"
287 content = content + "\n" + " " * 8 + "return " + key + "." + method + "(" + args + ")\n"
288 except AttributeError :
289 pass
290 fileHandle.write(content)
291 fileHandle.close()
292 return content
294 except :
295 print "Error : Driver file " + fileName + "does not exists"
296 else :
297 print "Error : File name " + fileName + "is not python module"
298 return False
301 def writeDriver(self, driver) :
302 '''
303 This will accept the List of driver name and write those drivers if no driver name is specified
304 then it will write all of the driver specified in the ofadriver.cfg.
305 '''
306 self.printHeader(driver)
307 drivers = []
308 commaMatch =",", driver, flags=0)
309 if commaMatch:
310 drivers = driver.split(",")
311 else :
312 drivers.append(driver)
313 self.driverList = []
314 if len(drivers) == 0:
315 for index, driverName in enumerate(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'].keys()):
316 self.driver = driverName
317 result = self.getList()
318 if result :
319 self.getDriverPath()
320 self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
321 self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
322 else :
323 return False
324 else :
325 for index, driverName in enumerate(drivers) :
327 self.driver = driverName
328 result = self.getList()
329 if result :
330 self.getDriverPath()
331 self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
332 self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
333 else :
334 return False
336 print "=" * 90
337 print " " * 30 + "Output Driver File :"
338 print ",\n".join(self.driverList)
339 print "=" * 90
340 return True
344 def getDriverPath(self):
345 '''
346 It will set the driver path and returns it.If driver path is not specified then it will take
347 default path (/lib/updatedriver/).
348 '''
349 self.driverPath = ''
350 try :
351 self.driverPath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['driver-path']
353 except KeyError :
354 path = re.sub("(bin)$", "", os.getcwd())
355 self.driverPath = path + "/lib/updatedriver/"
356 return self.driverPath
359 def printHeader(self,driver):
360 content = ''
362 print " " * 10 +"=" * 90 + "\n"
363 content = content + " " * 30 + "*-- Welcome to Updated Driver --*\n"
364 content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Config File : " + "/home/openflow/TestON/config/"
365 content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Drivers Name : " + driver
366 print content
367 print " " * 10 + "=" * 90