blob: 044c8a3981f676e4653aaba35a3b9fcc540dd469 [file] [log] [blame]
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import json
def checkingNumNodes( main, expected ):
check the number of nodes
:param expected:
Expected number of nodes
main.TRUE if all the number of the nodes are matched
main.FALSE if not.
result = main.TRUE
for cluster in
actual = json.loads( cluster.CLI.summary() ).get( 'nodes' )
thisResult = main.TRUE if expected == actual else main.FALSE
if not thisResult:
main.log.error( "Number of the nodes not matched." +
"\nExpected nodes: " + str( expected ) +
"\nActual nodes: " + str( actual ) )
return result
def checkingApp( main, appToBeChecked, cluster, expectedToBeThere ):
check the existence of app
:param appToBeChecked:
Name of the apps to be checked
:param cluster:
nth cluster to be checked
:param expectedToBeThere:
True if it is expected to be installed. False if it is expected not to be installed.
main.TRUE if they are all matched. Otherwise main.FALSE
result = False
appStatus = cluster.CLI.appStatus( appToBeChecked )
if appStatus == "ACTIVE" if expectedToBeThere else "UNINSTALL":
result = True
if result: "App is " + ( "not " if not expectedToBeThere else "" ) + "there as expected" )
return main.TRUE
main.log.error("App is " + ( "" if not expectedToBeThere else "not " ) + "there which should" +
( "n't" if not expectedToBeThere else "" ) + " be there.")
return main.FALSE