| #!groovy |
| // Copyright 2019 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) |
| // |
| // Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>, |
| // the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>, |
| // or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg> |
| // |
| // TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or |
| // (at your option) any later version. |
| // |
| // TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| // GNU General Public License for more details. |
| // |
| // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| // along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| test_list = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy' ) |
| fileRelated = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy' ) |
| |
| category = null |
| prop = null |
| testsToRun = null |
| testsToRunStrList = null |
| branch = null |
| branchWithPrefix = null |
| nodeLabel = null |
| testStation = null |
| testsOverride = null |
| pipelineTimeout = null |
| |
| testsFromList = [:] |
| pipeline = [:] |
| |
| def main(){ |
| pipelineTimeout = params.TimeOut.toInteger() // integer minutes until the entire pipeline times out. Usually passed from upstream master-trigger job. |
| timeout( time: pipelineTimeout, unit: "MINUTES" ){ |
| init() |
| runTests() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| main() |
| |
| def init(){ |
| fileRelated.init() |
| test_list.init() |
| readParams() |
| |
| if ( branch == "manually" ){ |
| echo '''Warning: entered branch was: "manually". Defaulting to master branch.''' |
| branch = "master" |
| branchWithPrefix = test_list.addPrefixToBranch( branch ) |
| } |
| prop = getProperties() |
| |
| // get the list of the tests from category |
| testsFromList = test_list.getTestsFromCategory( category ) |
| |
| tokenizeTokens = "\n;, " |
| |
| if ( testsOverride == "" || testsOverride == null ){ |
| testsToRunStrList = prop[ "Tests" ].tokenize( tokenizeTokens ) |
| } else { |
| testsToRunStrList = testsOverride.tokenize( tokenizeTokens ) |
| } |
| testsToRun = test_list.getTestsFromStringList( testsToRunStrList ) |
| } |
| |
| def getProperties(){ |
| // get the properties of the test by reading the TestONOS.property |
| |
| filePath = '''/var/jenkins/TestONOS-''' + category + '''-''' + branchWithPrefix + '''.property''' |
| |
| node( testStation ) { |
| return readProperties( file: filePath ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def readParams(){ |
| category = params.Category // "MO", etc. |
| branch = params.Branch // "1.15", "2.1", "master", etc. |
| branchWithPrefix = test_list.addPrefixToBranch( branch ) |
| testStation = params.TestStation // "TestStation-BMs", etc. |
| nodeLabel = params.NodeLabel // "BM", "VM", "Fabric-1.x", etc. |
| testsOverride = params.TestsOverride // "FUNCflow, FUNCintent, [...]", overrides property file |
| } |
| |
| def runTests(){ |
| // run the test sequentially and save the function into the dictionary. |
| for ( String test : testsFromList.keySet() ){ |
| toBeRun = testsToRun.keySet().contains( test ) |
| stepName = ( toBeRun ? "" : "Not " ) + "Running $test" |
| pipeline[ stepName ] = runMOtest( test, |
| toBeRun ) |
| } |
| |
| // run the tests sequentially. |
| for ( test in pipeline.keySet() ){ |
| pipeline[ test ].call() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Set of setps to execute before the micro-onos test is run |
| def prepareRunningTest(){ |
| return '''. ~/.profile |
| cd ~/onos-test |
| make clean |
| ''' |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: currently this step is hardcoded to run `make` commands. |
| def runMicroOnosTest( run ){ |
| return '''make ''' + run + ''' |
| ''' |
| } |
| |
| def cleanupTest(){ |
| return '''. ~/.profile |
| cd ~/onos-test |
| make clean |
| ''' |
| } |
| |
| def analyzeResult( didTestFail, didCleanupFail ){ |
| if ( didTestFail ){ |
| echo "Abnormal Test Result." |
| throw new Exception( "Abnormal Test Result." ) |
| } else if ( didCleanupFail ){ |
| echo "Cleanup Failure." |
| throw new Exception( "Cleanup Failure." ) |
| } else { |
| echo "Test results are OK." |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def runMOtest( test, toBeRun ){ |
| return { |
| catchError { |
| stage( test ){ |
| if ( toBeRun ){ |
| didTestFail = true |
| didCleanupFail = true |
| node( testStation ) { |
| catchError{ |
| run = test.toLowerCase() - "momake" |
| sh script: prepareRunningTest() + |
| runMicroOnosTest( run ), label: "Prepare and Run: make " + run |
| didTestFail = false |
| } |
| catchError{ |
| sh script: cleanupTest(), label: "Clean Up Test" |
| didCleanupFail = false |
| } |
| } |
| analyzeResult( didTestFail, didCleanupFail ) |
| } else { |
| echo test + " is not being run today. Leaving the rest of stage contents blank." |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |