blob: 5eaef58b42545e3ea72fb6ea1a7ac3613a8bcc42 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a tutorial for you to manually run this test.
Normally, we run it from Jenkins, most of steps below are configured on Jenkins,
and will be automatically run by Jenkins.
But here, we need to manually run all the steps.
In this test environment, we use 3 nodes:
1) One is for running Mininet, Quagga, TestON, compiling ONOS.
2) The second one is running ONOS.
3) The third one is running FlowSpace Firewall (FSFW).
Step 1: Install and configure Quagga.
SDN-IP application uses Quagga as the BGP speaker. You need to install Quagga
on the Mininet node, and I assume you already have Mininet in the first node.
$ sudo apt-get install quagga
After installation, check whether the Quagga directory is /usr/lib/quagga,
otherwise you need to change the Quagga directory in
Then create a running directory for Quagga:
$cd /usr/local/var/run/
$sudo mkdir quagga
$sudo chmod 777 quagga
Step 2: SDN-IP/ONOS configuration.
Copy the SDN-IP/ONOS file to your ONOS directory:
$cp ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/network-cfg.json ~/onos/tools/package/config/network-cfg.json
$cp ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/sdnip_single_instance ~/onos/tools/test/cells/sdnip_single_instance
Then enable the cell file:
$cell sdnip_single_instance
You also need to compile ONOS:
$cd ~/onos
Step 3: Copy public RSA keys from first node to second node.
Copy public RSA key of the "root" user (not other users) from the first node to
second node which is running ONOS.
This is because we need to set up a tunnel from Mninet node to ONOS node for
communication between Quagga and SDN-IP.
The location of the root key is:
$ sudo su root
# cat ~/.ssh/
Copy the key above to this file on the second node:
$vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
To correctly run ONOS, also make sure that the public key of the user which
compiles ONOS is also in "authorized_keys" file on the second node.
Step 4: Install, configure, and run FSFW.
Install FSFW, and copy the FSFW configuration file from TestON directory in the first node to the FSFW node.
$scp ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/fsfw.xml root@
Change the controller IP address in fsfw.xml to your IP address of the node
running ONOS.
$service fsfw start
Note: you only need to do Step 1, 2, 3, and 4 once.
Step 5: Each time, before starting the test, run the following command to clean
the whole environment.
$ ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin/
Step 6: Finally you can run TestON script.
$cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin
$./ run USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw