blob: e2ee2674f54e3bb6b2d8ea831d94f59c00ae1dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
Description: This test is to determine if a single
instance ONOS 'cluster' can handle a restart
List of test cases:
CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
CASE3: Assign intents
CASE4: Ping across added host intents
CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
CASE6: The Failure case.
CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
CASE8: Compare topo
CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
CASE11: Switch down
CASE12: Switch up
CASE13: Clean up
CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
class HATestSingleInstanceRestart:
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
def CASE1( self, main ):
CASE1 is to compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
Startup sequence:
cell <name>
NOTE: temporary - onos-remove-raft-logs
start mininet
git pull
mvn clean install
onos-install -f
start cli sessions
start tcpdump
""" "ONOS Single node cluster restart " +
"HA test - initialization" ) "Setting up test environment" )
main.caseExplaination = "Setup the test environment including " +\
"installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOS" +\
"cli sessions."
# TODO: save all the timers and output them for plotting
# load some variables from the params file
if main.params[ 'Git' ] == 'True':
gitBranch = main.params[ 'branch' ]
cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
# set global variables
global ONOS1Ip
global ONOS1Port
global ONOS2Port
global ONOS3Port
global ONOS4Port
global ONOS5Port
global ONOS6Port
global ONOS7Port
global numControllers
numControllers = int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] )
ONOS1Ip = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'ip1' ]
ONOS1Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port1' ]
ONOS2Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port2' ]
ONOS3Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port3' ]
ONOS4Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port4' ]
ONOS5Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port5' ]
ONOS6Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port6' ]
ONOS7Port = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port7' ]
global CLIs
CLIs = []
global nodes
nodes = []
for i in range( 1, numControllers + 1 ):
CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
nodes.append( getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str( i ) ) )
main.step( "Applying cell variable to environment" )
cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
# FIXME:this is short term fix "Removing raft logs" )
main.ONOSbench.onosRemoveRaftLogs() "Uninstalling ONOS" )
for node in nodes:
main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( node.ip_address )
# Make sure ONOS is DEAD "Killing any ONOS processes" )
killResults = main.TRUE
for node in nodes:
killed = main.ONOSbench.onosKill( node.ip_address )
killResults = killResults and killed
cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
gitPullResult = main.TRUE
main.step( "Starting Mininet" )
mnResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
onpass="Mininet Started",
onfail="Error starting Mininet" )
main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + gitBranch )
main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
# values of 1 or 3 are good
utilities.assert_lesser( expect=0, actual=gitPullResult,
onpass="Git pull successful",
onfail="Git pull failed" )
main.ONOSbench.getVersion( report=True )
main.step( "Using mvn clean install" )
cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
if PULLCODE and gitPullResult == main.TRUE:
cleanInstallResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
"clean install" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="MCI successful",
onfail="MCI failed" )
# NOTE: important params here:
# job = name of Jenkins job
# Plot Name = Plot-HA, only can be used if multiple plots
# index = The number of the graph under plot name
job = "HASingleInstanceRestart"
plotName = "Plot-HA"
graphs = '<ac:structured-macro ac:name="html">\n'
graphs += '<ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[\n'
graphs += '<iframe src="' + job +\
'/plot/' + plotName + '/getPlot?index=0' +\
'&width=500&height=300"' +\
'noborder="0" width="500" height="300" scrolling="yes" ' +\
graphs += ']]></ac:plain-text-body>\n'
graphs += '</ac:structured-macro>\n'
cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( "SingleHA" )
verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=packageResult,
onpass="ONOS package successful",
onfail="ONOS package failed" )
main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
onosInstallResult = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( options="-f",
node=ONOS1Ip )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosInstallResult,
onpass="ONOS install successful",
onfail="ONOS install failed" )
main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
for i in range( 2 ):
onos1Isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOS1Ip )
if onos1Isup:
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onos1Isup,
onpass="ONOS startup successful",
onfail="ONOS startup failed" )
main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
cliResults = main.ONOScli1.startOnosCli( ONOS1Ip )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
onpass="ONOS cli startup successful",
onfail="ONOS cli startup failed" )
if main.params[ 'tcpdump' ].lower() == "true":
main.step( "Start Packet Capture MN" )
str( main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'folder' ] ) + str( main.TEST )
+ "-MN.pcap",
intf=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'intf' ],
port=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'port' ] )
main.step( "App Ids check" )
appCheck = main.ONOScli1.appToIDCheck()
if appCheck != main.TRUE:
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].apps() )
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].appIDs() )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
def CASE2( self, main ):
Assign devices to controllers
import re
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert ONOS1Port, "ONOS1Port not defined"
assert ONOS2Port, "ONOS2Port not defined"
assert ONOS3Port, "ONOS3Port not defined"
assert ONOS4Port, "ONOS4Port not defined"
assert ONOS5Port, "ONOS5Port not defined"
assert ONOS6Port, "ONOS6Port not defined"
assert ONOS7Port, "ONOS7Port not defined" "Assigning devices to controllers" )
main.caseExplaination = "Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' " +\
"and check that an ONOS node becomes the " +\
"master of the device."
