blob: 699191678c007dcb34e9c6147676eee30f516db5 [file] [log] [blame]
Start up the SDN-IP demo topology
AS1 = 64513, (SDN AS)
AS2 = 64514, reachable by,
AS3 = 64516, reachable by
AS4 = 64517, reachable by
AS6 = 64520, reachable by, (route server
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.moduledeps import pathCheck
import os.path
import time
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/lib/quagga'
#QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/local/sbin'
QUAGGA_RUN_DIR = '/usr/local/var/run/quagga'
QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR = '/home/tutorial1/ONLabTest/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest/mininet'
class SDNIpModifiedTopo( Topo ):
"SDN Ip Modified Topology"
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
global numHost101
global numHost200
numHost101 = 101
numHost200 = 200
Topo.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
sw1 = self.addSwitch('sw1', dpid='0000000000000001')
sw2 = self.addSwitch('sw2', dpid='0000000000000002')
#sw3 = self.addSwitch('sw3', dpid='00000000000000a3')
#sw4 = self.addSwitch('sw4', dpid='00000000000000a4')
#sw5 = self.addSwitch('sw5', dpid='00000000000000a5')
#sw6 = self.addSwitch('sw6', dpid='00000000000000a6')
#add a switch for 3 quagga hosts
swTestOn = self.addSwitch('swTestOn', dpid='0000000000000102')
#Note this switch isn't part of the SDN topology
#We'll use the ovs-controller to turn this into a learning switch
as6sw = self.addSwitch('as6sw', dpid='00000000000000a7')
host1 = self.addHost( 'host1' )
root1 = self.addHost( 'root1', inNamespace=False , ip='0')
rootTestOn = self.addHost( 'rootTestOn', inNamespace=False, ip='0' )
#AS2 host
host3 = self.addHost( 'host3' )
as2host = self.addHost( 'as2host' )
#AS3 host
host4 = self.addHost( 'host4' )
as3host = self.addHost( 'as3host' )
#AS6 host
host5 = self.addHost( 'host5' )
as6host = self.addHost( 'as6host' )
self.addLink( host1, sw2 )
#Links to the multihomed AS
self.addLink( host3, sw1 )
self.addLink( host3, sw1 )
self.addLink( as2host, host3 )
#Single links to the remaining two ASes
self.addLink( host4, sw1 )
self.addLink( as3host, host4 )
#AS3-AS4 link
#self.addLink( host4, host5)
#Add new AS6 to its bridge
self.addLink( host5, as6sw )
self.addLink( as6host, host5 )
#test the host behind the router(behind the router server)
# for i in range(1, 10):
# host = self.addHost('as6host%d' % i)
# self.addLink(host, as6router)
## Internal Connection To Hosts ##
self.addLink( root1, host1 )
# self.addLink( sw1, sw2 )
# self.addLink( sw1, sw3 )
# self.addLink( sw2, sw4 )
# self.addLink( sw3, sw4 )
# self.addLink( sw3, sw5 )
# self.addLink( sw4, sw6 )
# self.addLink( sw5, sw6 )
self.addLink( as6sw, sw1 )
self.addLink(swTestOn, rootTestOn)
#self.addLink(swTestOn, host1)
self.addLink(swTestOn, host3)
self.addLink(swTestOn, host4)
self.addLink(swTestOn, host5)
self.addLink(swTestOn, as2host)
#self.addLink(rootTestOn, host4)
def startsshd( host ):
"Start sshd on host"
info( '*** Starting sshd\n' )
name, intf, ip =, host.defaultIntf(), host.IP()
banner = '/tmp/%s.banner' % name
host.cmd( 'echo "Welcome to %s at %s" > %s' % ( name, ip, banner ) )
host.cmd( '/usr/sbin/sshd -o "Banner %s"' % banner, '-o "UseDNS no"' )
info( '***',, 'is running sshd on', intf, 'at', ip, '\n' )
def startsshds ( hosts ):
for h in hosts:
startsshd( h )
def stopsshd( ):
"Stop *all* sshd processes with a custom banner"
info( '*** Shutting down stale sshd/Banner processes ',
quietRun( "pkill -9 -f Banner" ), '\n' )
def startquagga( host, num, config_file ):
info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host )
zebra_cmd = 'sudo %s/zebra -d -f %s/zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' % (QUAGGA_DIR, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num)
quagga_cmd = 'sudo %s/bgpd -d -f %s -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' % (QUAGGA_DIR, config_file, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num)
print zebra_cmd
print quagga_cmd
host.cmd( zebra_cmd )
host.cmd( quagga_cmd )
def startquaggahost5( host, num ):
info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host )
zebra_cmd = 'sudo %s/zebra -d -f %s/zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' % (QUAGGA_DIR, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num)
quagga_cmd = 'sudo %s/bgpd -d -f ./as4quaggas/quagga%s.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' % (QUAGGA_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num)
host.cmd( zebra_cmd )
host.cmd( quagga_cmd )
def stopquagga( ):
quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f bgpd' )
quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f zebra' )
def sdn1net():
topo = SDNIpModifiedTopo()
info( '*** Creating network\n' )
net = Mininet( topo=topo, controller=RemoteController )
net = Mininet( topo=topo, controller=RemoteController )
host1, host3, host4, host5 = net.get( 'host1', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5' )
#host100.setIP('1.168.30.' + str(i), 24, str(host100) + "-eth2")
#host500.setMAC('00:00:00:00:04:%d' % (i-101), 'host%d-eth0' %(i))
#add IP prefixes
#for j in range(0,121):
#host100.cmd('sudo ip addr add %s.0.40.%s/24 dev host%s-eth0' %(i,j,i))
## Adding 2nd, 3rd and 4th interface to host1 connected to sw1 (for another BGP peering)
#sw1 = net.get('sw1')
host1.setMAC('00:00:00:00:00:01', 'host1-eth0')
host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0')
host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0')
#host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0')
host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0')
