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| 1) Install TestON framework from https://github.com/srikanthvavila/ONLabTest (Follow README instructions. Until forked repo is mrged back, use URL https://github.com/srikanthvavila/ONLabTest for cloning this repo. You can ignore Linc-OE and STS installation steps as we may not need them for now) |
| |
| 2) Peering router testcases are under ~/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest folder: |
| a) CASE4 - Basic Route advertisement and connectivity in untagged network |
| b) CASE5 - Basic Route advertisement and connectivity in tagged network |
| c) CASE7 - Scale test with 25k routes |
| d) CASE21 - Route convergence due to bgp peering session flapping in untagged network |
| e) CASE22 - Basic Route advertisement and connectivity in untagged network with Route server |
| f) CASE31 - Route convergence due to bgp peering session flapping in tagged network |
| g) CASE32 - Basic Route advertisement and connectivity in tagged network with Route server |
| |
| 3) Before running the testcases, ensure quagga is installed on the machine: |
| a) "sudo apt-get install quagga" |
| b) "Create a folder for /usr/local/var/run/quagga" |
| c) "chmod 777" to quagga folder |
| |
| 4) Test environment assumes the TestON, ONOS and Mininet all are running in the same VM. These testcases are not verified with the components running in separate VMs. |
| |
| 5) Before running testcases, edit the following files and make necessary changes: |
| a) ~/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest/PeeringRouterTest.params --> Edit "cellname", "test home folder" and "controller IP" fields |
| b) ~/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest/PeeringRouterTest.topo --> Edit "host", "user", "password", "home" fields under "ONOSbench", "ONOSCli" and "ONOS1". Similalry edit "user" field under "QuaggaCliHost<>" (You can use the same user name as your mininet VM) |
| d) ~/TestON/drivers/common/cli/onosclidriver.py --> Change the line "self.handle.expect( "ONOS_CELL=" + str( cellname ) )" to "self.handle.expect( "ONOS_CELL" )" |
| |
| 6) Ensure the ONOS cell file has the following lines populated: |
| OCI= |
| OC1= |
| OC2= |
| OCN= |
| ONOS_FEATURES=webconsole,onos-api,onos-core-trivial,onos-cli,onos-openflow,onos-gui,onos-rest,onos-app-config,onos-app-proxyarp |
| ONOS_USER=<user> |
| ONOS_GROUP=<user> |
| ONOS_NIC=127.0.0.* |
| |
| 7) Ensure KARAF_ROOT is set to "/opt/onos/apache-karaf-3.0.2" |
| |
| 8) Ensure JAVA_HOME is unset before sourcing ~/onos/tools/dev/bash_profile |
| |
| 9) Ensure "onos-package" operation is done before executing the test cases |
| |
| 10) Update the testcases to be run in ~/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest/PeeringRouterTest.params and execute "./cly.py run PeeringRouterTest" from ~/TestON/bin folder. |