blob: c0325a98513dbb4e0bb3ceedcb753e92f08e06ff [file] [log] [blame]
#CHO sequence : 1,2,3,[4,5,6,5,7,8,5,10,5,9,5,7,8,5,10,5]*2
# 1. ONOS brinup Test case
# 2. Assign and Balance all Mininet switches across controllers
# 3. Collect reference toplogy for topo compare
# 4. Enable Reactive forwarding, Verify ping all and disable onos-app-fwd
# 5. Compare curent topoology with reference
# 6. Install 300 host intents and verify ping all
# 7. Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall
# 8. Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall
# 9. Install 114 point intents and verify ping all
# 10. Remove all intents on ONOS
# 1,2,3,[4,5,6,5,7,8,5,10,5,9,5,7,8,5,10,5]*2
#autoPull 'on' or 'off'