| #!/usr/bin/python |
| |
| """ |
| Start up the SDN-IP demo topology |
| """ |
| |
| """ |
| AS1 = 64513, (SDN AS) |
| AS2 = 64514, reachable by, |
| AS3 = 64516, reachable by |
| AS4 = 64517, reachable by |
| AS6 = 64520, reachable by, (route server |
| """ |
| |
| from mininet.net import Mininet |
| from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController |
| from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info |
| from mininet.cli import CLI |
| from mininet.topo import Topo |
| from mininet.util import quietRun |
| from mininet.moduledeps import pathCheck |
| |
| import os.path |
| import time |
| import sys |
| from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE |
| |
| QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/lib/quagga' |
| #QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/local/sbin' |
| QUAGGA_RUN_DIR = '/usr/local/var/run/quagga' |
| |
| QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR = '/home/tutorial1/ONLabTest/TestON/tests/PeeringRouterTest/mininet' |
| |
| class SDNIpModifiedTopo( Topo ): |
| "SDN Ip Modified Topology" |
| |
| def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): |
| global numHost101 |
| global numHost200 |
| numHost101 = 101 |
| numHost200 = 200 |
| Topo.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) |
| sw1 = self.addSwitch('sw1', dpid='0000000000000001') |
| sw2 = self.addSwitch('sw2', dpid='0000000000000002') |
| #sw3 = self.addSwitch('sw3', dpid='00000000000000a3') |
| #sw4 = self.addSwitch('sw4', dpid='00000000000000a4') |
| #sw5 = self.addSwitch('sw5', dpid='00000000000000a5') |
| #sw6 = self.addSwitch('sw6', dpid='00000000000000a6') |
| #add a switch for 3 quagga hosts |
| swTestOn = self.addSwitch('swTestOn', dpid='0000000000000102') |
| #Note this switch isn't part of the SDN topology |
| #We'll use the ovs-controller to turn this into a learning switch |
| as6sw = self.addSwitch('as6sw', dpid='00000000000000a7') |
| |
| host1 = self.addHost( 'host1' ) |
| root1 = self.addHost( 'root1', inNamespace=False , ip='0') |
| rootTestOn = self.addHost( 'rootTestOn', inNamespace=False, ip='0' ) |
| |
| #AS2 host |
| host3 = self.addHost( 'host3' ) |
| as2host = self.addHost( 'as2host' ) |
| #AS3 host |
| host4 = self.addHost( 'host4' ) |
| as3host = self.addHost( 'as3host' ) |
| #AS6 host |
| host5 = self.addHost( 'host5' ) |
| as6host = self.addHost( 'as6host' ) |
| |
| self.addLink( host1, sw2 ) |
| #Links to the multihomed AS |
| self.addLink( host3, sw1 ) |
| self.addLink( host3, sw1 ) |
| self.addLink( as2host, host3 ) |
| #Single links to the remaining two ASes |
| self.addLink( host4, sw1 ) |
| self.addLink( as3host, host4 ) |
| |
| #AS3-AS4 link |
| #self.addLink( host4, host5) |
| #Add new AS6 to its bridge |
| self.addLink( host5, as6sw ) |
| self.addLink( as6host, host5 ) |
| |
| #Backup link from router5 to router4 |
| self.addLink( host4, host5) |
| |
| #test the host behind the router(behind the router server) |
| # for i in range(1, 10): |
| # host = self.addHost('as6host%d' % i) |
| # self.addLink(host, as6router) |
| |
| ## Internal Connection To Hosts ## |
| self.addLink( root1, host1 ) |
| |
| # self.addLink( sw1, sw2 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw1, sw3 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw2, sw4 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw3, sw4 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw3, sw5 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw4, sw6 ) |
| # self.addLink( sw5, sw6 ) |
| self.addLink( as6sw, sw1 ) |
| |
| |
| self.addLink(swTestOn, rootTestOn) |
| #self.addLink(swTestOn, host1) |
| self.addLink(swTestOn, host3) |
| self.addLink(swTestOn, host4) |
| self.addLink(swTestOn, host5) |
| self.addLink(swTestOn, as2host) |
| |
| |
| #self.addLink(rootTestOn, host4) |
| |
| def startsshd( host ): |
| "Start sshd on host" |
| info( '*** Starting sshd\n' ) |
| name, intf, ip = host.name, host.defaultIntf(), host.IP() |
| banner = '/tmp/%s.banner' % name |
| host.cmd( 'echo "Welcome to %s at %s" > %s' % ( name, ip, banner ) ) |
| host.cmd( '/usr/sbin/sshd -o "Banner %s"' % banner, '-o "UseDNS no"' ) |
| info( '***', host.name, 'is running sshd on', intf, 'at', ip, '\n' ) |
| |
| def startsshds ( hosts ): |
| for h in hosts: |
| startsshd( h ) |
| |
| def stopsshd( ): |
| "Stop *all* sshd processes with a custom banner" |
| info( '*** Shutting down stale sshd/Banner processes ', |
| quietRun( "pkill -9 -f Banner" ), '\n' ) |
| |
| def startquagga( host, num, config_file ): |
| info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host ) |
