blob: 6eda334223fc0ad70b4869ce9c066f994b3aa969 [file] [log] [blame]
# CASE - Descritpion
# Openflow 1.0: 1,2,10,1000,3000,1100,3000,1400,3000,1600,3000,1700,100
# Openflow 1.3: 1,2,10,1000,3000,1100,3000,1200,3000,1300,3000,1400,3000,1500,3000,1600,3000,1700,3000,1800,3000,1900,3000,2000,100
# 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
# 2 - install ONOS
# 10 - Start mininet and verify topology
# 66 - Testing Scapy
# 100 - Check logs for Errors and Warnings
# 1000 - Add flows with MAC selector
# 1100 - Add flows with VLAN selector
# 1200 - Add flows with ARP selector
# 1300 - Add flows with MPLS selector
# 1400 - Add flows with IPv4 selector
# 1500 - Add flows with IPv6 selector
# 1600 - Add flows with UDP selector
# 1700 - Add flows with TCP selector
# 1800 - Add flows with SCTP selector
# 1900 - Add flows with ICMPv4 selector
# 2000 - Add flows with ICMPv6 selector
# 3000 - Delete flows