blob: 1f830ad338e7746ffff6e44a8a8c5c14f3dd1689 [file] [log] [blame]
The functions for intentRerouteLat
import numpy
import time
import json
def _init_( self ):
self.default = ''
def sanityCheck( main, linkNumExpected, flowNumExpected, intentNumExpected ):
Sanity check on numbers of links, flows and intents in ONOS
attemps = 0
main.verify = main.FALSE
linkNum = 0
flowNum = 0
intentNum = 0
while attemps <= main.verifyAttempts:
summary = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary( timeout=main.timeout ) )
linkNum = summary.get("links")
flowNum = summary.get("flows")
intentNum = summary.get("intents")
if linkNum == linkNumExpected and flowNum == flowNumExpected and intentNum == intentNumExpected:"links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {}".format(linkNum, flowNum, intentNum))
main.verify = main.TRUE
attemps += 1
if not main.verify:
main.log.warn("Links or flows or intents number not as expected")
main.log.warn("links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {}".format(linkNum, flowNum, intentNum))
# bring back topology
bringBackTopology( main )
if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
main.invalidRun += 1
main.validRun += 1
def bringBackTopology( main ): "Bring back topology " )
main.CLIs[ 0 ].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, main.batchSize,
offset=1, options="-w", timeout=main.timeout)
main.CLIs[ 0 ].purgeWithdrawnIntents()
main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount", value=0)
main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled", value="false")
main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount", value=main.deviceCount)
main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled", value="true")
main.CLIs[ 0 ].balanceMasters()
time.sleep( main.setMasterSleep )
if len( main.ONOSip ) > 1:
main.CLIs[ 0 ].deviceRole(main.end1[ 'name' ], main.ONOSip[ 0 ])
main.CLIs[ 0 ].deviceRole(main.end2[ 'name' ], main.ONOSip[ 0 ])
time.sleep( main.setMasterSleep )
def getLogNum( main, nodeId ):
Return the number of karaf log files
logNameList = main.ONOSbench.listLog( main.onosIp[ nodeId ] )
assert logNameList is not None
# FIXME: are two karaf logs enough to cover the events we want?
if len( logNameList ) >= 2:
return 2
return 1
except AssertionError:
main.log.error("There is no karaf log")
return -1
def getTopologyTimestamps( main ):
Get timestamps for the last topology events on all cluster nodes
timestamps = []
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
# Search for last topology event in karaf log
lines = main.CLIs[ i ].logSearch( mode='last', searchTerm=main.searchTerm[ "TopologyTime" ], startLine=main.startLine[ i ], logNum=getLogNum( main, i ) )
if lines is None or len( lines ) != 1:
main.log.error( "Error when trying to get topology event timestamp" )
return main.ERROR
timestampField = lines[0].split( "creationTime=" )
timestamp = timestampField[ 1 ].split( "," )
timestamp = int( timestamp[ 0 ] )
timestamps.append( timestamp )
except KeyError:
main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
return main.ERROR
return timestamps
def getIntentTimestamps( main ):
Get timestamps for all intent keys on all cluster nodes
timestamps = {}
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
# Search for intent INSTALLED event in karaf log
lines = main.CLIs[ i ].logSearch( mode='all', searchTerm=main.searchTerm[ "InstallTime" ], startLine=main.startLine[ i ], logNum=getLogNum( main, i ) )
if lines is None or len( lines ) == 0:
main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
return main.ERROR
for line in lines:
# Get intent key
keyField = line.split( "key=" )
key = keyField[ 1 ].split( "," )
key = key[ 0 ]
if not key in timestamps.keys():
timestamps[ key ] = []
# Get timestamp
timestampField = line.split( "time = " )
timestamp = timestampField[ 1 ].split( " " )
timestamp = int( timestamp[ 0 ] )
timestamps[ key ].append( timestamp )
except KeyError:
main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
return main.ERROR
return timestamps
def calculateLatency( main, topologyTimestamps, intentTimestamps ):
Calculate reroute latency values using timestamps
topologyTimestamp = numpy.min( topologyTimestamps )
firstInstalledLatency = {}
lastInstalledLatency = {}
for key in intentTimestamps.keys():
firstInstalledTimestamp = numpy.min( intentTimestamps[ key ] )
lastInstalledTimestamp = numpy.max( intentTimestamps[ key ] )
firstInstalledLatency[ key ] = firstInstalledTimestamp - topologyTimestamp
lastInstalledLatency[ key ] = lastInstalledTimestamp - topologyTimestamp
firstLocalLatnecy = numpy.min( firstInstalledLatency.values() )
lastLocalLatnecy = numpy.max( firstInstalledLatency.values() )
firstGlobalLatency = numpy.min( lastInstalledLatency.values() )
lastGlobalLatnecy = numpy.max( lastInstalledLatency.values() ) "firstLocalLatnecy: {}, lastLocalLatnecy: {}, firstGlobalLatency: {}, lastGlobalLatnecy: {}".format( firstLocalLatnecy, lastLocalLatnecy, firstGlobalLatency, lastGlobalLatnecy ) )
return firstLocalLatnecy, lastLocalLatnecy, firstGlobalLatency, lastGlobalLatnecy