blob: 7df3e5187d304b87133fb522ef73d128d8145aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import time
class HA():
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
def consistentCheck( self ):
Checks that TestON counters are consistent across all nodes.
Returns the tuple (onosCounters, consistent)
- onosCounters is the parsed json output of the counters command on
all nodes
- consistent is main.TRUE if all "TestON" counters are consitent across
all nodes or main.FALSE
# Get onos counters results
onosCountersRaw = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
name="counters-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.CLIs[i].counters, [ None ] ],
kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
'randomTime': True } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
onosCountersRaw.append( t.result )
onosCounters = []
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
onosCounters.append( json.loads( onosCountersRaw[i] ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.error( "Could not parse counters response from ONOS" +
str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 ) )
main.log.warn( repr( onosCountersRaw[ i ] ) )
onosCounters.append( [] )
testCounters = {}
# make a list of all the "TestON-*" counters in ONOS
# lookes like a dict whose keys are the name of the ONOS node and
# values are a list of the counters. I.E.
# { "ONOS1": [ { "name":"TestON-Partitions","value":56} ]
# }
# NOTE: There is an assumtion that all nodes are active
# based on the above for loops
for controller in enumerate( onosCounters ):
for key, value in controller[1].iteritems():
if 'TestON' in key:
node = 'ONOS' + str( controller[0] + 1 )
testCounters[node].append( { key: value } )
except KeyError:
testCounters[node] = [ { key: value } ]
# compare the counters on each node
firstV = testCounters.values()[0]
tmp = [ v == firstV for k, v in testCounters.iteritems() ]
if all( tmp ):
consistent = main.TRUE
consistent = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS nodes have different values for counters:\n" +
testCounters )
return ( onosCounters, consistent )
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "" )
def counterCheck( self, counterName, counterValue ):
Checks that TestON counters are consistent across all nodes and that
specified counter is in ONOS with the given value
correctResults = main.TRUE
# Get onos counters results and consistentCheck
onosCounters, consistent = self.consistentCheck()
# Check for correct values
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
current = onosCounters[i]
onosValue = None
onosValue = current.get( counterName )
except AttributeError:
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
main.log.exception( "ONOS" + node + " counters result " +
"is not as expected" )
correctResults = main.FALSE
if onosValue == counterValue: counterName + " counter value is correct" )
main.log.error( counterName +
" counter value is incorrect," +
" expected value: " + str( counterValue ) +
" current value: " + str( onosValue ) )
correctResults = main.FALSE
return consistent and correctResults
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "" )
def consistentLeaderboards( self, nodes ):
TOPIC = 'org.onosproject.election'
# FIXME: use threads
# FIXME: should we retry outside the function?
for n in range( 5 ): # Retry in case election is still happening
leaderList = []
# Get all leaderboards
for cli in nodes:
leaderList.append( cli.specificLeaderCandidate( TOPIC ) )
# Compare leaderboards
result = all( i == leaderList[0] for i in leaderList ) and\
leaderList is not None
main.log.debug( leaderList )
main.log.warn( result )
if result:
return ( result, leaderList )
time.sleep(5) # TODO: paramerterize
main.log.error( "Inconsistent leaderboards:" + str( leaderList ) )
return ( result, leaderList )
def nodesCheck( self, nodes ):
nodesOutput = []
results = True
threads = []
for i in nodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].nodes,
name="nodes-" + str( i ),
args=[ ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
nodesOutput.append( t.result )
ips = [ main.nodes[node].ip_address for node in nodes ]
for i in nodesOutput:
current = json.loads( i )
activeIps = []
currentResult = False
for node in current:
if node['state'] == 'READY':
activeIps.append( node['ip'] )
if ips == activeIps:
currentResult = True
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.error( "Error parsing nodes output" )
main.log.warn( repr( i ) )
currentResult = False
results = results and currentResult
return results
def workQueueStatsCheck( self, workQueueName, completed, inProgress, pending ):
# Completed
threads = []
completedValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].workQueueTotalCompleted,
name="WorkQueueCompleted-" + str( i ),
args=[ workQueueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
completedValues.append( int( t.result ) )
# Check the results
completedResults = [ x == completed for x in completedValues ]
completedResult = all( completedResults )
if not completedResult:
main.log.warn( "Expected Work Queue {} to have {} completed, found {}".format(
workQueueName, completed, completedValues ) )
# In Progress
threads = []
inProgressValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].workQueueTotalInProgress,
name="WorkQueueInProgress-" + str( i ),
args=[ workQueueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
inProgressValues.append( int( t.result ) )
# Check the results
inProgressResults = [ x == inProgress for x in inProgressValues ]
inProgressResult = all( inProgressResults )
if not inProgressResult:
main.log.warn( "Expected Work Queue {} to have {} inProgress, found {}".format(
workQueueName, inProgress, inProgressValues ) )
# Pending
threads = []
pendingValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].workQueueTotalPending,
name="WorkQueuePending-" + str( i ),
args=[ workQueueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pendingValues.append( int( t.result ) )
# Check the results
pendingResults = [ x == pending for x in pendingValues ]
pendingResult = all( pendingResults )
if not pendingResult:
main.log.warn( "Expected Work Queue {} to have {} pending, found {}".format(
workQueueName, pending, pendingValues ) )
return completedResult and inProgressResult and pendingResult
def CASE17( self, main ):
Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
# TODO: Clean this up so it's not just a cut/paste from the test
# Make sure variables are defined/set
assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
assert main.pCounterName, "main.pCounterName not defined"
assert main.onosSetName, "main.onosSetName not defined"
# NOTE: assert fails if value is 0/None/Empty/False
except NameError:
main.log.error( "main.pCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
main.pCounterValue = 0
except NameError:
main.log.error( "main.onosSet not defined, setting to empty Set" )
main.onosSet = set([])
# Variables for the distributed primitives tests. These are local only
addValue = "a"
addAllValue = "a b c d e f"
retainValue = "c d e f"
valueName = "TestON-Value"
valueValue = None
workQueueName = "TestON-Queue"
workQueueCompleted = 0
workQueueInProgress = 0
workQueuePending = 0
description = "Check for basic functionality with distributed " +\
"primitives" description )
main.caseExplanation = "Test the methods of the distributed " +\
"primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli"
# Partitioned counters
main.step( "Increment then get a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
name="counterAddAndGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.pCounterName ] )
main.pCounterValue += 1
addedPValues.append( main.pCounterValue )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Get then Increment a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
name="counterGetAndAdd-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.pCounterName ] )
addedPValues.append( main.pCounterValue )
main.pCounterValue += 1
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( main.pCounterName, main.pCounterValue )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Added counters are correct",
onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
main.step( "Add -8 to then get a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.pCounterName ],
kwargs={ "delta": -8 } )
main.pCounterValue += -8
addedPValues.append( main.pCounterValue )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Add 5 to then get a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.pCounterName ],
kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
main.pCounterValue += 5
addedPValues.append( main.pCounterValue )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Get then add 5 to a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.pCounterName ],
kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
addedPValues.append( main.pCounterValue )
main.pCounterValue += 5
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( main.pCounterName, main.pCounterValue )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Added counters are correct",
onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set get" )
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set elements are correct",
onfail="Set elements are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set size" )
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set sizes are correct",
onfail="Set sizes are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set add()" )
main.onosSet.add( addValue )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAdd-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addResults = main.FALSE
if addResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set add" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addResults = addResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set add correct",
onfail="Set add was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
main.onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set contains()" )
containsResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setContains-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ],
kwargs={ "values": addValue } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
# NOTE: This is the tuple
containsResponses.append( t.result )
containsResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
containsResults = main.FALSE
containsResults = containsResults and\
containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set contains is functional",
onfail="Set contains failed" )
main.step( "Distributed Set containsAll()" )
containsAllResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setContainsAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ],
kwargs={ "values": addAllValue } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
# NOTE: This is the tuple
containsAllResponses.append( t.result )
containsAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
containsResults = main.FALSE
containsResults = containsResults and\
containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set containsAll is functional",
onfail="Set containsAll failed" )
main.step( "Distributed Set remove()" )
main.onosSet.remove( addValue )
removeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRemove-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
removeResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
removeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if removeResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# not in set, probably fine
elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
removeResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
removeResults = main.FALSE
if removeResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set remove" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
removeResults = removeResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set remove correct",
onfail="Set remove was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set removeAll()" )
main.onosSet.difference_update( addAllValue.split() )
removeAllResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRemoveAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
removeAllResponses.append( t.result )
