blob: 13f110b62b026189cff3f474ad6675f424f56adf [file] [log] [blame]
Graph algorithm implementations for CHOTestMonkey
class GraphHelper:
This class implements graph algorithms for CHOTestMonkey.
It reads main.devices and main.links as vertices and edges.
Currently it offers functions for finding (non-)cut-edges and vertices,
which is realized based on chain-decomposition algorithm
def __init__( self ):
# Depth-first index of each node
self.DFI = []
# Parent vertex and egde of each node in depth-first search tree
self.parentDeviceInDFS = []
self.parentLinkInDFS = []
# Data structures for chain-decomposition algorithm
self.backEdges = {}
self.chains = []
self.currentDFI = 0
self.upDevices = []
for device in main.devices:
if device.isUp():
self.upDevices.append( device )
for i in range( len( main.devices ) ):
self.DFI.append( -1 )
self.parentDeviceInDFS.append( None )
self.parentLinkInDFS.append( None )
def genDFIandBackEdge( self, device ):
This function runs a depth-first search and get DFI of each node
as well as collect the back edges
self.DFI[ device.index ] = self.currentDFI
self.currentDFI += 1
for link in device.outgoingLinks:
if not link.isUp():
backwardLink = link.backwardLink
neighbor = link.deviceB
if neighbor == self.parentDeviceInDFS[ device.index ]:
elif self.DFI[ neighbor.index ] == -1:
self.parentDeviceInDFS[ neighbor.index ] = device
self.parentLinkInDFS[ neighbor.index ] = backwardLink
self.genDFIandBackEdge( neighbor )
key = self.DFI[ neighbor.index ]
if key in self.backEdges.keys():
if not link in self.backEdges[ key ] and\
not backwardLink in self.backEdges[ key ]:
self.backEdges[ key ].append( backwardLink )
tempKey = self.DFI[ device.index ]
if tempKey in self.backEdges.keys():
if not link in self.backEdges[ tempKey ] and\
not backwardLink in self.backEdges[ tempKey ]:
self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardLink ]
self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardLink ]
def findChains( self ):
This function finds all the 'chains' for chain-decomposition algorithm
keyList = self.backEdges.keys()
deviceIsVisited = []
for i in range( len( main.devices ) ):
deviceIsVisited.append( 0 )
for key in keyList:
backEdgeList = self.backEdges[ key ]
for link in backEdgeList:
chain = []
currentLink = link
sourceDevice = link.deviceA
while True:
currentDevice = currentLink.deviceA
nextDevice = currentLink.deviceB
deviceIsVisited[ currentDevice.index ] = 1
chain.append( currentLink )
if nextDevice == sourceDevice or deviceIsVisited[ nextDevice.index ] == 1:
currentLink = self.parentLinkInDFS[ nextDevice.index ]
self.chains.append( chain )
def getNonCutEdges( self ):
This function returns all non-cut-edges of a graph
assert len( self.upDevices ) != 0
self.genDFIandBackEdge( self.upDevices[ 0 ] )
nonCutEdges = []
for chain in self.chains:
for link in chain:
nonCutEdges.append( link )
return nonCutEdges
def getNonCutVertices( self ):
This function returns all non-cut-vertices of a graph
nonCutEdges = self.getNonCutEdges()
nonCutVertices = []
for device in self.upDevices:
deviceIsNonCut = True
for link in device.outgoingLinks:
if link.isUp() and not ( link in nonCutEdges or link.backwardLink in nonCutEdges ):
deviceIsNonCut = False
if deviceIsNonCut:
nonCutVertices.append( device )
return nonCutVertices
def printDFI( self ):
print self.DFI
def printParentInDFS( self ):
print self.parentInDFS
def printBackEdges( self ):
print self.backEdges
def printChains( self ):
chainIndex = 0
for chain in self.chains:
print chainIndex
for link in chain:
print link
chainIndex += 1