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"Functions for using the SimpleHTTPServer python module"
import re
class Server():
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
self.PID = -1
self.component = None
self.rootDir = None
def __del__( self ):
def start( self, component, rootDir, port=8000, logDir=None ):
Start SimpleHTTPServer as a background process from rootDir on the
given component. The webserver will listen on port and if specified,
output will be redirected to logDir.
- component = The TestON component handle to start the webserver on
- rootDir = The root directory for the web content
- port = The port number for the webserver to listen on. Defaults to 8000
- logDir = If specified, the output of the webserver will be redirected
to this file. Note that this should be either an absolute path
or relative to rootDir.
main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
retValue = main.TRUE
self.rootDir = rootDir
# Save component for this instance so other functions can use it
self.component = component "Starting SimpleHTTPServer on " + )
if component.handle:
handle = component.handle
# cd to rootDir
handle.sendline( "cd " + str( rootDir ) )
handle.expect( "\$" )
# Start server
cmd = "python -m SimpleHTTPServer {}".format( port )
if logDir:
cmd += " &> {}".format( logDir ) # pipe all output to a file
cmd += "&> {dev/null}" # Throw away all output
cmd += " &"
handle.sendline( cmd )
handle.expect( "\$" )
response = handle.before
# Return to home dir
handle.sendline( "cd " + component.home )
handle.expect( "\$" )
response += handle.before
if "Exit" in response:
main.log.error( "Error starting server. Check server log for details" )
main.log.debug( handle.before )
retValue = main.FALSE
# capture PID for later use
# EX: [1] 67987
match = "\[\d\] (?P<PID>\d+)", response )
if match:
self.PID = "PID" )
main.log.warn( "Could not find PID" )
main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
retValue = main.FALSE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Error starting web server" )
retValue = main.FALSE
return retValue
def stop( self ):
Kills the process of the server. Note that this function must be run
from the same instance of the server class that the server was started
retValue = main.TRUE
try: "Stopping Server." )
assert self.component, "Component not specified"
assert self.PID, "PID not found"
if self.component.handle:
handle = self.component.handle
cmd = "sudo kill {}".format( self.PID )
handle.sendline( cmd )
handle.expect( "\$" )
# TODO: What is bad output? cannot sudo?
main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
retValue = main.FALSE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Error stopping web server" )
retValue = main.FALSE
return retValue
def generateFile( self, nodes, equal=False, filename="cluster.json" ):
Generate custom metadata file in the root directory using the custom
onos-gen-partitions file which should also be located in the root
Note that this function needs to be run after the start function has
been called for this instance.
- nodes = The number of ONOS nodes to include in the cluster. Will
include nodes in ascending order, I.E. OC1, OC2, etc
Optional Arguments:
- equal = Specifies whether all nodes should participate in every
partition. Defaults to False.
- filename = The name of the file to save the cluster metadata to.
Defaults to "cluster.json".
main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
retValue = main.TRUE
if self.component.handle:
assert self.component, "Component not specified. Please start the server first"
assert self.rootDir, "Root directory not found"
handle = self.component.handle
# cd to rootDir
handle.sendline( "cd " + str( self.rootDir ) )
handle.expect( "\$" )
cmd = "./onos-gen-partitions {} {} ".format( filename, nodes )
if equal:
cmd += "-e"
handle.sendline( cmd )
handle.expect( "\$" )
response = handle.before
# Return to home dir
handle.sendline( "cd " + self.component.home )
handle.expect( "\$" )
response += handle.before
if "Traceback" in response:
main.log.error( handle.before )
retValue = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
retValue = main.FALSE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Error generating metadata file" )
return retValue