blob: 4bf4bd4384e1644644e7e21b8b642be9e3e25db1 [file] [log] [blame]
<host>localhost</host> # ONOS "bench" machine
<cluster_name></cluster_name> # Used as a prefix for cluster components. Defaults to 'ONOS'
<diff_clihost></diff_clihost> # if it has different host other than localhost for CLI. True or empty. OC# will be used if True.
<prompt></prompt> # TODO: we technically need a few of these, one per component
<onos_home></onos_home> # defines where onos home is
<nodes> 7 </nodes> # number of nodes in the cluster
#Specify the Option for mininet
<arg1> --custom ~/mininet/custom/ </arg1>
<arg2> --topo obelisk </arg2>
<arg3> --switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13 </arg3>
<controller> none </controller>