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Created on 03-Dec-2012
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@author: Anil Kumar (
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Convert xml to python dictionaries.
import datetime
def xml_to_dict( root_or_str, strict=True ):
Converts `root_or_str` which can be parsed xml or a xml string to dict.
root = root_or_str
if isinstance( root, str ):
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
root = ElementTree.XML( root_or_str )
return { root.tag: _from_xml( root, strict ) }
except StandardError:
return None
def dict_to_xml( dict_xml ):
Converts `dict_xml` which is a python dict to corresponding xml.
return _to_xml( dict_xml )
def _to_xml( el ):
Converts `el` to its xml representation.
val = None
if isinstance( el, dict ):
val = _dict_to_xml( el )
elif isinstance( el, bool ):
val = str( el ).lower()
val = el
if val is None:
val = 'null'
return val
def _extract_attrs( els ):
Extracts attributes from dictionary `els`. Attributes are keys which start
with '@'
if not isinstance( els, dict ):
return ''
return ''.join( ' %s="%s"' % ( key[ 1: ], value ) for key, value in els.iteritems() if key.startswith( '@' ) )
def _dict_to_xml( els ):
Converts `els` which is a python dict to corresponding xml.
def process_content( tag, content ):
attrs = _extract_attrs( content )
text = isinstance( content, dict ) and content.get( '#text', '' ) or ''
return '<%s%s>%s%s</%s>' % ( tag, attrs, _to_xml( content ), text, tag )
tags = []
for tag, content in els.iteritems():
# Text and attributes
if tag.startswith( '@' ) or tag == '#text':
elif isinstance( content, list ):
for el in content:
tags.append( process_content( tag, el ) )
elif isinstance( content, dict ):
tags.append( process_content( tag, content ) )
tags.append( '<%s>%s</%s>' % ( tag, _to_xml( content ), tag ) )
return ''.join( tags )
def _is_xml_el_dict( el ):
Returns true if `el` is supposed to be a dict.
This function makes sense only in the context of making dicts out of xml.
if len( el ) == 1 or el[ 0 ].tag != el[ 1 ].tag:
return True
return False
def _is_xml_el_list( el ):
Returns true if `el` is supposed to be a list.
This function makes sense only in the context of making lists out of xml.
if len( el ) > 1 and el[ 0 ].tag == el[ 1 ].tag:
return True
return False
def _str_to_datetime( date_str ):
val = datetime.datetime.strptime( date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" )
except ValueError:
val = date_str
return val
def _str_to_boolean( bool_str ):
if bool_str.lower() != 'false' and bool( bool_str ):
return True
return False
def _from_xml( el, strict ):
Extracts value of xml element element `el`.
val = None
# Parent node.
if el:
if _is_xml_el_dict( el ):
val = _dict_from_xml( el, strict )
elif _is_xml_el_list( el ):
val = _list_from_xml( el, strict )
# Simple node.
attribs = el.items()
# An element with attributes.
if attribs and strict:
val = dict( ( '@%s' % k, v ) for k, v in dict( attribs ).iteritems() )
if el.text:
converted = _val_and_maybe_convert( el )
val[ '#text' ] = el.text
if converted != el.text:
val[ '#value' ] = converted
elif el.text:
# An element with no subelements but text.
val = _val_and_maybe_convert( el )
elif attribs:
val = dict( attribs )
return val
def _val_and_maybe_convert( el ):
Converts `el.text` if `el` has attribute `type` with valid value.
text = el.text.strip()
data_type = el.get( 'type' )
convertor = _val_and_maybe_convert.convertors.get( data_type )
if convertor:
return convertor( text )
return text
_val_and_maybe_convert.convertors = {
'boolean': _str_to_boolean,
'datetime': _str_to_datetime,
'integer': int
def _list_from_xml( els, strict ):
Converts xml elements list `el_list` to a python list.
temp = {}
for el in els:
tag = el.attrib[ "name" ]
temp[ tag ] = ( _from_xml( el, strict ) )
return temp
def _dict_from_xml( els, strict ):
Converts xml doc with root `root` to a python dict.
# An element with subelements.
res = {}
for el in els:
res[ el.tag ] = _from_xml( el, strict )
return res