blob: aab4388acd5489b9e6f496487facbb13f7198d5e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Created on 26-Dec-2012
@author: Anil Kumar (
TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TestON. If not, see <>.
import re
import sys
class TestParser:
def __init__(self,testFile):
try :
testFileHandler = open(testFile, 'r')
except IOError:
print "No such file "+testFile
testFileList = testFileHandler.readlines()
self.testscript = testFileList
self.caseCode = {}
self.caseBlock = ''
self.statementsList = []
index = 0
self.statementsList = []
#initialSpaces = len(line) -len(line.lstrip())
while index < len(testFileList):
testFileList[index] = re.sub("^\s{8}|^\s{4}", "", testFileList[index])
# Skip multiline comments
if re.match('^(\'\'\')|^(\"\"\")',testFileList[index],0) :
index = index + 1
try :
while not re.match('^\s*(\'\'\')|^\s*(\"\"\")',testFileList[index],0) :
index = index + 1
except IndexError:
print ''
# skip empty lines and single line comments
elif not re.match('#|^\s*$',testFileList[index],0):
index = index + 1
def case_code(self):
index = 0
statementsList = self.statementsList
while index < len(statementsList):
m= re.match('def\s+CASE(\d+)',statementsList[index],0)
self.caseBlock = []
if m:
index = index + 1
try :
while not re.match('\s*def\s+CASE(\d+)',statementsList[index],0) :
if index < len(statementsList)-1:
index = index + 1
else :
index = index - 1
except IndexError:
print ''
self.caseCode [str(] = self.caseBlock
index = index + 1
return self.caseCode
def step_code(self,caseStatements):
index = 0
step = 0
stepCode = {}
step_flag = False
while index < len(caseStatements):
m= re.match('main\.step',caseStatements[index],0)
stepBlock = ''
if m:
step_flag = True
if step == 0 :
i = 0
block = ''
while i < index :
block += caseStatements[i]
i = i + 1
stepCode[step] = block
step = step + 1
stepBlock = stepBlock + caseStatements[index]
index = index + 1
try :
while not re.match('main\.step',caseStatements[index],0) :
stepBlock = stepBlock + caseStatements[index]
if index < len(caseStatements)-1:
index = index + 1
else :
index = index - 1
except IndexError:
print ''
stepCode[step] = stepBlock
step = step + 1
index = index + 1
# If there is no step defined !!
if not step_flag :
stepCode[step] = "".join(caseStatements)
return stepCode
def getStepCode(self):
case_step_code = {}
case_block = self.case_code()
for case in case_block :
case_step_code[case] = {}
step_block = self.step_code(case_block[case])
for step in step_block :
case_step_code[case][step] = step_block[step]
return case_step_code