except Exception, e:
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
removeAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# not in set, probably fine
elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
removeAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
removeAllResults = main.FALSE
if removeAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set removeAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
removeAllResults = removeAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set removeAll correct",
onfail="Set removeAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
main.onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set clear()" )
clearResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestClear-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, " "], # Values doesn't matter
kwargs={ "clear": True } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
clearResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
clearResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if clearResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Nothing set, probably fine
elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
clearResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
clearResults = main.FALSE
if clearResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set clear" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
clearResults = clearResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set clear correct",
onfail="Set clear was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
main.onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set retain()" )
main.onosSet.intersection_update( retainValue.split() )
retainResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRetain-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName, retainValue ],
kwargs={ "retain": True } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
retainResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
retainResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
if retainResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
retainResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
retainResults = main.FALSE
if retainResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set retain" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( main.onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if main.onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( main.onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + main.onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ main.onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " expected a size of " +
str( size ) + " for set " + main.onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
retainResults = retainResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set retain correct",
onfail="Set retain was incorrect" )
# Transactional maps
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps put" )
tMapValue = "Testing"
numKeys = 100
putResult = True
node = main.activeNodes[0]
putResponses = main.CLIs[node].transactionalMapPut( numKeys, tMapValue )
if putResponses and len( putResponses ) == 100:
for i in putResponses:
if putResponses[ i ][ 'value' ] != tMapValue:
putResult = False
putResult = False
if not putResult:
main.log.debug( "Put response values: " + str( putResponses ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map put successful",
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
# FIXME: is this sleep needed?
time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
threads = []
valueCheck = True
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].transactionalMapGet,
name="TMap-get-" + str( i ),
args=[ "Key" + str( n ) ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
for node in getResponses:
if node != tMapValue:
valueCheck = False
if not valueCheck:
main.log.warn( "Values for key 'Key" + str( n ) + "' do not match:" )
main.log.warn( getResponses )
getCheck = getCheck and valueCheck
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map get values were correct",
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map values incorrect" )
main.step( "Get the value of a new value" )
threads = []
getValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestGet,
name="ValueGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( getValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueGetResult = True
expected = valueValue if valueValue is not None else "null"
main.log.debug( "Checking for value of " + expected )
for i in getValues:
if i != expected:
atomicValueGetResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value get successful",
onfail="Error getting atomic Value " +
str( valueValue ) + ", found: " +
str( getValues ) )
main.step( "Atomic Value set()" )
valueValue = "foo"
threads = []
setValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestSet,
name="ValueSet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName, valueValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
setValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( setValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueSetResults = True
for i in setValues:
if i != main.TRUE:
atomicValueSetResults = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value set successful",
onfail="Error setting atomic Value" +
str( setValues ) )
main.step( "Get the value after set()" )
threads = []
getValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestGet,
name="ValueGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( getValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueGetResult = True
expected = valueValue if valueValue is not None else "null"
main.log.debug( "Checking for value of " + expected )
for i in getValues:
if i != expected:
atomicValueGetResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value get successful",
onfail="Error getting atomic Value " +
str( valueValue ) + ", found: " +
str( getValues ) )
main.step( "Atomic Value compareAndSet()" )
oldValue = valueValue
valueValue = "bar"
i = main.activeNodes[0]