main.step( "Assign switches to controllers" )
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
sw=str( i ),
ip1=ONOS1Ip, port1=ONOS1Port )
mastershipCheck = main.TRUE
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( "s" + str( i ) )
try: str( response ) )
except Exception: repr( response ) )
if "tcp:" + ONOS1Ip, response ):
mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and main.TRUE
mastershipCheck = main.FALSE
if mastershipCheck == main.TRUE: "Switch mastership assigned correctly" )
onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers" )
def CASE21( self, main ):
Assign mastership to controllers
import re
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert CLIs, "CLIs not defined"
assert nodes, "nodes not defined"
assert ONOS1Port, "ONOS1Port not defined"
assert ONOS2Port, "ONOS2Port not defined"
assert ONOS3Port, "ONOS3Port not defined"
assert ONOS4Port, "ONOS4Port not defined"
assert ONOS5Port, "ONOS5Port not defined"
assert ONOS6Port, "ONOS6Port not defined"
assert ONOS7Port, "ONOS7Port not defined" "Assigning Controller roles for switches" )
main.caseExplaination = "Check that ONOS is connected to each " +\
"device. Then manually assign" +\
" mastership to specific ONOS nodes using" +\
" 'device-role'"
main.step( "Assign mastership of switches to specific controllers" )
roleCall = main.TRUE
roleCheck = main.TRUE
for i in range( 1, 29 ): # switches 1 through 28
ip = nodes[ 0 ].ip_address # ONOS1
# set up correct variables:
if i == 1:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "1000" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 2:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "2000" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 3:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "3000" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 4:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "3004" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 5:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "5000" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 6:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "6000" ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 7:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "6007" ).get( 'id' )
elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
elif i == 28:
deviceId = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( "2800" ).get( 'id' )
main.log.error( "You didn't write an else statement for " +
"switch s" + str( i ) )
# Assign switch
assert deviceId, "No device id for s" + str( i ) + " in ONOS"
# TODO: make this controller dynamic
roleCall = roleCall and main.ONOScli1.deviceRole( deviceId,
ip )
# Check assignment
master = main.ONOScli1.getRole( deviceId ).get( 'master' )
if ip in master:
roleCheck = roleCheck and main.TRUE
roleCheck = roleCheck and main.FALSE
main.log.error( "Error, controller " + ip + " is not" +
" master " + "of device " +
str( deviceId ) + ". Master is " +
repr( master ) + "." )
except ( AttributeError, AssertionError ):
main.log.exception( "Something is wrong with ONOS device view" ) main.ONOScli1.devices() )
onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
onfail="Something wrong with deviceRole calls" )
main.step( "Check mastership was correctly assigned" )
onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated " +
onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned" )
def CASE3( self, main ):
Assign intents
import time
import json
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# NOTE: we must reinstall intents until we have a persistant intent
# datastore! "Adding host Intents" )
main.caseExplaination = "Discover hosts by using pingall then " +\
"assign predetermined host-to-host intents." +\
" After installation, check that the intent" +\
" is distributed to all nodes and the state" +\
# install onos-app-fwd
main.step( "Install reactive forwarding app" )
installResults = CLIs[0].activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=installResults,
onpass="Install fwd successful",
onfail="Install fwd failed" )
main.step( "Check app ids" )
appCheck = main.ONOScli1.appToIDCheck()
if appCheck != main.TRUE:
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].apps() )
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].appIDs() )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
main.step( "Discovering Hosts( Via pingall for now )" )
# FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
pingResult = main.FALSE
for i in range(2): # Retry if pingall fails first time
time1 = time.time()
pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall()
onpass="Reactive Pingall test passed",
onfail="Reactive Pingall failed, " +
"one or more ping pairs failed" )
time2 = time.time() "Time for pingall: %2f seconds" %
( time2 - time1 ) )
# timeout for fwd flows
time.sleep( 11 )
# uninstall onos-app-fwd
main.step( "Uninstall reactive forwarding app" )
uninstallResult = CLIs[0].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=uninstallResult,
onpass="Uninstall fwd successful",
onfail="Uninstall fwd failed" )
main.step( "Check app ids" )
appCheck2 = main.ONOScli1.appToIDCheck()
if appCheck2 != main.TRUE:
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].apps() )
main.log.warn( CLIs[0].appIDs() )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck2,
onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
main.step( "Add host intents via cli" )
intentIds = []
# TODO: move the host numbers to params
# Maybe look at all the paths we ping?
intentAddResult = True
hostResult = main.TRUE
for i in range( 8, 18 ): "Adding host intent between h" + str( i ) +
" and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
host1 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
str( hex( i )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
host2 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
str( hex( i + 10 )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
# NOTE: getHost can return None
host1Dict = main.ONOScli1.getHost( host1 )
host2Dict = main.ONOScli1.getHost( host2 )
host1Id = None
host2Id = None
if host1Dict and host2Dict:
host1Id = host1Dict.get( 'id', None )
host2Id = host2Dict.get( 'id', None )
if host1Id and host2Id:
tmpId = main.ONOScli1.addHostIntent( host1Id, host2Id )
if tmpId: "Added intent with id: " + tmpId )
intentIds.append( tmpId )
main.log.error( "addHostIntent returned: " +
repr( tmpId ) )
main.log.error( "Error, getHost() failed for h" + str( i ) +
" and/or h" + str( i + 10 ) )
hosts = main.ONOScli1.hosts()
main.log.warn( "Hosts output: " )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( hosts ),
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.warn( repr( hosts ) )
hostResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=hostResult,
onpass="Found a host id for each host",
onfail="Error looking up host ids" )
intentStart = time.time()
onosIds = main.ONOScli1.getAllIntentsId() "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) ) "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
for intent in intentIds:
if intent in onosIds:
pass # intent submitted is in onos
intentAddResult = False
if intentAddResult:
intentStop = time.time()
intentStop = None
# Print the intent states
intents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
intentStates = []
installedCheck = True "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
count = 0
for intent in json.loads( intents ):
state = intent.get( 'state', None )
if "INSTALLED" not in state:
installedCheck = False
intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
# add submitted intents not in the store
tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
missingIntents = False
for i in intentIds:
if i not in tmplist:
intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
missingIntents = True
for i, s in intentStates:
count += 1 "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
leaders = main.ONOScli1.leaders()
missing = False
if leaders:
parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# check for all intent partitions
topics = []
for i in range( 14 ):
topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
main.log.debug( topics )
ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
for topic in topics:
if topic not in ONOStopics:
main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
" not in leaders" )
missing = True
main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
# Check all nodes
if missing:
response = main.ONOScli1.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 leaders output: \n" +
str( response ) )
partitions = main.ONOScli1.partitions()
if partitions :
parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check for a leader in all paritions
# TODO check for consistency among nodes
main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
pendingMap = main.ONOScli1.pendingMap()
if pendingMap :
parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check something here?