# Net has to be start after adding the above link
# Set up as6sw as a learning switch as quickly as possible so it
# hopefully doesn't connect to the actual controller
# TODO figure out how to change controller before starting switch
as6sw = net.get('as6sw')
as6sw.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller as6sw none')
as6sw.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode as6sw standalone')
sw1 = net.get('sw1')
sw1.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw1 tcp:')
# sw2.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw2 tcp:')
# sw3.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw3 tcp:')
# sw4.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw4 tcp:')
# sw5.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw5 tcp:')
# sw6.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw6 tcp:')
swTestOn = net.get('swTestOn')
swTestOn.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller swTestOn none')
swTestOn.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode swTestOn standalone')
# Run BGPd
#host1.cmd('%s -d -f %s' % (BGPD, BGPD_CONF))
#host1.cmd('/sbin/route add default gw dev %s-eth0' % (
# Configure new host interfaces
#host2.cmd('/sbin/route add default gw dev %s-eth0' % (
# Set up AS2
host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth0')
#host3.cmd('sudo ip addr add dev host3-eth0')
host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth1')
host3.setMAC('00:00:00:00:02:01', 'host3-eth0')
host3.setMAC('00:00:00:00:02:02', 'host3-eth1')
#host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth2')
host3.setIP('', 8, 'host3-eth2')
host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1')
host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth3')
host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1')
host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=1')
as2host = net.get('as2host')
for i in range(0, 20):
as2host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 3.0.%d.1/24 dev as2host-eth0' %i)
as2host.setIP('', 24, 'as2host-eth1')
as2host.cmd('ip route add default via')
# Set up AS3
host4.setIP('', 24, 'host4-eth0')
host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:01', 'host4-eth0')
host4.setIP('', 8, 'host4-eth1')
host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:99', 'host4-eth1')
host4.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1')
as3host = net.get('as3host')
for i in range(0, 20):
as3host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 4.0.%d.1/24 dev as3host-eth0' %i)
as3host.cmd('ip route add default via')
#root space
host4.setIP('', 24, 'host4-eth2')
host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:03', 'host4-eth2')
# Set up AS4
#as4host = net.get('as4host')
#as4host.cmd('ip route add default via')
# setup interface address for 100 quagga hosts
#for i in range(numHost101, numHost200 + 1):
#host100 = net.get('host' + str(i))
#host100.cmd(str(i)+'.0.1.254', 24, 'host'+str(i)+'-eth1')
#as4host100 = net.get('as4host%s' %(i))
#as4host100.defaultIntf().setIP(str(i) + '.0.0.1/24')
#as4host100.cmd('ip route add default via ' + str(i) + '.0.0.254')
#for j in range(0, 100):
#as4host100.cmd('sudo ip addr add %d.0.%d.1/24 dev %s-eth0' %(i, j, as4host100))
# Set up AS6 - This has a router and a route server
#as6rs, host5 = net.get('as6rs', 'host5')
host5 = net.get('host5')
#as6rs.setIP('', 24, 'as6rs-eth0')
#as6rs.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:01', 'as6rs-eth0')
host5.setIP('', 24, 'host5-eth0')
host5.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:02', 'host5-eth0')
#as6router.setIP('', 24, 'as6router-eth1')
host5.setIP('', 8, 'host5-eth1')
host5.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1')
host5.setIP('', 24, 'host5-eth2')
host5.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:05', 'host5-eth2')
as6host = net.get('as6host')
for i in range(0, 10):
as6host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 5.0.%d.1/24 dev as6host-eth0' %i)
as6host.cmd('ip route add default via')
# test the host in the as6
#for i in range(1, 10):
# baseip = (i-1)*4
# host = net.get('as6host%d' % i)
# host.defaultIntf().setIP('172.16.70.%d/24' % (baseip+1))
# host.cmd('ip route add default via 172.16.70.%d' % (baseip+2))
# as6router.setIP('172.16.70.%d' % (baseip+2), 30, 'as6router-eth%d' % (i+1))
# Start Quagga on border routers
startquagga(host3, 1, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga1.conf')
startquagga(host4, 2, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga2.conf')
#for i in range(numHost101, numHost200 + 1):
#host100=net.get('host%d' % (i))
#startquaggahost5(host100, i)
#startquagga(as6rs, 4, 'quagga-as6-rs.conf')
startquagga(host5, 5, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga-as6.conf')
#root1, root2, rootTestOn = net.get( 'root1', 'root2', 'rootTestOn' )
root1, rootTestOn = net.get( 'root1', 'rootTestOn' )
#rootTestOn.cmd('ip addr add dev rootTestOn-eth0')
rootTestOn.cmd('ip addr add dev rootTestOn-eth0')
startquagga(host1, 100, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga-sdn-modified.conf')
hosts = [ host1, host3, host4, host5, as2host ];
#sshdHosts = sshdHosts + hosts
startsshds( hosts )
onos1 = ''
forwarding1 = '%s:2000:%s:2000' % ('', onos1)
root1.cmd( 'ssh -nNT -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -l sdn -L %s %s & ' % (forwarding1, onos1) )
# Forward 2605 to root namespace for easier access to SDN domain BGPd
# If root can ssh to itself without a password this should work
root1.cmd('ssh -N -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -L 2605: &')
CLI( net )
# Close the ssh port forwarding
#quietRun('sudo pkill -f')
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'debug' )
if len(sys.argv) > 1: