blob: 9da11a59e543dc3452f871467723b2bb352f1d9f [file] [log] [blame]
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from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as run
import tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.cfgtranslator as translator
class SROnosFailureFuncs():
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
self.topo = run.getTopo()
main.switchType = "ovs"
def runTest( self, main, caseNum, numNodes, topology, minFlow, killList=[ 0 ] ):
description = "ONOS Failure test with " + self.topo[ topology ][ 'description' ] description )
if not hasattr( main, 'apps' ):
run.initTest( main )
main.cfgName = topology
main.Cluster.setRunningNode( numNodes )
run.installOnos( main )
suf = main.params.get( 'jsonFileSuffix', '')
xconnectFile = "%s%s-xconnects.json%s" % ( main.configPath + main.forJson,
main.cfgName, suf )
if main.useBmv2:
switchPrefix = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ].get( 'switchPrefix', "bmv2" )
# Translate configuration file from OVS-OFDPA to BMv2 driver
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main ) # Try to cleanup if switching between switch types
translator.ofdpaToBmv2( main, switchPrefix=switchPrefix )
# translate xconnects
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, cfgFile=xconnectFile )
translator.ofdpaToBmv2( main, cfgFile=xconnectFile, switchPrefix=switchPrefix )
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main )
translator.bmv2ToOfdpa( main, cfgFile=xconnectFile )
if not main.persistentSetup:
if suf:
run.loadJson( main, suffix=suf )
run.loadJson( main )
run.loadChart( main )
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
run.mnDockerSetup( main ) # optionally create and setup docker image
# Run the test with Mininet
mininet_args = self.topo[ topology ][ 'mininetArgs' ]
if main.useBmv2:
mininet_args += ' --switch %s' % main.switchType "Using %s switch" % main.switchType )
run.startMininet( main, '', args=mininet_args )
# Run the test with physical devices
# TODO: connect TestON to the physical network
if not main.persistentSetup:
# xconnects need to be loaded after topology
run.loadXconnects( main )
switches = self.topo[ topology ][ 'spines' ] + self.topo[ topology ][ 'leaves' ]
links = ( self.topo[ topology ][ 'spines' ] * self.topo[ topology ][ 'leaves' ] ) * 2
# pre-configured routing and bridging test
run.verifyTopology( main, switches, links, numNodes )
run.checkFlows( main, minFlowCount=minFlow )
run.pingAll( main, 'CASE{}'.format( caseNum ) )
run.killOnos( main, killList, switches, links, '{}'.format( numNodes - 1 ) )
run.pingAll( main, 'CASE{}_Failure'.format( caseNum ) )
run.recoverOnos( main, killList, switches, links, '{}'.format( numNodes ) )
run.checkFlows( main, minFlowCount=minFlow, tag='CASE{}_Recovery'.format( caseNum ) )
run.pingAll( main, 'CASE{}_Recovery'.format( caseNum ) )
run.verifyTopology( main, switches, links, numNodes )
# TODO Dynamic config of hosts in subnet
# TODO Dynamic config of host not in subnet
# TODO Dynamic config of vlan xconnect
# TODO Vrouter integration
# TODO Mcast integration
except Exception as e:
main.log.exception( "Error in runTest" )
main.skipCase( result="FAIL", msg=e )
run.cleanup( main )