main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
intentAddResult = bool( intentAddResult and not missingIntents and
installedCheck )
if not intentAddResult:
main.log.error( "Error in pushing host intents to ONOS" )
main.step( "Intent Anti-Entropy dispersion" )
for i in range(100):
correct = True "Submitted intents: " + str( sorted( intentIds ) ) )
for cli in CLIs:
onosIds = []
ids = cli.getAllIntentsId()
onosIds.append( ids )
main.log.debug( "Intents in " + + ": " +
str( sorted( onosIds ) ) )
if sorted( ids ) != sorted( intentIds ):
main.log.warn( "Set of intent IDs doesn't match" )
correct = False
intents = json.loads( cli.intents() )
for intent in intents:
if intent[ 'state' ] != "INSTALLED":
main.log.warn( "Intent " + intent[ 'id' ] +
" is " + intent[ 'state' ] )
correct = False
if correct:
if not intentStop:
intentStop = time.time()
global gossipTime
gossipTime = intentStop - intentStart "It took about " + str( gossipTime ) +
" seconds for all intents to appear in each node" )
# FIXME: make this time configurable/calculate based off of number of
# nodes and gossip rounds
expect=40, actual=gossipTime,
onpass="ECM anti-entropy for intents worked within " +
"expected time",
onfail="Intent ECM anti-entropy took too long" )
if gossipTime <= 40:
intentAddResult = True
if not intentAddResult or "key" in pendingMap:
import time
installedCheck = True "Sleeping 60 seconds to see if intents are found" )
time.sleep( 60 )
onosIds = main.ONOScli1.getAllIntentsId() "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) ) "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
# Print the intent states
intents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
intentStates = [] "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
count = 0
for intent in json.loads( intents ):
# Iter through intents of a node
state = intent.get( 'state', None )
if "INSTALLED" not in state:
installedCheck = False
intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
# add submitted intents not in the store
tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
for i in intentIds:
if i not in tmplist:
intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
for i, s in intentStates:
count += 1 "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
leaders = main.ONOScli1.leaders()
missing = False
if leaders:
parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# check for all intent partitions
# check for election
topics = []
for i in range( 14 ):
topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
# FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
main.log.debug( topics )
ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
for topic in topics:
if topic not in ONOStopics:
main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
" not in leaders" )
missing = True
main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
# Check all nodes
if missing:
response = main.ONOScli1.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 leaders output: \n" +
str( response ) )
partitions = main.ONOScli1.partitions()
if partitions :
parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check for a leader in all paritions
# TODO check for consistency among nodes
main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
pendingMap = main.ONOScli1.pendingMap()
if pendingMap :
parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check something here?
main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
def CASE4( self, main ):
Ping across added host intents
import json
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Verify connectivity by sendind traffic across Intents" )
main.caseExplaination = "Ping across added host intents to check " +\
"functionality and check the state of " +\
"the intent"
main.step( "Ping across added host intents" )
PingResult = main.TRUE
for i in range( 8, 18 ):
ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
PingResult = PingResult and ping
if ping == main.FALSE:
main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
" and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
elif ping == main.TRUE: "Ping test passed!" )
# Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
if PingResult == main.FALSE:
"Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
# TODO: pretty print
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
tmpIntents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
main.step( "Check Intent state" )
installedCheck = True
# Print the intent states
intents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
intentStates = [] "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
count = 0
# Iter through intents of a node
for intent in json.loads( intents ):
state = intent.get( 'state', None )
if "INSTALLED" not in state:
installedCheck = False
intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
# Print states
for i, s in intentStates:
count += 1 "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=installedCheck,
onpass="Intents are all INSTALLED",
onfail="Intents are not all in " +
"INSTALLED state" )
main.step( "Check leadership of topics" )
leaders = main.ONOScli1.leaders()
topicCheck = main.TRUE
if leaders:
parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# check for all intent partitions
# check for election
# TODO: Look at Devices as topics now that it uses this system
topics = []
for i in range( 14 ):
topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
# FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
# FIXME: topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
# Print leaders output
main.log.debug( topics )
ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
for topic in topics:
if topic not in ONOStopics:
main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
" not in leaders" )
topicCheck = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
topicCheck = main.FALSE
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
topicCheck = main.FALSE
main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
# TODO: Check for a leader of these topics
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topicCheck,
onpass="intent Partitions is in leaders",
onfail="Some topics were lost " )
# Print partitions
partitions = main.ONOScli1.partitions()
if partitions :
parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check for a leader in all paritions
# TODO check for consistency among nodes
main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
# Print Pending Map
pendingMap = main.ONOScli1.pendingMap()
if pendingMap :
parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check something here?
