blob: 03274e2b2933ecde7ff5352ba15a043e565798f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is a basic platform test suite.
# Additional platform test cases can be added on this test suite where appropriate.
class PLATdockertest:
This testsuite performs the following tests:
1) checkout onos docker image;
2) test image start up in single and clustered mode;
3) test onos app activation and deactivation;
1) docker-engine installed on test station (localhost);
2) python docker client (docker-py) installed on test station
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
global IPlist
global CTIDlist
global NODElist
DOCKERREPO = "onosproject/onos"
DOCKERTAG = "latest"
def CASE1( self, main ):
1) set up test params;
import re"Set case test params")
main.step("Initialize test params")
NODElist = main.params["SCALE"]["nodelist"].split(',')"onos container names are: " + ",".join(NODElist) )
IPlist = list()
main.testOnDirectory = re.sub( "(/tests)$", "", main.testDir )
DOCKERREPO = main.params[ 'DOCKER' ][ 'repo' ]
DOCKERTAG = main.params[ 'DOCKER' ][ 'tag' ]
CTIDlist = list()
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = main.TRUE,
onpass = "Params set",
onfail = "Failed to set params")
def CASE5(self, main):
Pull (default) "onosproject/onos:latest" image
""" "Pull latest onos docker image from onosproject/onos - \
it may take sometime if this is a first time pulling." )
stepResult = main.FALSE
main.step( "pull latest image from onosproject/onos")
stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerPull( onosRepo = DOCKERREPO, onosTag = DOCKERTAG )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Succeeded in pulling " + DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG,
onfail = "Failed to pull " + DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG )
def CASE10( self, main ):
Start docker containers for list of onos nodes, only if not already existed
import re "Start onos container(s)")
main.step( "Create and (re)start docker container(s) if not already exist")
#stepResult = main.FALSE
for ct in xrange(0, len(NODElist)):
if not main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCheckCTName( ctName = NODElist[ct] ): "Create new container for onos" + str(ct + 1) )
createResult, ctid = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCreateCT( onosImage = image, onosNode = NODElist[ct])
startResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerStartCT( ctID = ctid )
else:"Container exists for node onos" + str(ct + 1) + "; restart container with latest image" )
startResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRestartCT( ctName = NODElist[ct ] )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = createResult and startResult,
onpass = "Container successfully created",
onfail = "Failed to create the container" )
main.step( "Get IP address on onos containers" )
stepResult = main.FALSE
for ct in xrange(0,len(NODElist)):
IPlist.append(main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerIP( ctName = NODElist[ct] ))"Container IPs are: " + ', '.join( IPlist ))
if IPlist is not []:stepResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Container successfully started",
onfail = "Failed to start the container" )
def CASE110(self,main):
1) check default startup standalone onos applications status;
2) form onos cluster with all nodes;
3) check onos applications status;
4) activate apps per params and check app status;
5) deactivate apps and check app status
import time
import json
startupSleep = int(main.params["SLEEP"]["startup"])
appToAct = main.params["CASE110"]["apps"]
stepResult = main.FALSE "Wait for startup, sleep (sec): " + str(startupSleep))
main.step( "Check initial app states from onos1")
stepResult = main.TRUE
response = main.ONOSbenchRest.apps( ip=IPlist[0], port = 8181 )
main.log.debug("Rest call response is: " + response)
if response is not main.FALSE:
for item in json.loads(response):
if item["state"] not in ["ACTIVE", "INSTALLED"]:"Some bundles are not in correct state. ")"App states are: " + response)
stepResult = main.FALSE
if (item["description"] == "Builtin device drivers") and (item["state"] != "ACTIVE"):"Driver app is not in 'ACTIVE' state, but in: " + item["state"])
stepResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "ONOS successfully started",
onfail = "Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if stepResult is main.FALSE: main.skipCase
main.step( "Form onos cluster using 'Dependency/onos-form-cluster' util")
stepResult = main.FALSE
clcmdpath = main.params["CASE110"]["clustercmdpath"]"onos-form-cluster cmd path is: " + clcmdpath)
dkruser = main.params["DOCKER"]["user"]
dkrpasswd = main.params["DOCKER"]["password"]
main.ONOSbenchDocker.onosFormCluster(cmdPath = clcmdpath, onosIPs=IPlist, user=dkruser, passwd = dkrpasswd)"Wait for cluster to form with sleep time of " + str(startupSleep))
status, response = main.ONOSbenchRest.send(ip=IPlist[0],port=8181, url="/cluster")
main.log.debug("Rest call response: " + str(status) + " - " + response)
if status == 200:
jrsp = json.loads(response)
clusterIP = [item["ip"]for item in jrsp["nodes"] if item["status"]== "ACTIVE"]
if set(IPlist) == set(clusterIP): stepResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "ONOS successfully started",
onfail = "Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if stepResult is main.FALSE: main.skipCase
main.step( "Check cluster app status")
stepResult = main.TRUE
response = main.ONOSbenchRest.apps( ip=IPlist[0], port = 8181 )
if response is not main.FALSE:
for item in json.loads(response):
if item["state"] not in ["ACTIVE", "INSTALLED"]:"Some bundles are not in correct state. ")"App states are: " + response)
stepResult = main.FALSE
if (item["description"] == "Builtin device drivers") and (item["state"] != "ACTIVE"):"Driver app is not in 'ACTIVE' state, but in: " + item["state"])
stepResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "ONOS successfully started",
onfail = "Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if stepResult is main.FALSE: main.skipCase
main.step(" Activate an APP from REST and check APP status")
appResults = list()
stepResult = main.TRUE
applist = main.params["CASE110"]["apps"].split(",")"List of apps to activate: " + str(applist) )
for app in applist:
appRslt = main.ONOSbenchRest.activateApp(appName=app, ip=IPlist[0], port=8181, check=True)
stepResult = stepResult and appRslt
main.log.debug("Apps activation result for " + ",".join(applist) + ": " + str(appResults) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Successfully activate apps",
onfail = "Failed to activate apps correctly" )
if stepResult is main.FALSE: main.skipCase
main.step(" Deactivate an APP from REST and check APP status")
appResults = list()
stepResult = main.TRUE
applist = main.params["CASE110"]["apps"].split(",")"Apps to activae: " + str(applist) )
for app in applist:
appRslt = main.ONOSbenchRest.deactivateApp(appName=app, ip=IPlist[0], port=8181, check=True)
stepResult = stepResult and appRslt
main.log.debug("Apps deactivation result for " + ",".join(applist) + ": " + str(appResults) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Successfully deactivate apps",
onfail = "Failed to deactivate apps correctly" )
if stepResult is main.FALSE: main.skipCase
def CASE1000( self, main ):
Cleanup after tests - stop and delete the containers created; delete "onosproject/onos:latest image
import time
main.step("Stop onos containers")
stepResult = main.TRUE
for ctname in NODElist:
if main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCheckCTName(ctName = "/" + ctname): "stopping docker container: /" + ctname)
stopResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerStopCT( ctName = "/" + ctname )
rmResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveCT( ctName = "/" + ctname)
stepResult = stepResult and stopResult and rmResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Container successfully stopped",
onfail = "Failed to stopped the container" )
#main.step( "remove exiting onosproject/onos images")
#stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveImage( image = DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG )
main.step( "remove exiting 'none:none' images")
stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveImage( image = "<none>:<none>" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = stepResult,
onpass = "Succeeded in deleting image " + "<none>:<none>",
onfail = "Failed to delete image " + "<none>:<none>" )