blob: 2d5ae1caea03a8fad7083d3ce7276ba92126b403 [file] [log] [blame]
----Setup Guide----
CASE 1: init case; cleans and sets up enviornment, starts up node 1
CASE 2: Increments scale case; starts up additional nodes, determined by 'SCALE' in params
Ex: cluster size = 1 and scale = 2 ==> call CASE2 ==> cluster size = 3
Params file:
SCALE = cluster scale step size
availableNodes = number of nodes you have provided data for in .topo file
cellName = desired name of cell file to be created at runtime
cellFeatures = list of features desired
NOTE: webconsole, onos-api, onos-cli and onos-openflow are loaded automatically.
adjust your test and feature list accordingly
skipCleanInstall = set yes if you want to skip for the sake of test debugging, otherwise set no