main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
if not installedCheck: "Waiting 60 seconds to see if the state of " +
"intents change" )
time.sleep( 60 )
# Print the intent states
intents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
intentStates = [] "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
count = 0
# Iter through intents of a node
for intent in json.loads( intents ):
state = intent.get( 'state', None )
if "INSTALLED" not in state:
installedCheck = False
intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
for i, s in intentStates:
count += 1 "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
leaders = main.ONOScli1.leaders()
missing = False
if leaders:
parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# check for all intent partitions
# check for election
topics = []
for i in range( 14 ):
topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
# FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
main.log.debug( topics )
ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
for topic in topics:
if topic not in ONOStopics:
main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
" not in leaders" )
missing = True
main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
if missing:
response = main.ONOScli1.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 leaders output: \n" +
str( response ) )
partitions = main.ONOScli1.partitions()
if partitions :
parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check for a leader in all paritions
# TODO check for consistency among nodes
main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
pendingMap = main.ONOScli1.pendingMap()
if pendingMap :
parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
# TODO check something here?
main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
# Print flowrules
main.log.debug( CLIs[0].flows( jsonFormat=False ) )
main.step( "Wait a minute then ping again" )
# the wait is above
PingResult = main.TRUE
for i in range( 8, 18 ):
ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
PingResult = PingResult and ping
if ping == main.FALSE:
main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
" and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
elif ping == main.TRUE: "Ping test passed!" )
# Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
if PingResult == main.FALSE:
"Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
# TODO: pretty print
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
tmpIntents = main.ONOScli1.intents()
main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
def CASE5( self, main ):
Reading state of ONOS
import json
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Setting up and gathering data for current state" )
# The general idea for this test case is to pull the state of
# ( intents,flows, topology,... ) from each ONOS node
# We can then compare them with each other and also with past states
main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
global mastershipState
mastershipState = '[]'
# Assert that each device has a master
rolesNotNull = main.ONOScli1.rolesNotNull()
onpass="Each device has a master",
onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
main.step( "Get the Mastership of each switch" )
ONOS1Mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
# TODO: Make this a meaningful check
if "Error" in ONOS1Mastership or not ONOS1Mastership:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS roles" )
"ONOS1 mastership response: " +
repr( ONOS1Mastership ) )
consistentMastership = main.FALSE
mastershipState = ONOS1Mastership
consistentMastership = main.TRUE
main.step( "Get the intents from each controller" )
global intentState
intentState = []
ONOS1Intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
intentCheck = main.FALSE
if "Error" in ONOS1Intents or not ONOS1Intents:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS intents" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents response: " + repr( ONOS1Intents ) )
intentCheck = main.TRUE
main.step( "Get the flows from each controller" )
global flowState
flowState = []
flowCheck = main.FALSE
ONOS1Flows = main.ONOScli1.flows( jsonFormat=True )
if "Error" in ONOS1Flows or not ONOS1Flows:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS flows" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 flows repsponse: " + ONOS1Flows )
# TODO: Do a better check, maybe compare flows on switches?
flowState = ONOS1Flows
flowCheck = main.TRUE
main.step( "Get the OF Table entries" )
global flows
flows = []
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
flows.append( main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
for table in flows:
main.log.warn( table )
# TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
main.step( "Collecting topology information from ONOS" )
devices = []
devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
hosts = []
hosts.append( json.loads( main.ONOScli1.hosts() ) )
ports = []
ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
links = []
links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
clusters = []
clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
main.step( "Each host has an IP address" )
ipResult = main.TRUE
for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
if host is None or host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ) == []:
"DEBUG:Error with host ips on controller" +
controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
ipResult = main.FALSE
onpass="The ips of the hosts aren't empty",
onfail="The ip of at least one host is missing" )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "There is only one dataplane cluster" )
numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
repr( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
clusterResults = main.FALSE
if numClusters == 1:
clusterResults = main.TRUE
onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN" )
devicesResults = main.TRUE
linksResults = main.TRUE
hostsResults = main.TRUE
mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
for controller in range( numControllers ):
controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )
if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is incorrect" )
if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
mnSwitches, mnLinks,
json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is incorrect" )
if hosts[ controller ] or "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
hosts[ controller ] )
currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts exist in Mininet",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts don't match Mininet" )
devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
main.step( "Device information is correct" )
onpass="Device information is correct",
onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
main.step( "Links are correct" )
onpass="Link are correct",
onfail="Links are incorrect" )
main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
onpass="Hosts are correct",
onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
def CASE6( self, main ):
The Failure case.
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# Reset non-persistent variables
iCounterValue = 0
except NameError:
main.log.error( "iCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
iCounterValue = 0 "Restart ONOS node" )
main.caseExplaination = "Killing ONOS process and restart cli " +\
"sessions once onos is up."
