blob: 0b4d4b58239436c0e81d1f7edddfb006d0c4ec6a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
# Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
# the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
# or the System Testing Guide page at <>
# TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with TestON. If not, see <>.
# If you have any questions, or if you don't understand R,
# please contact Jeremy Ronquillo:
# **********************************************************
# STEP 1: Data management.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 1: Data management." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
# Command line arguments are read. Args include the database credentials, test name, branch name, and the directory to output files.
print( "Reading commmand-line args." )
args <- commandArgs( trailingOnly=TRUE )
databaseHost <- 1
databasePort <- 2
databaseUserID <- 3
databasePassword <- 4
testSuiteName <- 5
branchName <- 6
testsToInclude <- 7
buildToShow <- 8
displayStatus <- 9
scaleOfPercent <- 10
saveDirectory <- 11
# ----------------
# Import Libraries
# ----------------
print( "Importing libraries." )
library( ggplot2 )
library( reshape2 )
library( RPostgreSQL )
# -------------------
# Check CLI Arguments
# -------------------
print( "Verifying CLI args." )
if ( args[ saveDirectory ] ) ){
print( paste( "Usage: Rscript testCategoryTrend.R",
sep=" " ) )
quit( status = 1 ) # basically exit(), but in R
# ------------------
# SQL Initialization
# ------------------
print( "Initializing SQL" )
con <- dbConnect( dbDriver( "PostgreSQL" ),
dbname = "onostest",
host = args[ databaseHost ],
port = strtoi( args[ databasePort ] ),
user = args[ databaseUserID ],
password = args[ databasePassword ] )
# ---------------------
# Test Case SQL Command
# ---------------------
print( "Generating Test Case SQL command." )
tests <- "'"
for ( test in as.list( strsplit( args[ testsToInclude ], "," )[[1]] ) ){
tests <- paste( tests, test, "','", sep="" )
tests <- substr( tests, 0, nchar( tests ) - 2 )
fileBuildToShow <- args[ buildToShow ]
operator <- "= "
if ( args[ buildToShow ] == "latest" ){
operator <- ">= "
args[ buildToShow ] <- "1000"
command <- paste( "SELECT * ",
"FROM executed_test_tests a ",
"WHERE ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM executed_test_tests b ",
"WHERE b.branch='",
args[ branchName ],
"' AND b.actual_test_name IN (",
") AND a.actual_test_name = b.actual_test_name AND <= AND ", operator,
args[ buildToShow ],
" ) = ",
" AND a.branch='",
args[ branchName ],
"' AND a.actual_test_name IN (",
") AND ", operator,
args[ buildToShow ],
" ORDER BY a.actual_test_name DESC, DESC",
print( "Sending SQL command:" )
print( command )
dbResult <- dbGetQuery( con, command )
maxBuild <- max( dbResult[ 'build' ] )
dbResult <- dbResult[ which( dbResult[,4]>=maxBuild ), ]
# -------------------------------
# Create Title and Graph Filename
# -------------------------------
print( "Creating title of graph." )
titleDisplayStatus <- ""
if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "fail" ){
titleDisplayStatus <- "Failed"
} else if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "plan" ){
titleDisplayStatus <- "Executed"
} else if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "pass" ){
titleDisplayStatus <- "Succeeded"
} else {
print( paste( "[ERROR]: Invalid histogram display status: ", args[ displayStatus ], sep="" ) )
quit( status = 1 )
title <- paste( args[ testSuiteName ],
" Tests ",
" - ",
args[ branchName ],
" \n Build #",
max( dbResult[ 'build' ] ),
sep="" )
print( "Creating graph filename." )
outputFile <- paste( args[ saveDirectory ],
args[ testSuiteName ],
args[ branchName ],
args[ scaleOfPercent ],
args[ displayStatus ],
sep="" )
print( dbResult )
# **********************************************************
# STEP 2: Organize data.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 2: Organize Data." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
t <- subset( dbResult, select=c( "actual_test_name", "num_passed", "num_failed", "num_planned" ) )
t$passed_percent <- t$num_passed / t$num_planned * 100
t$failed_percent <- t$num_failed / t$num_planned * 100
t$planned_percent <- ( t$num_passed + t$num_failed ) / t$num_planned * 100
# --------------------
# Construct Data Frame
# --------------------
dataFrame <- aggregate( t$passed_percent, by=list( Category=t$actual_test_name ), FUN=sum )
if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "fail" ){
dataFrame <- aggregate( t$failed_percent, by=list( Category=t$actual_test_name ), FUN=sum )
} else if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "plan" ){
dataFrame <- aggregate( t$planned_percent, by=list( Category=t$actual_test_name ), FUN=sum )
colnames( dataFrame ) <- c( "Test", paste( titleDisplayStatus, "%", sep="" ) )
print( "Data Frame Results:" )
print( dataFrame )
# **********************************************************
# STEP 3: Generate graphs.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 3: Generate Graph." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
# -------------------
# Main Plot Generated
# -------------------
print( "Creating main plot." )