CASValue = main.CLIs[i].valueTestCompareAndSet( valueName, oldValue, valueValue )
main.log.debug( CASValue )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Atomic Value comapreAndSet successful",
onfail="Error setting atomic Value:" +
str( CASValue ) )
main.step( "Get the value after compareAndSet()" )
threads = []
getValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestGet,
name="ValueGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( getValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueGetResult = True
expected = valueValue if valueValue is not None else "null"
main.log.debug( "Checking for value of " + expected )
for i in getValues:
if i != expected:
atomicValueGetResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value get successful",
onfail="Error getting atomic Value " +
str( valueValue ) + ", found: " +
str( getValues ) )
main.step( "Atomic Value getAndSet()" )
oldValue = valueValue
valueValue = "baz"
i = main.activeNodes[0]
GASValue = main.CLIs[i].valueTestGetAndSet( valueName, valueValue )
main.log.debug( GASValue )
expected = oldValue if oldValue is not None else "null"
utilities.assert_equals( expect=expected,
onpass="Atomic Value GAS successful",
onfail="Error with GetAndSet atomic Value: expected " +
str( expected ) + ", found: " +
str( GASValue ) )
main.step( "Get the value after getAndSet()" )
threads = []
getValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestGet,
name="ValueGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( getValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueGetResult = True
expected = valueValue if valueValue is not None else "null"
main.log.debug( "Checking for value of " + expected )
for i in getValues:
if i != expected:
atomicValueGetResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value get successful",
onfail="Error getting atomic Value: expected " +
str( valueValue ) + ", found: " +
str( getValues ) )
main.step( "Atomic Value destory()" )
valueValue = None
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
destroyResult = main.CLIs[i].valueTestDestroy( valueName )
main.log.debug( destroyResult )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Atomic Value destroy successful",
onfail="Error destroying atomic Value" )
main.step( "Get the value after destroy()" )
threads = []
getValues = []
for i in main.activeNodes:
t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].valueTestGet,
name="ValueGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ valueName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getValues.append( t.result )
main.log.debug( getValues )
# Check the results
atomicValueGetResult = True
expected = valueValue if valueValue is not None else "null"
main.log.debug( "Checking for value of " + expected )
for i in getValues:
if i != expected:
atomicValueGetResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Atomic Value get successful",
onfail="Error getting atomic Value " +
str( valueValue ) + ", found: " +
str( getValues ) )
main.step( "Work Queue add()" )
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
addResult = main.CLIs[i].workQueueAdd( workQueueName, 'foo' )
workQueuePending += 1
main.log.debug( addResult )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Work Queue add successful",
onfail="Error adding to Work Queue" )
main.step( "Check the work queue stats" )
statsResults = self.workQueueStatsCheck( workQueueName,
workQueuePending )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Work Queue stats correct",
onfail="Work Queue stats incorrect " )
main.step( "Work Queue addMultiple()" )
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
addMultipleResult = main.CLIs[i].workQueueAddMultiple( workQueueName, 'bar', 'baz' )
workQueuePending += 2
main.log.debug( addMultipleResult )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Work Queue add multiple successful",
onfail="Error adding multiple items to Work Queue" )
main.step( "Check the work queue stats" )
statsResults = self.workQueueStatsCheck( workQueueName,
workQueuePending )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Work Queue stats correct",
onfail="Work Queue stats incorrect " )
main.step( "Work Queue takeAndComplete() 1" )
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
number = 1
take1Result = main.CLIs[i].workQueueTakeAndComplete( workQueueName, number )
workQueuePending -= number
workQueueCompleted += number
main.log.debug( take1Result )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Work Queue takeAndComplete 1 successful",
onfail="Error taking 1 from Work Queue" )
main.step( "Check the work queue stats" )
statsResults = self.workQueueStatsCheck( workQueueName,
workQueuePending )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Work Queue stats correct",
onfail="Work Queue stats incorrect " )
main.step( "Work Queue takeAndComplete() 2" )
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
number = 2
take2Result = main.CLIs[i].workQueueTakeAndComplete( workQueueName, number )
workQueuePending -= number
workQueueCompleted += number
main.log.debug( take2Result )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Work Queue takeAndComplete 2 successful",
onfail="Error taking 2 from Work Queue" )
main.step( "Check the work queue stats" )
statsResults = self.workQueueStatsCheck( workQueueName,
workQueuePending )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Work Queue stats correct",
onfail="Work Queue stats incorrect " )
main.step( "Work Queue destroy()" )
valueValue = None
threads = []
i = main.activeNodes[0]
destroyResult = main.CLIs[i].workQueueDestroy( workQueueName )
workQueueCompleted = 0
workQueueInProgress = 0
workQueuePending = 0
main.log.debug( destroyResult )
# Check the results
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Work Queue destroy successful",
onfail="Error destroying Work Queue" )
main.step( "Check the work queue stats" )
statsResults = self.workQueueStatsCheck( workQueueName,
workQueuePending )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Work Queue stats correct",
onfail="Work Queue stats incorrect " )
except Exception as e:
main.log.error( "Exception: " + str( e ) )