main.step( "Killing ONOS processes" )
killResult = main.ONOSbench.onosKill( ONOS1Ip )
start = time.time()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=killResult,
onpass="ONOS Killed",
onfail="Error killing ONOS" )
main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
count = 0
while count < 10:
onos1Isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOS1Ip )
if onos1Isup == main.TRUE:
elapsed = time.time() - start
count = count + 1
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onos1Isup,
onpass="ONOS is back up",
onfail="ONOS failed to start" )
main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
cliResults = main.ONOScli1.startOnosCli( ONOS1Ip )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
onpass="ONOS cli startup successful",
onfail="ONOS cli startup failed" )
if elapsed: "ESTIMATE: ONOS took %s seconds to restart" %
str( elapsed ) )
main.restartTime = elapsed
main.restartTime = -1
time.sleep( 5 )
# rerun on election apps
def CASE7( self, main ):
Check state after ONOS failure
import json
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Running ONOS Constant State Tests" )
main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
# Assert that each device has a master
rolesNotNull = main.ONOScli1.rolesNotNull()
onpass="Each device has a master",
onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
main.step( "Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes" )
ONOS1Mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
# FIXME: Refactor this whole case for single instance
if "Error" in ONOS1Mastership or not ONOS1Mastership:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS mastership" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 mastership response: " +
repr( ONOS1Mastership ) )
consistentMastership = main.FALSE
consistentMastership = main.TRUE
onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles" )
description2 = "Compare switch roles from before failure"
main.step( description2 )
currentJson = json.loads( ONOS1Mastership )
oldJson = json.loads( mastershipState )
mastershipCheck = main.TRUE
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
switchDPID = str(
main.Mininet1.getSwitchDPID( switch="s" + str( i ) ) )
current = [ switch[ 'master' ] for switch in currentJson
if switchDPID in switch[ 'id' ] ]
old = [ switch[ 'master' ] for switch in oldJson
if switchDPID in switch[ 'id' ] ]
if current == old:
mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and main.TRUE
main.log.warn( "Mastership of switch %s changed" % switchDPID )
mastershipCheck = main.FALSE
onpass="Mastership of Switches was not changed",
onfail="Mastership of some switches changed" )
mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and consistentMastership
main.step( "Get the intents and compare across all nodes" )
ONOS1Intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
intentCheck = main.FALSE
if "Error" in ONOS1Intents or not ONOS1Intents:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS intents" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents response: " + repr( ONOS1Intents ) )
intentCheck = main.TRUE
onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
# Print the intent states
intents = []
intents.append( ONOS1Intents )
intentStates = []
for node in intents: # Iter through ONOS nodes
nodeStates = []
# Iter through intents of a node
for intent in json.loads( node ):
nodeStates.append( intent[ 'state' ] )
intentStates.append( nodeStates )
out = [ (i, nodeStates.count( i ) ) for i in set( nodeStates ) ] dict( out ) )
# NOTE: Store has no durability, so intents are lost across system
# restarts
main.step( "Compare current intents with intents before the failure" )
# NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intentState to be set.
# maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
sameIntents = main.FALSE
if intentState and intentState == ONOSIntents[ 0 ]:
sameIntents = main.TRUE "Intents are consistent with before failure" )
# TODO: possibly the states have changed? we may need to figure out
# what the acceptable states are
elif len( intentState ) == len( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ):
sameIntents = main.TRUE
before = json.loads( intentState )
after = json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] )
for intent in before:
if intent not in after:
sameIntents = main.FALSE
main.log.debug( "Intent is not currently in ONOS " +
"(at least in the same form):" )
main.log.debug( json.dumps( intent ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
if sameIntents == main.FALSE:
main.log.debug( "ONOS intents before: " )
main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( intentState ),
sort_keys=True, indent=4,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
main.log.debug( "Current ONOS intents: " )
main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ),
sort_keys=True, indent=4,
separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
onpass="Intents are consistent with before failure",
onfail="The Intents changed during failure" )
intentCheck = intentCheck and sameIntents
main.step( "Get the OF Table entries and compare to before " +
"component failure" )
FlowTables = main.TRUE
flows2 = []
for i in range( 28 ): "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
tmpFlows = main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
flows2.append( tmpFlows )
tempResult = main.Mininet2.flowComp(
flow1=flows[ i ],
flow2=tmpFlows )
FlowTables = FlowTables and tempResult
if FlowTables == main.FALSE: "Differences in flow table for switch: s" +
str( i + 1 ) )
onpass="No changes were found in the flow tables",
onfail="Changes were found in the flow tables" )
main.step( "Leadership Election is still functional" )
# Test of LeadershipElection
leader = ONOS1Ip
leaderResult = main.TRUE
for controller in range( 1, numControllers + 1 ):
# loop through ONOScli handlers
node = getattr( main, ( 'ONOScli' + str( controller ) ) )
leaderN = node.electionTestLeader()
# verify leader is ONOS1
# NOTE even though we restarted ONOS, it is the only one so onos 1
# must be leader
if leaderN == leader:
# all is well
elif leaderN == main.FALSE:
# error in response
main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
"electionTestLeader function, check the" +
" error logs" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
elif leader != leaderN:
leaderResult = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( controller ) + " sees " +
str( leaderN ) +
" as the leader of the election app. " +
"Leader should be " + str( leader ) )
onpass="Leadership election passed",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
def CASE8( self, main ):
Compare topo
import json
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology" )
main.caseExplaination = "Compare topology objects between Mininet" +\
" and ONOS"
main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN" )
devicesResults = main.TRUE
linksResults = main.TRUE
hostsResults = main.TRUE
hostAttachmentResults = True
topoResult = main.FALSE
elapsed = 0
count = 0
main.step( "Collecting topology information from ONOS" )
startTime = time.time()
# Give time for Gossip to work
while topoResult == main.FALSE and elapsed < 60:
count += 1
cliStart = time.time()
devices = []
devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
hosts = []
hosts.append( json.loads( main.ONOScli1.hosts() ) )
ipResult = main.TRUE
for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
if host is None or host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ) == []:
"DEBUG:Error with host ips on controller" +
controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
ipResult = main.FALSE
ports = []
ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
links = []
links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
clusters = []
clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
elapsed = time.time() - startTime
cliTime = time.time() - cliStart
print "CLI time: " + str( cliTime )
mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
for controller in range( numControllers ):
controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )
if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is incorrect" )
if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
mnSwitches, mnLinks,
json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is incorrect" )
if hosts[ controller ] or "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