# Create the primary plot here.
# ggplot contains the following arguments:
# - data: the data frame that the graph will be based off of
# - aes: the asthetics of the graph which require:
# - x: x-axis values (usually iterative, but it will become build # later)
# - y: y-axis values (usually tests)
# - color: the category of the colored lines (usually status of test)
mainPlot <- ggplot( data = dataFrame, aes( dataFrame[ ,2 ] ) )
# -------------------
# Main Plot Formatted
# -------------------
print( "Formatting main plot." )
# ------------------------------
# Fundamental Variables Assigned
# ------------------------------
print( "Generating fundamental graph data." )
theme_set( theme_grey( base_size = 26 ) ) # set the default text size of the graph.
xScaleConfig <- scale_x_continuous( breaks = seq( 0, 100, by = 10 ) )
yScaleConfig <- scale_y_continuous( breaks = seq( 0, nrow( dbResult ), by = 1 ), limits = c( 0, nrow( dbResult ) ) )
xLabel <- xlab( paste( titleDisplayStatus, "%" ) )
yLabel <- ylab( "Frequency" )
imageWidth <- 15
imageHeight <- 10
imageDPI <- 200
# Set other graph configurations here.
theme <- theme( plot.title = element_text( hjust = 0.5, size = 32, face ='bold' ),
axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 0, size = 14 ),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text = element_text( size = 22 ),
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.key.size = unit( 1.5, 'lines' ),
plot.subtitle = element_text( size=16, hjust=1.0 ) )
subtitle <- paste( "Last Updated: ", format( Sys.time(), format = "%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z" ), sep="" )
title <- labs( title = title, subtitle = subtitle )
# Store plot configurations as 1 variable
fundamentalGraphData <- mainPlot +
xScaleConfig +
yScaleConfig +
xLabel +
yLabel +
theme +
# ----------------------------
# Generating Line Graph Format
# ----------------------------
print( "Generating line graph." )
barColor <- "#00B208"
if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "fail" ){
barColor <- "#E80000"
} else if ( args[ displayStatus ] == "plan" ){
barColor <- "#00A5FF"
histogramFormat <- geom_histogram( col = "#000000",
fill = barColor,
breaks = seq( 0, 100, by = strtoi( args[ scaleOfPercent ] ) ),
lwd = 0.5 )
result <- fundamentalGraphData +
# -----------------------
# Exporting Graph to File
# -----------------------
print( paste( "Saving result graph to", outputFile ) )
tryCatch( ggsave( outputFile,
width = imageWidth,
height = imageHeight,
dpi = imageDPI ),
error = function( e ){
print( "[ERROR] There was a problem saving the graph due to a graph formatting exception. Error dump:" )
print( e )
quit( status = 1 )
print( paste( "[SUCCESS] Successfully wrote result graph out to", outputFile ) )
quit( status = 0 )