blob: a2996dff70bab048632b161338cef8be5b06893d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
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// This is the Jenkins script for all-pipeline-trigger
// read the dependency functions
funcs = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsCommonFuncs.groovy' )
// get current time and send the notification of starting the test.
def now = funcs.getCurrentTime()
print now.toString()
today = now[ Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK ]
// read the passed parameters from the Jenkins.
machines = params.machines
manually_run = params.manual_run
if( !manually_run ){
slackSend( color:'#03CD9F',
+ "Starting tests on : " + now.toString()
+ "\n:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:" )
// store the list of the machines into the dictionary.
machineList = machines.tokenize( "\n;, " )
machineOn = [:]
// save the triggering job function as a dictionary.
for (machine in machineList){
print( machine )
machineOn[ machine ] = triggerJob( machine )
// run the triggering jobs concurrently.
parallel machineOn
// function that will trigger the specific jobs from current pipeline.
def triggerJob( on ){
jobToRun = on + "-pipeline-trigger"
build job: jobToRun, propagate: false