hosts[ controller ] )
currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts exist in Mininet",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts don't match Mininet" )
hostAttachment = True
zeroHosts = False
# FIXME: topo-HA/obelisk specific mappings:
# key is mac and value is dpid
mappings = {}
for i in range( 1, 29 ): # hosts 1 through 28
# set up correct variables:
macId = "00:" * 5 + hex( i ).split( "0x" )[1].upper().zfill(2)
if i == 1:
deviceId = "1000".zfill(16)
elif i == 2:
deviceId = "2000".zfill(16)
elif i == 3:
deviceId = "3000".zfill(16)
elif i == 4:
deviceId = "3004".zfill(16)
elif i == 5:
deviceId = "5000".zfill(16)
elif i == 6:
deviceId = "6000".zfill(16)
elif i == 7:
deviceId = "6007".zfill(16)
elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
elif i == 28:
deviceId = "2800".zfill(16)
mappings[ macId ] = deviceId
if hosts[ controller ] or "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
if hosts[ controller ] == []:
main.log.warn( "There are no hosts discovered" )
zeroHosts = True
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
mac = None
location = None
device = None
port = None
mac = host.get( 'mac' )
assert mac, "mac field could not be found for this host object"
location = host.get( 'location' )
assert location, "location field could not be found for this host object"
# Trim the protocol identifier off deviceId
device = str( location.get( 'elementId' ) ).split(':')[1]
assert device, "elementId field could not be found for this host location object"
port = location.get( 'port' )
assert port, "port field could not be found for this host location object"
# Now check if this matches where they should be
if mac and device and port:
if str( port ) != "1":
main.log.error( "The attachment port is incorrect for " +
"host " + str( mac ) +
". Expected: 1 Actual: " + str( port) )
hostAttachment = False
if device != mappings[ str( mac ) ]:
main.log.error( "The attachment device is incorrect for " +
"host " + str( mac ) +
". Expected: " + mappings[ str( mac ) ] +
" Actual: " + device )
hostAttachment = False
hostAttachment = False
except AssertionError:
main.log.exception( "Json object not as expected" )
main.log.error( repr( host ) )
hostAttachment = False
main.log.error( "No hosts json output or \"Error\"" +
" in output. hosts = " +
repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
if zeroHosts is False:
hostAttachment = True
devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
hostAttachmentResults = hostAttachmentResults and\
# "consistent" results don't make sense for single instance
# there should always only be one cluster
numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
clusterResults = main.FALSE
if numClusters == 1:
clusterResults = main.TRUE
onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
and hostsResults and ipResult and clusterResults and
hostAttachmentResults )
topoResult = topoResult and int( count <= 2 )
note = "note it takes about " + str( int( cliTime ) ) + \
" seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch " +\
"the topology from each ONOS instance"
"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence( " +
str( note ) + " ): " + str( elapsed ) + " seconds, " +
str( count ) + " tries" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topoResult,
onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful" )
def CASE9( self, main ):
Link s3-s28 down
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
description = "Turn off a link to ensure that Link Discovery " +\
"is working properly" description )
main.step( "Kill Link between s3 and s28" )
LinkDown = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="down" ) "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
" seconds for link down to be discovered" )
time.sleep( linkSleep )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkDown,
onpass="Link down successful",
onfail="Failed to bring link down" )
# TODO do some sort of check here
def CASE10( self, main ):
Link s3-s28 up
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
description = "Restore a link to ensure that Link Discovery is " + \
"working properly" description )
main.step( "Bring link between s3 and s28 back up" )
LinkUp = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="up" ) "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
" seconds for link up to be discovered" )
time.sleep( linkSleep )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkUp,
onpass="Link up successful",
onfail="Failed to bring link up" )
# TODO do some sort of check here
def CASE11( self, main ):
Switch Down
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
description = "Killing a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly" description )
switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
# TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
main.step( "Kill " + switch ) "Deleting " + switch )
main.Mininet1.delSwitch( switch ) "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
" seconds for switch down to be discovered" )
time.sleep( switchSleep )
device = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
# Peek at the deleted switch
main.log.warn( str( device ) )
result = main.FALSE
if device and device[ 'available' ] is False:
result = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
onpass="Kill switch successful",
onfail="Failed to kill switch?" )
def CASE12( self, main ):
Switch Up
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert ONOS1Port, "ONOS1Port not defined"
assert ONOS2Port, "ONOS2Port not defined"
assert ONOS3Port, "ONOS3Port not defined"
assert ONOS4Port, "ONOS4Port not defined"
assert ONOS5Port, "ONOS5Port not defined"
assert ONOS6Port, "ONOS6Port not defined"
assert ONOS7Port, "ONOS7Port not defined"
switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
links = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'links' ].split()
description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly" description )
main.step( "Add back " + switch )
main.Mininet1.addSwitch( switch, dpid=switchDPID )
for peer in links:
main.Mininet1.addLink( switch, peer )
main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switch.split( 's' )[ 1 ],
port1=ONOS1Port ) "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
" seconds for switch up to be discovered" )
time.sleep( switchSleep )
device = main.ONOScli1.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
# Peek at the deleted switch
main.log.warn( str( device ) )
result = main.FALSE
if device and device[ 'available' ]:
result = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
onpass="add switch successful",
onfail="Failed to add switch?" )
def CASE13( self, main ):
Clean up
import os
import time
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# printing colors to terminal
colors = { 'cyan': '\033[96m', 'purple': '\033[95m',
'blue': '\033[94m', 'green': '\033[92m',
'yellow': '\033[93m', 'red': '\033[91m', 'end': '\033[0m' } "Test Cleanup" )
main.step( "Killing tcpdumps" )
main.step( "Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station" )
testname = main.TEST
teststationUser = main.params[ 'TESTONUSER' ]
teststationIP = main.params[ 'TESTONIP' ]
# NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to ~/packet_captures
# scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
# FIXME: scp
# mn files
# TODO: Load these from params
# NOTE: must end in /
logFolder = "/opt/onos/log/"
logFiles = [ "karaf.log", "karaf.log.1" ]
# NOTE: must end in /
dstDir = "~/packet_captures/"
for f in logFiles:
main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@" + ONOS1Ip + ":" +
logFolder + f + " " +
teststationUser + "@" +
teststationIP + ":" + dstDir +
str( testname ) + "-ONOS1-" + f )
main.ONOSbench.handle.expect( "\$" )
# std*.log's
# NOTE: must end in /
logFolder = "/opt/onos/var/"
logFiles = [ "stderr.log", "stdout.log" ]
# NOTE: must end in /
dstDir = "~/packet_captures/"
for f in logFiles:
main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@" + ONOS1Ip + ":" +
logFolder + f + " " +
teststationUser + "@" +
teststationIP + ":" + dstDir +
str( testname ) + "-ONOS1-" + f )
main.ONOSbench.handle.expect( "\$" )
# sleep so scp can finish
time.sleep( 10 )
main.step( "Stopping Mininet" )
mnResult = main.Mininet1.stopNet()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
onpass="Mininet stopped",
onfail="MN cleanup NOT successful" )
main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
print colors[ 'purple' ] + "Checking logs for errors on ONOS1:" + \
colors[ 'end' ]
print main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( ONOS1Ip, restart=True )
main.step( "Packing and rotating pcap archives" )
os.system( "~/TestON/dependencies/ " + str( testname ) )
timerLog = open( main.logdir + "/Timers.csv", 'w')
# Overwrite with empty line and close
labels = "Gossip Intents, Restart"
data = str( gossipTime ) + ", " + str( main.restartTime )
timerLog.write( labels + "\n" + data )
except NameError, e:
def CASE14( self, main ):
start election app on all onos nodes
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined""Start Leadership Election app")
main.step( "Install leadership election app" )
appResult = main.ONOScli1.activateApp( "org.onosproject.election" )
onpass="Election app installed",
onfail="Something went wrong with installing Leadership election" )
main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
leaderResult = main.ONOScli1.electionTestRun()
# check for leader
leader = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
# verify leader is ONOS1
if leader == ONOS1Ip:
# all is well
elif leader is None:
# No leader elected
main.log.error( "No leader was elected" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
elif leader == main.FALSE:
# error in response
# TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
# means the app isn't loaded
main.log.error( "Something is wrong with electionTestLeader" +
" function, check the error logs" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
# error in response
"Unexpected response from electionTestLeader function:'" +
str( leader ) +
"'" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
onpass="Successfully ran for leadership",
onfail="Failed to run for leadership" )
def CASE15( self, main ):
Check that Leadership Election is still functional
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
leaderResult = main.TRUE
description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional" description )
main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
leader = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
# do some sanity checking on leader before using it
withdrawResult = main.FALSE
if leader == ONOS1Ip:
oldLeader = getattr( main, "ONOScli1" )
elif leader is None or leader == main.FALSE:
"Leader for the election app should be an ONOS node," +
"instead got '" + str( leader ) + "'" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
oldLeader = None
main.log.error( "Leader election --- why am I HERE?!?")
leaderResult = main.FALSE
oldLeader = None
if oldLeader:
withdrawResult = oldLeader.electionTestWithdraw()
onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
main.step( "Make sure new leader is elected" )
leaderN = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
if leaderN == leader:
main.log.error( "ONOS still sees " + str( leaderN ) +
" as leader after they withdrew" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
elif leaderN == main.FALSE:
# error in response
# TODO: add check for "Command not found:" in the driver, this
# means the app isn't loaded
main.log.error( "Something is wrong with electionTestLeader " +
"function, check the error logs" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
elif leaderN is None:
"There is no leader after the app withdrew from election" )
leaderResult = main.TRUE
onpass="Leadership election passed",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
"is in the hat )" )
if oldLeader:
runResult = oldLeader.electionTestRun()
runResult = main.FALSE
onpass="App re-ran for election",
onfail="App failed to run for election" )
main.step( "Node became leader when it ran for election" )
afterRun = main.ONOScli1.electionTestLeader()
# verify leader is ONOS1
if afterRun == ONOS1Ip:
afterResult = main.TRUE
afterResult = main.FALSE
onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
"the old leader re-ran for election" )
def CASE16( self, main ):
Install Distributed Primitives app
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert CLIs, "CLIs not defined"
assert nodes, "nodes not defined"
# Variables for the distributed primitives tests
global pCounterName
global iCounterName
global pCounterValue
global iCounterValue
global onosSet
global onosSetName
pCounterName = "TestON-Partitions"
iCounterName = "TestON-inMemory"
pCounterValue = 0
iCounterValue = 0
onosSet = set([])
onosSetName = "TestON-set"
description = "Install Primitives app" description )
main.step( "Install Primitives app" )
appName = "org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"
appResults = CLIs[0].activateApp( appName )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Primitives app activated",
onfail="Primitives app not activated" )
def CASE17( self, main ):
Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
import json
# Make sure variables are defined/set
assert numControllers, "numControllers not defined"
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
assert CLIs, "CLIs not defined"
assert nodes, "nodes not defined"
assert pCounterName, "pCounterName not defined"
assert iCounterName, "iCounterName not defined"
assert onosSetName, "onosSetName not defined"
# NOTE: assert fails if value is 0/None/Empty/False
except NameError:
main.log.error( "pCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
pCounterValue = 0
except NameError:
main.log.error( "iCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
iCounterValue = 0
except NameError:
main.log.error( "onosSet not defined, setting to empty Set" )
onosSet = set([])
# Variables for the distributed primitives tests. These are local only
addValue = "a"
addAllValue = "a b c d e f"
retainValue = "c d e f"
description = "Check for basic functionality with distributed " +\
"primitives" description )
main.caseExplaination = "Test the methods of the distributed primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli"
main.step( "Increment and get a default counter on each node" )
pCounters = []
threads = []
addedPValues = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].counterTestIncrement,
name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
args=[ pCounterName ] )
pCounterValue += 1
addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
pCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
pCounterResults = True
for i in addedPValues:
tmpResult = i in pCounters
pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Default counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing default" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Increment and get an in memory counter on each node" )
iCounters = []
addedIValues = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].counterTestIncrement,
name="icounterIncrement-" + str( i ),
args=[ iCounterName ],
kwargs={ "inMemory": True } )
iCounterValue += 1
addedIValues.append( iCounterValue )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
iCounters.append( t.result )
# Check that counter incremented numController times
iCounterResults = True
for i in addedIValues:
tmpResult = i in iCounters
iCounterResults = iCounterResults and tmpResult
if not tmpResult:
main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in the in-memory "
"counter incremented results" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="In memory counter incremented",
onfail="Error incrementing in memory" +
" counter" )
main.step( "Check counters are consistant across nodes" )
onosCounters = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].counters,
name="counters-" + str( i ) )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
onosCounters.append( t.result )
tmp = [ i == onosCounters[ 0 ] for i in onosCounters ]
if all( tmp ): "Counters are consistent across all nodes" )
consistentCounterResults = main.TRUE
main.log.error( "Counters are not consistent across all nodes" )
consistentCounterResults = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS counters are consistent " +
"across nodes",
onfail="ONOS Counters are inconsistent " +
"across nodes" )
main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
correctResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
current = json.loads( onosCounters[i] )
pValue = None
iValue = None
for database in current:
partitioned = database.get( 'partitionedDatabaseCounters' )
if partitioned:
for value in partitioned:
if value.get( 'name' ) == pCounterName:
