blob: 2a358df87ecd2b918bfb9dca19d251827fdb5a5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
// Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
// the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
// or the System Testing Guide page at <>
// TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with TestON. If not, see <>.
allTests = [:]
schedules = [:]
branches = [:]
// read all json files and save as maps
def init(){
def tests_buffer = readTrusted( "TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/tests.json" )
def schedules_buffer = readTrusted( "TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/schedule.json" )
def branches_buffer = readTrusted( "TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/branches.json" )
allTests = readJSON text: tests_buffer
schedules = readJSON text: schedules_buffer
branches = readJSON text: branches_buffer
// ***************
// General Methods
// ***************
// returns the entire set of TestON tests from the json file
def getAllTests(){
return allTests
// returns the entire set of schedules from the json file
def getSchedules(){
return schedules
// returns a list of days corresponding to the given schedule code
def convertScheduleKeyToDays( sch ){
return schedules[ sch ]
// given a test dictionary, returns a list of tests as a string
def getTestListAsString( tests ){
str_result = ""
for ( String test in tests.keySet() ){
str_result += test + ","
return str_result[ 0..-2 ]
// given a list of tests as a string, returns the list of tests as a map, similar formatted to tests.json
def getTestsFromStringList( list ){
testsResult = [:]
for ( item in list ){
if ( allTests.keySet().contains( item ) ){
testsResult.put( item, allTests[ item ] )
return testsResult
// Get a given test property from the schedules list for a given test
// Example: getTestScheduleProperty( "FUNCflow", "nodeLabel" ) gets all node labels for each branch
def getTestScheduleProperty( test_name, property, tests=[:] ){
schedulePropertyResult = [:]
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
for ( subDict in tests[ test_name ][ "schedules" ] ){
schedulePropertyResult.put( subDict[ "branch" ], subDict[ property ] )
return schedulePropertyResult
// ********
// Branches
// ********
// returns all branches from branches.json
def getAllBranches(){
return branches
// given a day, returns all branches that are run on that day
def getBranchesFromDay( day, tests=[:] ){
branchesFromDayResult = []
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
validSchedules = getValidSchedules( day )
for ( String key in tests.keySet() ){
for ( subDict in tests[ key ][ "schedules" ] ){
sch = subDict[ "day" ]
if ( validSchedules.contains( sch ) && !branchesFromDayResult.contains( sch ) ){
branchesFromDayResult += convertBranchCodeToBranch( subDict[ "branch" ], false )
return branchesFromDayResult
// Converts a branch code to an actual ONOS branch.
// Example: converts onos-1.x to onos-1.15
def convertBranchCodeToBranch( branch_code, withPrefix=true ){
for ( String branch_type in branches.keySet() ){
for ( String b in branches[ branch_type ].keySet() ){
if ( branch_code == b ){
return withPrefix ? ( "onos-" + branches[ branch_type ][ b ] ) : branches[ branch_type ][ b ]
return branch_code
// given a branch, returns the corresponding branch code (hack)
// Example: given "onos-1.15", returns "onos-1.x"
def convertBranchToBranchCode( branch ){
if ( branch == "master" ){
return branch
} else if ( branch.substring( 0, 1 ) == "o" ) {
return branch.substring( 0, 6 ) + ".x"
} else {
return "onos-" + branch.substring( 0, 1 ) + ".x"
// given a branch without a prefix, returns the branch with the "onos-" prefix
def addPrefixToBranch( branchNoPrefix ){
if ( branchNoPrefix == "master" ){
return "master"
} else {
return "onos-" + branchNoPrefix
// given a branch with the prefix "onos-", returns the branch without the prefix
def removePrefixFromBranch( branchWithPrefix ){
return branchWithPrefix.minus( "onos-" )
// *************
// Test Category
// *************
// given a test category ("FUNC", "HA", etc.), returns all tests associated with that category
def getTestsFromCategory( category, tests=[:] ){
testsFromCategoryResult = [:]
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
for ( String test_name in tests.keySet() ){
if ( getCategoryOfTest( test_name ) == category ){
testsFromCategoryResult.put( test_name, tests[ test_name ] )
return testsFromCategoryResult
// given the test name, returns the category (FUNC, HA, etc.) of that test
def getCategoryOfTest( test_name, tests=[:] ){
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
return tests[ test_name ][ "category" ]
// returns all categories of all tests, or the given test list
def getAllTestCategories( tests=[:] ){
testCategoriesResult = []
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
for ( String test_name in tests.keySet() ){
category = getCategoryOfTest( test_name, tests )
if ( !testCategoriesResult.contains( category ) ){
testCategoriesResult += category
return testCategoriesResult
// ********************
// Test Schedule / Days
// ********************
// given a day, returns schedules that contain that day
def getValidSchedules( day ){
validSchedules = []
for ( String key in schedules.keySet() ){
if ( schedules[ key ].contains( day ) ){
validSchedules += key
return validSchedules
// given a day and branch, returns all tests that run on the given day on the given branch
def getTestsFromDay( day, tests=[:] ){
resultDict = [:]
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
validSchedules = getValidSchedules( day )
for ( String key in tests.keySet() ){
scheduleProperty = getTestScheduleProperty( key, "day", tests )
for ( b in scheduleProperty.keySet() ){
if ( validSchedules.contains( scheduleProperty[ b ] ) ){
resultDict.put( key, tests[ key ] )
return resultDict
// **********
// Node Label
// **********
// Given a node label and branch, return all tests that run on that node.
def getTestsFromNodeLabel( nodeLabel, branch, tests=[:] ){
nodeLabelTestsResult = [:]
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
for ( String key in tests.keySet() ){
branchNodeLabelMap = getTestScheduleProperty( key, "nodeLabel", tests )
if ( branchNodeLabelMap[ convertBranchToBranchCode( branch ) ] == nodeLabel ){
nodeLabelTestsResult.put( key, tests[ key ] )
return nodeLabelTestsResult
// Given a test name and branch, return the node label associated.
def getNodeLabel( test_name, branch, tests=[:] ){
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
result = getTestScheduleProperty( test_name, "nodeLabel", tests )
if ( result == [:] ){
return "UNKNOWN"
} else {
return result[ convertBranchToBranchCode( branch ) ]
// given a branch, returns all nodeLabels from all tests, or a given test list
def getAllNodeLabels( branch, tests=[:] ){
nodeLabelResult = []
if ( tests == [:] ){
tests = allTests
for ( test_name in tests.keySet() ){
nodeLabel = getNodeLabel( test_name, branch, tests )
if ( !nodeLabelResult.contains( nodeLabel ) && nodeLabel != null ){
nodeLabelResult += nodeLabel
return nodeLabelResult
return this