blob: c8901773e9352369835f243083c61c9440ffd129 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
from import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import RemoteController, UserSwitch, Host
from import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.cli import CLI
# Parse command line options and dump results
def parseOptions( ):
"""Parse command line options"""
parser = OptionParser( )
parser.add_option( '--spine', dest='spine', type='int', default=2,
help='number of spine switches, default=2' )
parser.add_option( '--leaf', dest='leaf', type='int', default=2,
help='number of leaf switches, default=2' )
parser.add_option( '--fanout', dest='fanout', type='int', default=2,
help='number of hosts per leaf switch, default=2' )
parser.add_option( '--onos', dest='onos', type='int', default=0,
help='number of ONOS Instances, default=0, 0 means localhost, 1 will use OC1 and so on' )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args( )
return options, args
opts, args = parseOptions( )
class LeafAndSpine( Topo ):
def __init__( self, spine=2, leaf=2, fanout=2, **opts ):
"Create Leaf and Spine Topo."
Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
# Add spine switches
spines = { }
for s in range( spine ):
spines[ s ] = self.addSwitch( 'spine10%s' % (s + 1),
dpid="00000000010%s" % (s + 1) )
# Set link speeds to 100Mb/s
linkopts = dict( bw=100 )
# Add Leaf switches
for ls in range( leaf ):
leafSwitch = self.addSwitch( 'leaf%s' % (ls + 1),
dpid="00000000000%s" % (1 + ls) )
# Connect leaf to all spines
for s in range( spine ):
switch = spines[ s ]
self.addLink( leafSwitch, switch, **linkopts )
# Add hosts under a leaf, fanout hosts per leaf switch
for f in range( fanout ):
host = self.addHost( 'h%s' % (ls * fanout + f + 1),
ip='10.0.%s.%s/24' % ((ls + 1), (f + 1)),
gateway='10.0.%s.254' % (ls + 1) )
self.addLink( host, leafSwitch, **linkopts )
class IpHost( Host ):
def __init__( self, name, gateway, *args, **kwargs ):
super( IpHost, self ).__init__( name, *args, **kwargs )
self.gateway = gateway
def config( self, **kwargs ):
Host.config( self, **kwargs )
mtu = "ifconfig " + + "-eth0 mtu 1490"
self.cmd( mtu )
self.cmd( 'ip route add default via %s' % self.gateway )
def config( opts ):
spine = opts.spine
leaf = opts.leaf
fanout = opts.fanout
controllers = [ os.environ[ 'OC%s' % i ] for i in
range( 1, opts.onos + 1 ) ] if (opts.onos) else [
'' ]
topo = LeafAndSpine( spine=spine, leaf=leaf, fanout=fanout )
net = Mininet( topo=topo, link=TCLink, build=False,
autoSetMacs=True )
i = 0
for ip in controllers:
net.addController( "c%s" % (i), controller=RemoteController, ip=ip )
i += 1; )
net.start( )
CLI( net )
net.stop( )
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'info' )
config( opts )
os.system( 'sudo mn -c' )