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from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import Testcaselib as run
class SRMulticastTest ():
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
self.topo = dict()
# (number of spine switch, number of leaf switch, dual-homed, description, minFlowCount - leaf)
self.topo[ '2x2' ] = ( 2, 2, False, '2x2 leaf-spine topology', 1 )
self.switchNames = {}
self.switchNames[ '2x2' ] = [ "leaf205", "leaf206", "spine227", "spine228" ]
def runTest( self, main, test_idx, topology, onosNodes, description, vlan = [] ):
skipPackage = False
init = False
if not hasattr( main, 'apps' ):
init = True
run.initTest( main )
# Skip onos packaging if the cluster size stays the same
if not init and onosNodes == main.Cluster.numCtrls:
skipPackage = True '%s, with %s and %d ONOS instance%s' %
( description, self.topo[ topology ][ 3 ], onosNodes, 's' if onosNodes > 1 else '' ) )
main.cfgName = 'CASE%01d%01d' % ( test_idx / 10, ( ( test_idx - 1 ) % 10 ) % 4 + 1 )
main.Cluster.setRunningNode( onosNodes )
run.installOnos( main, skipPackage=skipPackage, cliSleep=5 )
if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
# TODO Mininet implementation
# Run the test with physical devices
run.connectToPhysicalNetwork( main, self.switchNames[ topology ] )
# Check if the devices are up
run.checkDevices( main, switches=len(self.switchNames[ topology ]))
# Check the flows against the devices
run.checkFlows( main, minFlowCount=self.topo[ topology ][ 4 ] * self.topo[ topology ][ 1 ], sleep=5 )
# Clean up the environment
run.cleanup( main, physical=(not hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' )))