pValue = value.get( 'value' )
inMemory = database.get( 'inMemoryDatabaseCounters' )
if inMemory:
for value in inMemory:
if value.get( 'name' ) == iCounterName:
iValue = value.get( 'value' )
except AttributeError, e:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) + " counters result " +
"is not as expected" )
correctResults = main.FALSE
if pValue == pCounterValue: "Partitioned counter value is correct" )
main.log.error( "Partitioned counter value is incorrect," +
" expected value: " + str( pCounterValue )
+ " current value: " + str( pValue ) )
correctResults = main.FALSE
if iValue == iCounterValue: "In memory counter value is correct" )
main.log.error( "In memory counter value is incorrect, " +
"expected value: " + str( iCounterValue ) +
" current value: " + str( iValue ) )
correctResults = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Added counters are correct",
onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set get" )
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set elements are correct",
onfail="Set elements are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set size" )
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set sizes are correct",
onfail="Set sizes are incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set add()" )
onosSet.add( addValue )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAdd-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addResults = main.FALSE
if addResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set add" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addResults = addResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set add correct",
onfail="Set add was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set contains()" )
containsResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setContains-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ],
kwargs={ "values": addValue } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
# NOTE: This is the tuple
containsResponses.append( t.result )
containsResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
containsResults = main.FALSE
containsResults = containsResults and\
containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set contains is functional",
onfail="Set contains failed" )
main.step( "Distributed Set containsAll()" )
containsAllResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setContainsAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ],
kwargs={ "values": addAllValue } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
# NOTE: This is the tuple
containsAllResponses.append( t.result )
containsAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
containsResults = main.FALSE
containsResults = containsResults and\
containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set containsAll is functional",
onfail="Set containsAll failed" )
main.step( "Distributed Set remove()" )
onosSet.remove( addValue )
removeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRemove-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
removeResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
removeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if removeResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# not in set, probably fine
elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
removeResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
removeResults = main.FALSE
if removeResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set remove" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
removeResults = removeResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set remove correct",
onfail="Set remove was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set removeAll()" )
onosSet.difference_update( addAllValue.split() )
removeAllResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRemoveAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
removeAllResponses.append( t.result )
except Exception, e:
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
removeAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# not in set, probably fine
elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
removeAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
removeAllResults = main.FALSE
if removeAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set removeAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
removeAllResults = removeAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set removeAll correct",
onfail="Set removeAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set clear()" )
clearResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestClear-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, " "], # Values doesn't matter
kwargs={ "clear": True } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
clearResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
clearResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if clearResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Nothing set, probably fine
elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
clearResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
clearResults = main.FALSE
if clearResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set clear" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
clearResults = clearResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set clear correct",
onfail="Set clear was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
addResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
addResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
addAllResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
addAllResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
addAllResults = main.FALSE
if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " + str( size ) +
" for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set addAll correct",
onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
main.step( "Distributed Set retain()" )
onosSet.intersection_update( retainValue.split() )
retainResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
name="setTestRetain-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName, retainValue ],
kwargs={ "retain": True } )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
retainResponses.append( t.result )
# main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
# main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
# main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
retainResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if retainResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
# All is well
elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
# Already in set, probably fine
elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
# Error in execution
retainResults = main.FALSE
# unexpected result
retainResults = main.FALSE
if retainResults != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error executing set retain" )
# Check if set is still correct
size = len( onosSet )
getResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestGet,
name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
getResponses.append( t.result )
getResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
# no repeats
if onosSet != current:
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has incorrect view" +
" of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
# error, set is not a set
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" has repeat elements in" +
" set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
getResults = main.FALSE
elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
getResults = main.FALSE
sizeResponses = []
threads = []
for i in range( numControllers ):
t = main.Thread( target=CLIs[i].setTestSize,
name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
args=[ onosSetName ] )
threads.append( t )
for t in threads:
sizeResponses.append( t.result )
sizeResults = main.TRUE
for i in range( numControllers ):
if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
sizeResults = main.FALSE
main.log.error( "ONOS" + str( i + 1 ) +
" expected a size of " +
str( size ) + " for set " + onosSetName +
" but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
retainResults = retainResults and getResults and sizeResults
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Set retain correct",
onfail="Set retain was incorrect" )