| zebra_cmd = 'sudo %s/zebra -d -f %s/zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/zebra%s.pid' % (QUAGGA_DIR, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num) |
| quagga_cmd = 'sudo %s/bgpd -d -f %s -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/bgpd%s.pid' % (QUAGGA_DIR, config_file, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num) |
| |
| print zebra_cmd |
| print quagga_cmd |
| |
| host.cmd( zebra_cmd ) |
| host.cmd( quagga_cmd ) |
| |
| def startquaggahost5( host, num ): |
| info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host ) |
| zebra_cmd = 'sudo %s/zebra -d -f %s/zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/zebra%s.pid' % (QUAGGA_DIR, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num) |
| quagga_cmd = 'sudo %s/bgpd -d -f ./as4quaggas/quagga%s.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/bgpd%s.pid' % (QUAGGA_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num) |
| |
| host.cmd( zebra_cmd ) |
| host.cmd( quagga_cmd ) |
| |
| |
| def stopquagga( ): |
| quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f bgpd' ) |
| quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f zebra' ) |
| |
| def sdn1net(): |
| topo = SDNIpModifiedTopo() |
| info( '*** Creating network\n' ) |
| net = Mininet( topo=topo, controller=RemoteController ) |
| net = Mininet( topo=topo, controller=RemoteController ) |
| |
| host1, host3, host4, host5 = net.get( 'host1', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5' ) |
| |
| #host100.setIP('1.168.30.' + str(i), 24, str(host100) + "-eth2") |
| |
| #host500.setMAC('00:00:00:00:04:%d' % (i-101), 'host%d-eth0' %(i)) |
| #add IP prefixes |
| #for j in range(0,121): |
| #host100.cmd('sudo ip addr add %s.0.40.%s/24 dev host%s-eth0' %(i,j,i)) |
| |
| ## Adding 2nd, 3rd and 4th interface to host1 connected to sw1 (for another BGP peering) |
| #sw1 = net.get('sw1') |
| host1.setMAC('00:00:00:00:00:01', 'host1-eth0') |
| host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0') |
| host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0') |
| #host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0') |
| host1.cmd('ip addr add dev host1-eth0') |
| |
| # Net has to be start after adding the above link |
| net.start() |
| |
| # Set up as6sw as a learning switch as quickly as possible so it |
| # hopefully doesn't connect to the actual controller |
| # TODO figure out how to change controller before starting switch |
| as6sw = net.get('as6sw') |
| as6sw.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller as6sw none') |
| as6sw.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode as6sw standalone') |
| |
| |
| sw1 = net.get('sw1') |
| sw1.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw1 tcp:') |
| # sw2.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw2 tcp:') |
| # sw3.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw3 tcp:') |
| # sw4.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw4 tcp:') |
| # sw5.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw5 tcp:') |
| # sw6.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller sw6 tcp:') |
| |
| |
| swTestOn = net.get('swTestOn') |
| swTestOn.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-controller swTestOn none') |
| swTestOn.cmd('ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode swTestOn standalone') |
| |
| host1.defaultIntf().setIP('') |
| # Run BGPd |
| #host1.cmd('%s -d -f %s' % (BGPD, BGPD_CONF)) |
| #host1.cmd('/sbin/route add default gw dev %s-eth0' % (host1.name)) |
| |
| # Configure new host interfaces |
| #host2.defaultIntf().setIP('') |
| #host2.defaultIntf().setMAC('00:00:00:00:01:02') |
| #host2.cmd('/sbin/route add default gw dev %s-eth0' % (host2.name)) |
| |
| # Set up AS2 |
| host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth0') |
| #host3.cmd('sudo ip addr add dev host3-eth0') |
| host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth1') |
| host3.setMAC('00:00:00:00:02:01', 'host3-eth0') |
| host3.setMAC('00:00:00:00:02:02', 'host3-eth1') |
| #host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth2') |
| host3.setIP('', 8, 'host3-eth2') |
| host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1') |
| |
| host3.setIP('', 24, 'host3-eth3') |
| host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1') |
| host3.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=1') |
| as2host = net.get('as2host') |
| #as2host.defaultIntf().setIP('') |
| for i in range(0, 20): |
| as2host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 3.0.%d.1/24 dev as2host-eth0' %i) |
| as2host.setIP('', 24, 'as2host-eth1') |
| |
