blob: 8b752eff0c1ab53143e7e3d090dc74ad4abee42a [file] [log] [blame]
2013-11-20 12:39:02,442 Cassandra4: INFO :
------------------------------ { Script And Files } ------------------------------
Script Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59.log
Report Log File : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59.rpt
ONOS4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/ONOS4.session
ONOS2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/ONOS2.session
ONOS3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/ONOS3.session
ONOS1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/ONOS1.session
Cassandra1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Cassandra1.session
Cassandra2 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Cassandra2.session
Cassandra3 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Cassandra3.session
Cassandra4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Cassandra4.session
Zookeeper1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Zookeeper1.session
Mininet1 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Mininet1.session
Mininet4 Session Log : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/logs/OnosPerf4nodes_20_Nov_2013_12_38_59/Mininet4.session
Test Script :/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/
Test Params : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.params
Topology : /home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/Tests/OnosPerf4nodes.tpl
--------------------------- { Script Exec Params } ---------------------------
'ip2': ''
'ip3': ''
'ip1': ''
'ip4': ''
'port4': '6633'
'port2': '6633'
'port3': '6633'
'port1': '6633'
'MN_size': '57'
'FLOWDEF': '~/flowdef_files/Center_Triangle/flowdef_20.txt'
'NR_Switches': '25'
'WaitTime': '60'
'TargetTime': '30'
'source2': 'h7'
'source9': 'h14'
'source10': 'h15'
'source4': 'h9'
'source5': 'h10'
'target3': ''
'target10': ''
'source3': 'h8'
'source1': 'h6'
'source6': 'h11'
'source7': 'h12'
'target8': ''
'target9': ''
'target6': ''
'target7': ''
'target4': ''
'target5': ''
'target2': ''
'source8': 'h13'
'target1': ''
'NR_Links': '50'
'testcases': '1
'RestIP': ''
'Iterations': '3'
----------------------------- { Components Used } -----------------------------
---------------------------- { Topology } ----------------------------
'connect_order': '9'
'password': None
'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '7'
'password': None
'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '8'
'password': None
'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '6'
'password': None
'type': 'OnosCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '2'
'password': None
'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '3'
'password': None
'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '4'
'password': None
'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '5'
'password': None
'type': 'CassandraCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '1'
'password': None
'type': 'ZookeeperCliDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'connect_order': '10'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
'arg1': '--custom ~/mininet/custom/'
'arg2': '--topo mytopo --arp'
'controller': 'remote'
'password': None
'type': 'MininetCliDriver'
'connect_order': '11'
'password': None
'type': 'RemoteMininetDriver'
'host': ''
'user': 'admin'
2013-11-20 12:39:32,649 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case1 :
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-44-virtual x86_64)
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System information as of Wed Nov 20 12:39:03 PST 2013
System load: 0.04 Processes: 95
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Last login: Wed Nov 20 12:24:33 2013 from
admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
admin@autoONOS4:~$ ~/ONOS/ start
Killed existing prosess (pid: 9236)
rotate log:
Starting cassandra
admin@autoONOS4:~$ 2013-11-20 12:41:24,470 Cassandra4: INFO : Checking if the startup was clean...
2013-11-20 12:41:24,473 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
2013-11-20 12:41:24,476 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
2013-11-20 12:41:25,362 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 1.1: Testing startup Zookeeper
Start of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
2013-11-20 12:41:27,183 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 1.2: Testing startup Cassandra
Start of Step 1.3: Testing startup ONOS
2013-11-20 12:41:40,414 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case2 :
2013-11-20 12:41:40,416 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Checking if the startup was clean...
2013-11-20 12:41:40,419 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
2013-11-20 12:41:40,426 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 2.1: Checking if MN switches exist
Start of Step 2.2: assigning ONOS controllers to switches
2013-11-20 12:42:18,720 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case3 :
2013-11-20 12:42:18,724 Cassandra4: INFO : TOPO check
2013-11-20 12:42:18,726 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :TOPO check
2013-11-20 12:42:18,730 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 3.1: calling rest calls
2013-11-20 12:44:29,395 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case4 :
2013-11-20 12:44:29,400 Cassandra4: INFO : Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 12:44:29,402 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 12:44:29,407 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
2013-11-20 12:46:45,214 Cassandra4: INFO : TOPO check
2013-11-20 12:46:45,215 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
2013-11-20 12:47:01,529 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case5 :
2013-11-20 12:47:01,534 Cassandra4: INFO : Testing ping...
2013-11-20 12:47:11,655 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case6 :
2013-11-20 12:47:11,660 Cassandra4: INFO : Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 12:47:13,707 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 12:47:13,711 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
2013-11-20 12:47:14,826 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 6.1: Check that the pings are going
Start of Step 6.2: Link down number of iterations: 3
2013-11-20 12:53:15,583 Cassandra4: INFO : Killing remote ping processes
2013-11-20 12:53:19,627 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case7 :
2013-11-20 12:53:19,632 Cassandra4: INFO : Processing Ping data
2013-11-20 12:53:22,838 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case4 :
2013-11-20 12:53:22,842 Cassandra4: INFO : Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 12:53:22,845 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 12:53:22,850 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
2013-11-20 12:55:27,405 Cassandra4: INFO : TOPO check
2013-11-20 12:55:27,409 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
2013-11-20 12:55:44,861 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case8 :
2013-11-20 12:56:04,890 Cassandra4: INFO : Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 12:56:06,964 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 12:56:06,969 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
2013-11-20 12:56:08,084 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 8.1: Check that the pings are going
Start of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
2013-11-20 12:56:08,089 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 8.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
Start of Step 8.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
2013-11-20 13:02:25,158 Cassandra4: INFO : Killing remote ping processes
2013-11-20 13:02:29,532 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case7 :
2013-11-20 13:02:29,539 Cassandra4: INFO : Processing Ping data
2013-11-20 13:02:32,893 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case4 :
2013-11-20 13:02:32,897 Cassandra4: INFO : Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 13:02:32,900 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Taking care of these flows!
2013-11-20 13:02:32,903 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
2013-11-20 13:04:37,645 Cassandra4: INFO : TOPO check
2013-11-20 13:04:37,649 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 4.1: Cleaning out any leftover flows...
Start of Step 4.2: calling rest calls
2013-11-20 13:04:53,934 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case9 :
2013-11-20 13:05:13,954 Cassandra4: INFO : Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 13:05:16,005 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step INIT : Initializing the test case :Starting long ping...
2013-11-20 13:05:16,009 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
2013-11-20 13:05:17,120 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 9.1: Check that the pings are going
Start of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
2013-11-20 13:05:17,124 Cassandra4: INFO :
End of Step 9.2: Making topo change while flows are rerouting
Start of Step 9.3: Link down number of iterations: 3
2013-11-20 13:09:14,406 Cassandra4: INFO : Killing remote ping processes
2013-11-20 13:09:18,382 Cassandra4: INFO :
Start of Test Case7 :
2013-11-20 13:09:18,389 Cassandra4: INFO : Processing Ping data
Connection to closed.