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import tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.cfgtranslator as translator
class SRDynamicConfTest:
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
def runTest( main, testIndex, topology, onosNodes, description, vlan=( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ):
Tests connectivity for each test case.
Configuration files:
- (0x1, 0x2, 2x2, 2x4).json: device configuration, fed to ONOS before configuration change
- CASE*.json: interface configuration, fed to ONOS before configuration change
- CASE*0.chart: ping chart, used to check connectivity before configuration change.
Shared among same test scenario with different topology.
- CASE*0_after.chart: ping chart, used to check connectivity after configuration change.
Shared among same test scenario with different topology.
Only used when ping chart is updated.
topo = dict()
# (number of spine switch, number of leaf switch, dual-homed, description, port number of h1)
topo[ '0x1' ] = ( 0, 1, False, 'single ToR', 1 )
topo[ '0x2' ] = ( 0, 2, True, 'dual-homed ToR', 2 )
topo[ '2x2' ] = ( 2, 2, False, '2x2 leaf-spine topology', 3 )
topo[ '2x4' ] = ( 2, 4, True, '2x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology', 6 )
fanout = 4
switchNames = {}
switchNames[ '2x2' ] = [ "leaf1", "leaf2", "spine101", "spine102" ]
TAG = 'CASE%d' % testIndex
skipPackage = False
init = False
dualHomed = topo[ topology ][ 2 ]
portNum = topo[ topology ][ 4 ]
defaultIntf = 'bond0' if dualHomed else 'eth0'
from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as run
if not hasattr( main, 'apps' ):
init = True
run.initTest( main )
# Skip onos packaging if the clusrer size stays the same
if not init and onosNodes == main.Cluster.numCtrls:
skipPackage = True '%s, with %s and %d ONOS instance%s' %
( description, topo[ topology ][ 3 ], onosNodes, 's' if onosNodes > 1 else '' ) )
main.cfgName = topology
main.Cluster.setRunningNode( onosNodes )
run.installOnos( main, skipPackage=skipPackage, cliSleep=5 )
# Provide common configuration
# TODO: Generate json and chart dynamically, according to topologies and scenarios
if main.useBmv2:
# Translate configuration file from OVS-OFDPA to BMv2 driver
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main ) # Try to cleanup if switching between switch types
switchPrefix = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ].get( 'switchPrefix', '' )
if switchPrefix is None:
switchPrefix = ''
translator.ofdpaToBmv2( main, switchPrefix=switchPrefix )
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main )
if not main.persistentSetup:
run.loadJson( main )
run.loadChart( main )
# Provide topology-specific interface configuration
import json
intfCfg = "%s%s%s.json" % ( main.configPath, main.forJson, TAG )
if main.useBmv2:
# Translate configuration file from OVS-OFDPA to BMv2 driver
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, intfCfg ) # Try to cleanup if switching between switch types
switchPrefix = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ].get( 'switchPrefix', "bmv2" )
translator.ofdpaToBmv2( main, switchPrefix=switchPrefix, cfgFile=intfCfg )
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, intfCfg )
with open( intfCfg ) as cfg: 0 ).REST.setNetCfg( json.load( cfg ) )
except IOError:
# Load default interface configuration
defaultIntfCfg = "%s%s%s_ports.json" % ( main.configPath, main.forJson, topology )
if main.useBmv2:
# Translate configuration file from OVS-OFDPA to BMv2 driver
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, defaultIntfCfg ) # Try to cleanup if switching between switch types
switchPrefix = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ].get( 'switchPrefix', "bmv2" )
translator.ofdpaToBmv2( main, switchPrefix=switchPrefix, cfgFile=defaultIntfCfg )
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, defaultIntfCfg )
with open( defaultIntfCfg ) as cfg: 0 ).REST.setNetCfg( json.load( cfg ) )
with open( "%s%sCASE%d.chart" % (main.configPath, main.forChart, testIndex / 10 * 10) ) as chart:
main.pingChart = json.load( chart )
except IOError:
# Load default chart
with open( "%s%sdefault.chart" % (main.configPath, main.forChart) ) as chart:
main.pingChart = json.load( chart )
# Set up topology
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
run.mnDockerSetup( main )
# Run the test with mininet topology
mininet_args = ' --spine=%d --leaf=%d --fanout=%d' \
% ( topo[ topology ][ 0 ], topo[ topology ][ 1 ], fanout )
if len( vlan ) > 0 :
mininet_args += ' --vlan=%s' % ( ','.join( [ '%d' % vlanId for vlanId in vlan ] ) )
if topo[ topology ][ 0 ] > 0:
mininet_args += ',0,0,0,0'
if dualHomed:
mininet_args += ' --dual-homed'
if main.useBmv2:
mininet_args += ' --switch %s' % main.switchType "Using %s switch" % main.switchType )
run.startMininet( main, '', args=mininet_args )
# Run the test with physical devices
run.connectToPhysicalNetwork( main, switchNames[ topology ] )
# minFlowCountPerLeaf = 13 + [# of ports] * 5 + [# of hosts] * 2 + [# of vlan ids]
minFlowCountPerLeaf = 13 + ( fanout + topo[ topology ][ 0 ]) * 5 + fanout * 2 + len( set( vlan ) )
run.checkFlows( main, minFlowCount=minFlowCountPerLeaf * topo[ topology ][ 1 ], sleep=5, dumpflows=False )
# Check connectivity before changing interface configuration
run.pingAll( main, '%s_Before' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
if main.useBmv2:
leaf_dpid = [ "device:bmv2:leaf%d" % ( ls + 1 ) for ls in range( topo[ topology ][ 1 ] ) ]
leaf_dpid = [ "of:%016d" % ( ls + 1 ) for ls in range( topo[ topology ][ 1 ] ) ]
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
# Testcase-specific interface configuration change
if testIndex / 10 == 1:
# CASE11-14
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Assign vlan tag 10 to host h1
main.Mininet1.assignVLAN( 'h1', 'h1-%s' % defaultIntf, '10' )
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 10, ] )
# TODO: update physical device configuration, same for all test cases
elif testIndex / 10 == 2:
# CASE21-24
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=20 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 3:
# CASE31-34
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=110 )
# Update port configuration of port 2
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum + 1, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=110 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 4:
# CASE41-44
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Assign vlan tag 20 to host h1
main.Mininet1.assignVLAN( 'h1', 'h1-%s' % defaultIntf, '20')
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 5:
# CASE51-54
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 6:
# CASE61-64
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ], native=110 )
# Update port configuration of port 2
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum + 1, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ], native=110 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 7:
# CASE71-74
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update host configuration of h1
main.Mininet1.removeVLAN( 'h1', 'h1-%s.10' % defaultIntf )
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 8:
# CASE81-84
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration of port 1
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 9:
# CASE91-94
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update host configuration
main.Mininet1.removeVLAN( 'h1', 'h1-%s.10' % defaultIntf )
main.Mininet1.removeVLAN( 'h2', 'h2-%s.10' % defaultIntf )
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ], native=110 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum + 1, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ], native=110 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 10:
# CASE101-104
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=20 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 11:
# CASE111-114
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 12:
# CASE121-124
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=110 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum + 1, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=110 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 13:
# CASE131-134
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 14:
# CASE141-144
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 15:
# CASE151-154
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 16:
# CASE161-164
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 17:
# CASE171-174
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120, ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 18:
# CASE181-184
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 19:
# CASE191-194
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=20 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 20:
# CASE201-204
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20 ] )
elif testIndex / 10 == 21:
# CASE211-214
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20 ], native=110 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 22:
# CASE221-224
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 120 ], native=10 )
elif testIndex / 10 == 23:
# CASE231-234
if hasattr( main, "Mininet1" ):
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 10, ] )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
main.pingChart[ 'leaf1' ][ 'expect' ] = False
run.pingAll( main, '%s_1' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=50 )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
run.pingAll( main, '%s_2' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ] )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
run.pingAll( main, '%s_3' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 40, ], native=10 )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
main.pingChart[ 'leaf1' ][ 'expect' ] = True
run.pingAll( main, '%s_4' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], tagged=[ 20, ] )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
main.pingChart[ 'leaf1' ][ 'expect' ] = False
run.pingAll( main, '%s_5' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged= 20 )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
run.pingAll( main, '%s_6' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged= 10 )
for dpid in leaf_dpid:
run.checkFlowsByDpid( main, dpid, minFlowCountPerLeaf, sleep=5 )
main.pingChart[ 'leaf1' ][ 'expect' ] = True
elif testIndex / 10 == 24:
# CASE243-244
# Only for 2x2 and 2x4 topology, to test reachability from other leaf
if hasattr( main, "Mininet1" ):
# Update host IP and default GW
main.Mininet1.changeIP( 'h1', 'h1-%s' % defaultIntf, '', '' )
main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway( 'h1', '' )
# Update port configuration
SRDynamicConfTest.updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed,
[ '', ], untagged=60 )
# Update ping chart in case it is changed
with open( "%s%sCASE%d_after.chart" % (main.configPath, main.forChart, testIndex / 10 * 10 ) ) as chart:
main.pingChart = json.load(chart)
except IOError:
main.log.debug( "Ping chart is not changed" )
# Check connectivity after changing interface configuration
run.checkFlows( main, minFlowCount=minFlowCountPerLeaf * topo[ topology ][ 1 ], sleep=5, dumpflows=False )
run.pingAll( main, '%s_After' % TAG, retryAttempts=2 )
except Exception as e:
main.log.exception( "Error in runTest" )
main.skipCase( result="FAIL", msg=e )
run.cleanup( main )
def updateIntfCfg( main, portNum, dualHomed, ips=[], untagged=0, tagged=[], native=0 ):
from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as run
if main.useBmv2:
run.updateIntfCfg( main, "device:bmv2:leaf1/%d" % portNum,
ips=ips, untagged=untagged, tagged=tagged, native=native )
run.updateIntfCfg( main, "of:0000000000000001/%d" % portNum,
ips=ips, untagged=untagged, tagged=tagged, native=native )
if dualHomed:
if main.useBmv2:
run.updateIntfCfg( main, "device:bmv2:leaf2/%d" % portNum,
ips=ips, untagged=untagged, tagged=tagged, native=native )
run.updateIntfCfg( main, "of:0000000000000002/%d" % portNum,
ips=ips, untagged=untagged, tagged=tagged, native=native )