| as2host.cmd('ip route add default via') |
| |
| # Set up AS3 |
| host4.setIP('', 24, 'host4-eth0') |
| host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:01', 'host4-eth0') |
| host4.setIP('', 8, 'host4-eth1') |
| host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:99', 'host4-eth1') |
| host4.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1') |
| as3host = net.get('as3host') |
| for i in range(0, 20): |
| as3host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 4.0.%d.1/24 dev as3host-eth0' %i) |
| as3host.cmd('ip route add default via') |
| |
| host4.setIP('', 24, 'host4-eth2') |
| host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:33', 'host4-eth2') |
| |
| #root space |
| host4.setIP('', 24, 'host4-eth3') |
| host4.setMAC('00:00:00:00:03:03', 'host4-eth3') |
| |
| # Set up AS4 |
| #as4host = net.get('as4host') |
| #as4host.defaultIntf().setIP('') |
| #as4host.cmd('ip route add default via') |
| |
| # setup interface address for 100 quagga hosts |
| time.sleep(10) |
| #for i in range(numHost101, numHost200 + 1): |
| #host100 = net.get('host' + str(i)) |
| #host100.cmd(str(i)+'.0.1.254', 24, 'host'+str(i)+'-eth1') |
| #as4host100 = net.get('as4host%s' %(i)) |
| #as4host100.defaultIntf().setIP(str(i) + '.0.0.1/24') |
| #as4host100.cmd('ip route add default via ' + str(i) + '.0.0.254') |
| #for j in range(0, 100): |
| #as4host100.cmd('sudo ip addr add %d.0.%d.1/24 dev %s-eth0' %(i, j, as4host100)) |
| |
| # Set up AS6 - This has a router and a route server |
| #as6rs, host5 = net.get('as6rs', 'host5') |
| host5 = net.get('host5') |
| #as6rs.setIP('', 24, 'as6rs-eth0') |
| #as6rs.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:01', 'as6rs-eth0') |
| host5.setIP('', 24, 'host5-eth0') |
| host5.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:02', 'host5-eth0') |
| #as6router.setIP('', 24, 'as6router-eth1') |
| host5.setIP('', 8, 'host5-eth1') |
| host5.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1') |
| host5.setIP('', 24, 'host5-eth2') |
| host5.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:66', 'host5-eth2') |
| host5.setIP('', 24, 'host5-eth3') |
| host5.setMAC('00:00:00:00:06:05', 'host5-eth3') |
| |
| as6host = net.get('as6host') |
| #as6host.defaultIntf().setIP('') |
| for i in range(0, 10): |
| as6host.cmd('sudo ip addr add 5.0.%d.1/24 dev as6host-eth0' %i) |
| as6host.cmd('ip route add default via') |
| |
| # test the host in the as6 |
| #for i in range(1, 10): |
| # baseip = (i-1)*4 |
| # host = net.get('as6host%d' % i) |
| # host.defaultIntf().setIP('172.16.70.%d/24' % (baseip+1)) |
| # host.cmd('ip route add default via 172.16.70.%d' % (baseip+2)) |
| # as6router.setIP('172.16.70.%d' % (baseip+2), 30, 'as6router-eth%d' % (i+1)) |
| |
| # Start Quagga on border routers |
| startquagga(host3, 1, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga1.conf') |
| startquagga(host4, 2, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga2.conf') |
| #for i in range(numHost101, numHost200 + 1): |
| #host100=net.get('host%d' % (i)) |
| #startquaggahost5(host100, i) |
| |
| #startquagga(as6rs, 4, 'quagga-as6-rs.conf') |
| startquagga(host5, 5, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga-as6.conf') |
| |
| #root1, root2, rootTestOn = net.get( 'root1', 'root2', 'rootTestOn' ) |
| root1, rootTestOn = net.get( 'root1', 'rootTestOn' ) |
| host1.intf('host1-eth1').setIP('') |
| root1.intf('root1-eth0').setIP('') |
| #host2.intf('host2-eth1').setIP('') |
| #root2.intf('root2-eth0').setIP('') |
| |
| #rootTestOn.cmd('ip addr add dev rootTestOn-eth0') |
| rootTestOn.cmd('ip addr add dev rootTestOn-eth0') |
| |
| stopsshd() |
| |
| startquagga(host1, 100, QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR + '/quagga-sdn-modified.conf') |
| hosts = [ host1, host3, host4, host5, as2host ]; |
| #sshdHosts = sshdHosts + hosts |
| startsshds( hosts ) |
| # |
| onos1 = '' |
| forwarding1 = '%s:2000:%s:2000' % ('', onos1) |
| root1.cmd( 'ssh -nNT -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -l sdn -L %s %s & ' % (forwarding1, onos1) ) |
| |
| # Forward 2605 to root namespace for easier access to SDN domain BGPd |
| # If root can ssh to itself without a password this should work |
| root1.cmd('ssh -N -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -L 2605: &') |
| #time.sleep(3000000000) |
| CLI( net ) |
| |
| # Close the ssh port forwarding |
| #quietRun('sudo pkill -f') |
| |
| stopsshd() |
| stopquagga() |
| net.stop() |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| setLogLevel( 'debug' ) |
| if len(sys.argv) > 1: |
| QUAGGA_CONFIG_FILE_DIR = sys.argv[1] |
| sdn1net() |